Monday, August 10, 2009

Zen and the Art of...

Good Morning!

I hope that this week has been productive and fulfilling!

I was conversing with a person a few days ago about target shooting and the discipline required to be consistently accurate...

This past weekend I "surfed" across and stopped at, a television show about "Marksmen." It had the best shooters in the world, doing seemingly impossible shots! One shot in particular was made by an archery expert...who hit a bull's eye after ricocheting the arrow off of 4 walls! It was amazing...even though I know that the shot was made after numerous takes! This guy also hit a falling drop of water at 40 feet!

During an interview with one of the marksmen...he said that "the longbow is like sail planing is to aviation!" It is a purest sport!

That got me thinking!

If The longbow is like sail planing...then

...a spear is like hang gliding...and...
...throwing a rock is like jumping off a cliff!

We could take that in the other direction also!

...A crossbow or a compound bow is like a motor driven plane...
...A pistol or rifle is like a jet...
AND so on!

It is funny how all analogies can be built upon and how inter-connected everything really is!

Let's shift gears for a moment and go back in time!

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance! a book by Robert Pirsig...about a cross-country motorcycle trip, during which the maintenance of the motorcycle becomes an illustration of how we can unify the cold, rational realm of technology with the warm, imaginative realm of artistry. As in Zen, the trick is to become one with the activity, to engage in it fully, to see and appreciate all details--be it hiking in the woods, penning an essay, or tightening the chain on a motorcycle. It concludes that the true appreciation of any aspect of life comes from becoming fully connected with it!

It became VERY popular in the mid-1970's and then fell into a bit of the population became a self centered and lost the global appreciation and perspective. Although an easy touched upon many philosophical subjects such as epistemology and the philosophy of science!

On a superficial stressed the importance of connecting with an activity! On deeper levels it showed how much we miss!

This is a lesson that we all need to be reminded of!

We often (as a mode of self protection) remain detached from our activities...that is a sad state, that leaves us feeling empty after the conclusion of what we are challenged to do!

Finding ways to connect with the activity is a talent! Learning to "seize the moment" (remember "carpe diem?") is the magic that separates truly successful people from those who muddle through life!

How connected are you with your activities?

Have you deluded yourself into believing that "this is just a job...It just funds what I really am..."

It is not true! It is you!

If you have done are keeping yourself from enjoying a major portion of your life...

An interesting point is that you do not have to be seeking out the perfect job...and will be happy when you land should be finding the perfection within what you are doing, NOW!

Buckingham was so right!

What if it was revealed to you that what you did while you were waiting for that opportunity was what you were supposed to be doing...and you missed the gift? How sad!

The message is...



This will separate you from the masses!

You will be unique among the majority of the population who is waiting for that big break!

Your opportunity is in your hands! You have achieved it! Take it and make something of it!

Tomorrow's opportunity may never make an appearance! Today may be all you have!

Grab every ounce of experience that today offers!

There is no rewind button on your life!

Enough said!

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying this...I hope others are reading it also!
