Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life Changing Quotes and Personal Success

Good Morning!

I hope this day dawned for you with an excitement for what is in store!

I know that you set BIG goals for yourself and made them happen! We have learned that success and happiness is in your control. It is a matter of definition,thought (focus) and action...I can say that it is a journey...but I would be misleading you! It is about the end!

Let me put this in a unique (psychological) math equation...

Personal Success = Expectations or Anticipations +/- Actual Results Experienced

When put in this context...we can see that all of the personal success equation is in one's control!

As a result...It is sad when personal success is not commonplace!

When we are not personally successful...we are tempted to blame an external source for failure! Yet let's decompose the equation...

I am not successful...perhaps...
  • Expectations were too high or unrealistic...
  • One did not work hard enough or diligently enough...
  • One did not adjust expectations based upon discoveries...
  • One did not adjust activity based upon discoveries...
  • One felt entitled to success...

The list could be huge...but all of them are inward focused and have nothing to do with the outside world's influence...

I am not advocating that you stand absolutely alone and independent of the world and do not take into account (the world's standards) what the world thinks...that in fact truely helps define success and expectations...

The world has its opinion...but it can not judge! It can not rightfully determine value...that is in your court...and is yours alone...unless you abdicate it!

The world does not have the right to control your happiness! It will try to take it away from you...REFUSE to give it up! Take control of success...define success...establish expectations and work diligently to achieve them...


Enough Said!

I woke today and jumped out of bed...knowing that a VERY unique gift awaited me!

A century cactus is blooming in a pot next to my pool! The reason that it is called a century cactus is that it blooms about once every 100 years...and only under very specific conditions! Moreover, the blooms only open at night and last 1 day! It is a rare event...most would simply miss the event...I have discovered that unique and interesting "rare" events are happening around us continuously...we are often too busy or unaware of them happening! They are gifts that we miss! STOP and notice!

We should all have anxious anticipation for things to come...it is a child-like attribute that we need to protect! All too often, we grow weary or are caloused by life...as a result...waking becomes...just the start of another day!

Success and happiness is in your control!

Do not allow the world to determine if you are a success...

That is your call!


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