Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Good Crisis...

Good Morning!

So many lesson's learned from many things to apply our wisdom to...huh? Sometimes looking back at yesterday is a scary is delightful!

This week has been much more subdued for me (than the prior few)...and I am cleaning up the aftermath from a few crises...the details of them are not important, but the realization that we all have them is!

I was talking with a good friend this week and said...if we are over-worked...we long for boring routine...and if we are bored...we complain about that...WE ARE NEVER HAPPY! As I thought through this...I discovered that this is a symptom of an inward facing perspective...

The more self-centered we become...the more extremes effect us and our attitudes! The more we focus outwardly...the less impact life has on us!


Earlier this month, I attended an executive networking meeting. It had multiple purposes. Among them was the opportunity to "rub shoulders" with some local organizational heads AND the proceeds from it also went to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. You know how I love a WIN/WIN situation...(the genius of the "AND")...

One of the "high-light" was a presentation from an Economist from an investment it were his projections for the next two an added benefit of the "shoulder rubbing" was a learning opportunity...ANOTHER "AND!!!!" This is getting good!

In his presentation, he described Econometrics as the "Dismal Science." Forecasting the future is always bleak! When he put his assumptions on the table and spelled out reality as he saw what he meant...economists by necessity need to focus on every possible depressing!

Here is a recap...

...unemployment is significantly worse that is being communicated. If we are honest with ourselves it is in double digits!

...the recent lift housing sales are is really a reflection of operational definitions...they are really low!

...the bottom line was that we the economy outlook is really bleak and he projects no recovery in the near future...despite what the optimistic economists are saying...(he calls optimistic economists an oxymoron!)...

Dismal yes...but what an opportunity! HUH?

Another presenter quoted, something said at a lunch meeting, by one of the people in attendance..."I hate wasting a good crisis" or something like that!

If taken is a sick sentence...

...but the real truth is found not in the specific words (literal translation)...but in the image that it creates in the minds of optimists!

Crisis is the perfect event, from which change can be effectively initiated...

Think about a crisis situation people are searching for stability (boredom...or at least something they can "count on" in uncertain times)...they are open and receptive and work together towards that single goal! It is a basic human need! We are programed to create patterns!

They are will or are at least open to trying anything (within reason) to get to the end! It becomes a "hunger..."

Great leaders have to "vow to lose it all" in order to be heard and followed...

Great leaders have to "mean what they say" and not simply "spout" nice and "feel good" words...

Great leaders must not only "rise to the occasion" by their very nature they are the catalysts of crisis! They have to "WALK THE TALK!" They can not just sit and say..."we need a hole over there"...they must pick-up a shovel and dig! They have to risk getting dirty! AND more often than not...they get the dirtiest! (Here is another "Genius of the and!")

Great leaders depend on their closest confidants for backing and support...they have to trust that their team will come to the rescue...that is a critical component of their initial vow!

How sad when a leader makes that vow...trusting their team and it doesn't happen! You have probably had that happen if will!


Great message in this song!

I would propose modifying the "crisis" axiom to this..."I never waste the opportunities afforded to me by a good crisis!" or "I never waste what a good crisis can do!"

I like the second one better!

I know that this sounds like a "silver lining" "gag me with a tongue depressor" optimist thing...

Like that..."when life hands you lemons...make lemonade" saying...but let's think about that one...

What if you can't afford sugar?

Then..."When life hands you got something to throw!"

All sarcasm aside...there are things to be extracted from crisis...but it isn't always sweeter!

My advice...DO NOT sit in a pity party for too long...unless they are serving "top shelf" liquor!

Look for all of the opportunities that can be extracted from a good crisis...grab them...clean up the mess that is left over...and move on!

From now on...I will never waste what a good crisis can do!

Enough said...for today!


  1. I always like to say, "When you are going through 'Hell' don't stop to take pictures."

  2. I love that quote! but if you don't all of our friends will just be memories!
