Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Subtle Form of Book Burning...

Good Morning!

This past week I happened upon and read many "news shorts" related to "well meaning" citizens interfering with our educational system...

How are they interfering? 

Why would they do something like that?

Good questions!
Each article discussed an individual's or group's effort to stop a topic being taught in school...

Their rationale for removing a topic WAS NOT that it no longer was relevant...

It was because of BIASES and personal freedom (religious) concerns!

Not one of them was based on some new idea or concept...

This fight is an ongoing drama...

The topics included major efforts to:

Stop teaching certain religions...(specifically Judeo-Christian concepts)

Stop teaching evolution...(specifically Darwinian concepts)

Stop teaching...stop teaching...stop teaching...

I suddenly had an epiphany! 

You will probably tell me that this is one of my "epiphanies of the utterly obvious"

If so...humor me...

If not...then help me spread this message!


Do these people see how destructive that these efforts are?

It is my belief that everything should be everyone!

People wrongly believe that teaching the "wrong things" biases the learner in the wrong direction...

I do not!  Education directs...and when properly positioned...what NOT to know and NOT to believe is just as important as what to know and believe!
Directed and limited education is a narrow view...AND...this belief give too much credence to the perceived power of information!

I know that this doesn't make sense...Let's dive a bit deeper...

If a person or group is concerned that opposing views and opinions threaten their own truth...then their "truth" needs to be questioned what they weak that it needs to be guarded?

Think about it..."Don't teach my kids this because they may begin questioning our beliefs!"

This is not a healthy position to be in!

From my perspective...It is the broad and informed decision that is most often correct...and the most powerful!


Let's make a cliche out of my position...(OK...let's use one of my old cliches)

...If you find yourself in a position that you have to make a do not have enough information...

Can you see that "Focused and controlled education" is biased...and is act...on equal standing with book burning!

Outlawing the teaching of certain topics is no different from burning the materials!

It is an act of bigotry, prejudice and fascism!

Groups and lawyers that are out to stop the presentation of certain topics or materials (I am not including offensive, abusive or immorally/unethical material) are acting no different than the dictators of our past who burned books and killed people for what they taught and/or believed!

Restricting access or presentation to certain pieces of information is BAD!

It is very destructive to our society...


Am I saying that people should be forced to learn?


Restricted education is an open option to people that desire it...

But it is not an option in the public education arena!
It is and should be provided by private schools.

If these people desire that their children are educated in a information controlled environment...then send the children to private schools...

It is WRONG for them to try to push their insecurities on the public...and public education!


What do we do in situations like these?  How do we respond when someone (under the guise of individual rights and "freedom from" arguments) works to restrict our public education?

Our response to people that push the restriction of teaching of certain topics should be...

Isn't that what Hitler did?  Isn't that what Stalin did?  Isn't that what every dictator did?

Let's show the world what those people are really doing...What their insecurities and self-rightousness are doing!

These activities are almost on the same level of educational terrorism...OK...I admit is not terrorism...but an action of that kind of person!

This is about teaching freedom and liberty!  One can not be free if what they know as to be true is filtered and they are living a lie!

If learning about evolution shakes a person's faith...then the faith was weak to begin guess is that learning about advanced math may shake that same person's faith!

Let us NOT allow special interest groups narrow our childrens' education...we need to broaden it with the same fervor as it is being attacked!


Education of our children can not be abdicated!

Parents must play in this arena as well as our teachers!

When a child comes home and questions the family's values because of what they learned...a GOOD PARENT sits and discusses it with them...

My guess is that if there is a meaningful discussion...there will be a change!

Either the child will grow stronger in the family's values...or the family values will change!

How wonderful would that be?

What are these activists really afraid of?


Let's show the world what those "People's Rights attorneys" are doing to us...They are fascist henchmen!

These people want to push their agenda through information is reverse propaganda at its best!

Education is about information...not influence and control...

Education is about informed decisions!

Education is NOT brainwashing!

True education leads to no-brain choice!  There are no decisions where complete information resides!

Enough Said!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why are they Still Here?

Good Morning!

This past week I read some very distressing news items that had a similar thread...

The first news item was of a murder of a woman...the victim of a long-running drama between her and her abusive spouse...

Friends and family reflected on her plight...saying that she had left him multiple times...kicked him out multiple times...the last of which was no more than 6 months before the murder.  Without exception the question that was asked...was, "we didn't know who was more deranged...the abuser or the abused!" 

Another story related the plight of a 92 year-old woman who found herself homeless after her son sold her home of 60+ years out from under her.  He took the money and left her to vacate!  All of this after he had "leeched" her for everything she and her husband had...never working a day in his life...

There was another story of a very public relationship that has "broken-up" another time...the man in question was a chronic "cheater" and a liar...each time he got caught...he would attempt to lie his way out...then admit to learning a lesson that elicited a "life change"  and then he would lie his way back into his spouse's good graces...then he would get caught again...and the cycle of lies and deception would repeat itself...

I actually had 6 others..,that I could reference...but you get the flavor...

The fact of the matter is...all of the individuals in these dramas were sick!  The question that I asked...after the first or second offense..."WHY WERE THEY STILL THERE?"  

Only a fool and a mentally deranged person would invite them back in...!!!


Yesterday I was driving and was thinking about the past couple of years...

I was also looking for a fuel station...

As I drove...I passed a Toyota dealer...and I recalled the arrogance of that company.  It actually reminded me of those abusive relationships...they moved into the US and have taken us for billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars...

They paid no attention to the real US safety...refused to admit any liability and moved back in to the US if nothing happened!

My question...Why are they still here?

I saw a BP station.  The price per gallon of gas was the highest of the stations that I passed...exceeding the others by more than a dime!  I was shocked to see nearly every pump busy!  I felt the urge to stop in and ask the patrons if they remembered the gulf oil spill!

My question...Why are they still here?


Who is more sick?  The abuser who rapes and murders...or the abused who keeps inviting them back?

As Americans...we complain about nearly everything...yet we invite the abusers back into our fold!

Who is more sick...companies like these...or us who invites them back into our economy?

There are companies stealing billions of tax dollars...and we are doing nothing...

There are companies destroying our environment...and we are doing nothing...

Don't you think that it is time for us to be asking...Why are they still here?

Pura Vida!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Persistence and Success

Good Morning!

Success seldom comes to people on their first try...

As I think about real seldom anyone!

The fact of the matter is...that most people actually compromise their initial dreams and settle...

There are a few special individuals who refuse to compromise...and persist despite the messages that life sends them...

Do you know what they are called?


What do that thought mean for us?

If you are not successful on your first try...traditional advice is "Try and try again!"

The world references the persistence of Thomas Edison...and how many different materials he tried before he came upon a useful element for his light is a nice story...but how many other legends reference this type of relentless persistence?

Then there are those who are "lucky"...and by chance happen upon the next greatest mouse trap...

True success and persistence is found in a balance...

But not in a compromise...

One must be smart about what they seek...and also about how they seek it!

There is a duality in seeking persistence...

Let me use a VERY simple example...

A friend is starting a business...

He makes great money when he is working...

But when he is not working (making money) he is working the other side of his equation...

Finding other he can make money!

He is working one side of his success equation or the other...

What he doesn't do is waste time sitting waiting for his next opportunity...

He asks himself...why am I not making money today?

and then he looks at what he did successfully and unsuccessfully....

He does those things that works...stops doing things that didn't work...and tries new things to see what else might work better...

This is not just the success equation for building a business...but also in every endeavor!

There are always 2 sides related to a success journey...

There is the destination side...


The journey side!

This may seem self-evident to many...

Actually I hope so!

During your journey...ask yourself...Are you fully experiencing the success that you aspire for?

If not...then keep working the other side of the equation...

DO NOT persist (in a bullheaded fashion) in efforts that have provided little or no return!

Persistence must be focused...

Thomas Edison was the epitome of persistence...but he was not stupid!  He did not use any material for his light bulb element that didn't work...

If he thought wool would work...and he tested wool over and over...all he would get from his efforts is an absolute confidence that wool doesn't work...

He persisted...but he found what didn't work...and he moved on!

Persistence must be intelligently directed!

Persistence is an attribute related to the goal and not the journey!

Think about it...

The ability to adapt and adjust during the journey is the secret of success...

FOCUS your persistence!

Do not dwell too long on efforts or people or whatever...

that do not return on your investment...


I have days when everything goes great!

I have days when everything fails...

I have days when I want to just quit!

I have days when I can't be stopped!

The fact of the matter is...I persist...not on my journey...but towards my goal!

If I have a day or two that doesn't work...I lick my wounds and remind myself to avoid those situations that hurt!

Success resides in the phrase..."Note to self..."

"Note to more of this...none of this and try this..."

If you must persist on something during your journey...

Persist with "Note to self..."

Enough Said!

Pura Vida!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I DON'T Care Anymore...

Good Morning...Loyal Friends and Readers...

Let's start the update with some music to set the mood and foundation for today's thoughts and challenges...

I am really in a Phil Collins mood!  This also helps set the theme!

This is a bit "darker" than a majority of my posts...

The message is just as important...

It is about the stark reality of life...

And something that all people who aspire for success must learn...or face the utter consequences...

You can only take so much from benefactors,,,without giving in return...

Because if there is no is simply charity...

Charity runs out!

Let me put it another way...

The "Good will" well has a finite reserve...

Once the well is dry...there will be nothing more available...


More distressing...The benefactor(s) stop caring...

When that happens...the LEACH is alone!

I have written that "Thank you" and "IOU" more than rhymes...

When heartfelt and REAL...they are one in the same...

Any favor granted...needs to be recognized as that...

Those who aspire for success live with the mind set of achievement...

"I can and will achieve success...with or without aid and assistance..." is the mantra of one who truly aspires...

Help or assistance simply accelerates the journey...

Thankfulness is a promise of repayment...AND it should NEVER be forgotten!

If "the IOU" is quickly becomes charity for an underprivileged individual...

This leads us to the soul searching question...

Are you repaying the favors granted...or are you a beggar?

Have you forgotten the many superficial "thank you's" that you dealt out?

Do you realize that your well is running dry?

It is inevitable...

It is a fact of life...

Are you putting back as much or more to ensure your future?

At some point you could find yourself quite thirsty...

You know what a leach out of water looks like?

Enough said...

Do the ones that anymore?

I bet that it is not their fault!

Pura Vida!