Saturday, August 1, 2009

Revisiting the "Not so Distant Past"

I know that many of you have seen this one...but what a way to start a "New Chapter" in our Lives!

Bet you didn’t expect this one! I have been sending updates for over a year…so I can’t just let it stop without the closing note!

So you are getting a different kind of update!

First…it is the shortest one that I ever wrote…I guess I am still speechless!

Second…this one is a combination of music and video…AND my thoughts in the form of words…so you need to do this on your PC, with the sound cranked!

This time I am presenting the story to you in 3 other languages…or am I? (This is my last mental challenge for you!)

Enough Said…onward!


Let me say that I am proud to know you as individual friends and as a Team! I would like to believe that the team will always be together…Even if it is simply for drinks and a celebration of life!

This time though…you have to buy! LOL!

At one time…I envisioned seeing this…I hope to see it some place!!!

I hope that during the video…you put your hands up…for me!

It doesn’t get much better Klassical music and Canye! (Whoops I switched the consonants!)

Circle of Rebirth

Some very good friends and guides took me beyond the superficial message and taught me the REAL lessons of the phoenix…the mythical bird that rose from the fires…utter destruction and failure…

I also learned long ago that in order to enter a new world…a new dimension…one must die and be reborn! I am treating this as a rebirth! Remember that people do not oppose change…they fear loss!

Look again at the tesseract…it may take on a new meaning…perhaps shadows are closer to reality than the substance that we hold to…

But it is that single fear that detracts us from a chance to rise to a new level of existence!
Wait to you see what comes from this transition!

No baggage!

Lessons learned!

Exit Strategies!

I could go on for a long time! But I can say with all confidence that I have taken the high road! For that reason…It does never hurts!

I will not miss the discipline of Lessons Learned!

More to come for me!


Enough Said! Except for the words of this song…

It’s the journey!

That’s what it is all about!

This is the last update in this form…so your lives will become more normal too! (NORMAL? I never liked NORMAL!)

I shared some of my deepest thoughts and insights with you! I made a game of them for your entertainment…making the pill easier to swallow!

I hope that my thoughts changed you a bit…or made you understand yourself a bit more! Or made you laugh!

Think back! There is a forest worth of seeds planted…they simply need to be cultivated, watered fertilized and pruned! There is an entire world waiting to grow…an Eden!

Much Needed Rest!

There are times that one gets running so fast and furious that they forget to take a moment to rest! This is a time for rest and reprioritization! I worked hard to ensure that we would never be in a position to fail! I paid a price…but it was worth it! Look at what you have!

Someone said to me that I leave “bread crumbs!”

I drew lines…I left loaves! Bread crumbs are small and easily missed! That was for later in our deployment! The substance of what was pulled together in this short period of time will provide many years of work for you! By then I hope that you will be able to see what is next! The “form” of what can be is still way out there! I stood among those forms and they are good, true and beautiful!

A problem with having seen them is that it spurs more furious and focused efforts! Some times being blind is a good thing…because you reside in a perceived bliss and are not motivated to run faster! That is a decision!

Be careful and watch each others’ steps and your backs…the machine was designed to do this…it is like a precision dress watch! Something as basic as a drop of water can wreck havoc on it! I am not there to ensure that you remain focused and keep you ticking!


Never run headlong into the dark…there could be surprised that a wall or a cliff is just beyond your ability to see!

Be smart…Sitzen Denken!

Ponder the possibilities before action…the unidentified possibility is often the demon. They hide by their very nature!

Of all of the coaching opportunities that I was given and of all of the messages that I tried to convey…this is the real madness behind all of my messages! If you have learned one thing from me…I hope it is this…and it can not be said any better than from the clip from one of my favorite movies!

So…Let me close with this…

My friends!!!!!

Pura Vida!

I love you guys!

Enough Said!

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