Friday, September 24, 2010

Lessons From Infants

Good Morning!

Every week is filled with new lessons to learn...

That is just one of the elements that creates a successful and fulfilled life...

I realized that this week...that among my my greatest teachers and mentors...the ones that stand out...

...are infants!

Yes...I learn so much from them!

It isn't so because they are pure and innocent...

In actuality...the exact opposite is true...

They are helpless...but they are programmed to be the epitome of selfishness!

It is not that I aspire to that fact I strive to be the exact opposite...

But within the self-serving behaviors...there are things that we can learn!

The one thing that stands out as I write the ability to communicate without words!

Their helplessness actuality "forces" the listener to work diligently to figure out exactly what they are trying to tell us!

"If the kid could only would be so much easier...

...but...I'll figure it out..."

Every parent has said that phrase!


Commitment and loyalty drives an individual to do so...

After words can be spoken to each other...the effort to truly understand wanes...HOW SAD!

There is a song that I like...and a line in it goes...

"You say it best...when you say nothing at all..."

We tend to over-talk...and under-communicate!

Life and our needs are not that complex...yet we assume that we have spoken clearly and that the messages are heard!

"Except that you become like little children..."  is an interesting concept that takes on some interesting challenges for us!

Try communicating messages without words...written or spoken...

This is a aspect of humankind that is much needed and yet so under-developed...

It is an exercise that should be constantly honed by those who strive to be effective and efficient!

People can get the message (the spoken or written words) and they can refuse it...but if they get the meaning...they'll never lose it...

If you wish to be effective in this world...look for lessons learned...

Discipline yourself and practice...

Just because it is only used by infants...doesn't mean that when you are an discard fact this may be something that we should never grow out of...

Success requires clear communication...

Whether the message is...

I need help...or...

I want to help...

It needs to be understood...

Although this is written...I do hope that you get the message!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Pura Vida!

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