Thursday, October 1, 2009

Revisiting an New "Old Friend"

Good Morning!

AND what a glorious morning it is!

One of the things that I miss while writing the Weekend Updates is noting and complimenting the work of those who I dealt with on a daily basis. What I do know is that each of them are still doing great and glorious things...I just can't point them out like I did in the past! to everyone...please accept my meager "GOOD JOB!" for the work that you have done this past week! You make me proud!

Shifting Gears!

For those who were receiving my email versions of the Weekend Updates, in the past, you'll recall my use of my good friend and helper, "Random Robot" or "Randy." Randy was my automatic pool cleaner and was referenced often when I talked about the special and random influences on success of a process. Randy was the perfect example of a machine with a specific purpose that utilized the randomness of its environment to its advantage.

When I moved from my previous home to the current one, Randy stayed at the first residence's pool and when I looked into the new pool, I was introduced to a new working relationship...

Yes, the new pool cleaner had a new name. His real name was Barracuda. That name was a bit to "fishy" for I personalized it to Barry!

Let me tell you a bit about the new cleaner...

Barry was a step up from Randy! Barry was significantly simpler in design yet more sophisticated!

Randy had many moving parts...Barry had only one!

Barry accomplished his task of cleaning the pool bottom and added the pool walls to his mission! Barry did what Randy did...only better and MORE of it! Barry redefined pool cleaning from my perspective!

Barry was less directed by "random influences" than Randy.

I liked what Barry does...and he has taught me new lessons about "random" influences.

Now that everyone is up to speed on my "old-old" friend and my "new-old" friend! Let's get down to thinking!

I believe that there is a GRAND and (almost infinitely nested) regression equation into which EVERYTHING exists.

Most people knowingly or unknowingly believe this! But they get fixated on the fact that everything MUST fit into this equation and miss the fact that REGRESSION is more than a series of numbers in an equation, but that each number has an influence factor...

That means the amount of influence that some factors have on the grand scheme is big...but most have a minute amount of influence (minimal) or in most cases...inconsequential! Yet... they have to exist...

That means that (in a binary case) whether it is one way or another doesn't matter, but it must be present. People become arrogant thinking that they must make the right decisions so as not to negatively effect the regression...when all that matters is the existence of the element.

That leads to another interesting thought...are there really decisions? (options?)

Given what I just said...I think not!

Although that sounds VERY fatalistic...the existence of an REAL option, during a decision is an illusion. All of the significant factors leading up to the decision point has effected the outcome! This means that any decision is predetermined by the sum total of the past...and we delude ourselves into believing that we could have chosen otherwise! Think about could never have opted other than you every decision that you have ever made! Believing that you just a mind play! Even if you changed your mind...that was predetermined by the past elements in your equation.

I know that this is very deep and in most totally meaningless...but we have to realize that most of what we are and what we do has no impact upon to THE BIG PROCESS! This GRAND regression equation is extremely robust...our influence upon it is inconsequential. As a factor...we are basically nothing!

Barry has taught me that!

Randy's effectiveness used to be influenced by a breeze blowing across the pool's surface and moving the suction hose...Barry is no more influenced by a breeze or a hurricane! Barry holds tight to the pool's the point that he can crawl up the vertical sides of the pool!

Water temperature use to effect the speed of Randy...Barry moves at the same rate independent of the water temperature!

In building our processes or building our decisions...we should do what the engineering world has done between the creation of Randy and Barry...

A pool cleaning robot was and is a great concept! To accomplish the task (initially) it was required that Randy was engineers began questioning the REAL goals of a pool cleaner and the influencing factors...they were able to reduce the system to one moving part!

This was accomplished through questioning reality!

We need to do this with the processes that we work with...many are built with "way too many" moving parts! They are Randys!

An interesting thing about Randy was that due to his complexity...I was always fixing him...

Barry (so far) just goes whenever he is turned on...and he can be trusted to accomplish his task in a portion of the time that it took for Randy...without monitoring or repair...or tweaking or follow-up!

Imagine a process or a task that you could assign and trust that it will be accomplished totally as expected EVERY TIME! Imagine you job without risks! It is a cool thought...and possible!

So now you are asking..."if everything is predetermined by the Grand regression equation...why even do anything...?"

That answer is simple...

Because it matters!

This appears as a contradiction to everything that I previously said...but it isn't!

Your reading this Weekend Update added to the regression equation...and will influence the future decisions...

That means that PARTICIPATION in the equation is necessary!

You do not know the level of influence your participation has on the grand scheme...but you do know that it is a required element! Everything you do adds to the equation and the future.

I simply want to get you thinking a bit differently about reality!

Enough said!

Wrapping up!

I finished "roughing out" book #4 yesterday! It is entitled "The Perfect Machine." I never thought it possible (for me) to write a 50 page book in 4 months...let alone 3 other 100 page+ books!

The reason for mentioning this is that we can achieve many things seemingly beyond our reach if we envision it and focus upon its achievement!

I built a website for the "Boy Scout" book...which was entitled "Winning by the Rules"

It is still a bit under construction...but if you are interested in seeing it...

The day is great...

Dreams are possible and another picture on my vision board is about to move from paper to reality!

How are yours doing?

Refuse to muddle about in mediocrity...make your dreams real!

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