Monday, October 12, 2009

Leadership and Looking Backward...

Good Morning....

It is Monday...and I apologize for not having your Saturday morning reading available!

I know that it is not a critical part of your morning any longer...but it is to me...

I believe that following through on commitments is a critical part of an effective character...and at the foundation of real integrity...

I can only imagine the great and glorious things that you are doing...and I applaud your efforts!

This is the most praise I can give...if you feel like you have done your best last week...take it!

Shifting gears (from 1st to 2nd)

I have been putting the finishing touches on a presentation that I am making to an organization that is financially sound, yet encountering a few internal issues due to the economy. It really is a condition that is commonplace, to some extent, in any organization the is struggling to survive!

People get quite used to the benefits and perks of "upswings" and feel that those benefits are deserved even in the downturns...

Many times the best that an organization can do in times like these is survive...and the employees should be grateful for that...many times it would be much easier to simply "throw in the towel" and call it quits!

More often than not, however...their "entitlement" drives organizations to their is the improper use of the genius of the "AND."

It is saying..."I am grateful my company is surviving...AND I want the benefits that I got when it was doing well!

It is sad!

These thoughts have lead me to an "oldy but a goody!" The Serenity Prayer...which is credited to a theologian named Reinhold Neibuhr.

I studied him in depth quite a while back...and was very intrigued by his positions...

Removing as much of the "religious under-tones" as I is what he is credited with...saying or praying...

"...grant me the serenity... accept the things I can not change;
...courage to change the things I can;
...and the Wisdom to know the difference."

Whether one calls this a goal or a of little consequence...

What is important is that we strive for this...

What is it that we should be striving for?

The answer is simple...COMMON SENSE!

This is simply a realization that we are people of limited resources and capability...

We need to THINK before acting!

A "bias for action" can be one of the most detrimental traits in a person...and it WILL destroy the lives of many people if not blended with thought...


Think through the total equation before acting! You know what is CAUSING know the EFFECTS...but have you thought out the IMPACTS, before you opened your mouth or acted?

Shifting Gears (from 2nd to 3rd)

Life's successes are a result of properly timed collisions...

True leadership recognizes that most collisions are inevitable and can not be avoided...the most that we can do (as leaders) is control their timing...

If you can not control when they happen...stay out of the middle...lest you'll become a casualty!

True leadership is thoughtful action...and control of events...

Acting and then asking for forgiveness is an infantile trait...(yet I am amazed that something like this is lauded!)

Remember that a true leader NEVER leaves a path of destruction or casualties...a portion of any decision should include "fixing" the impacts of the past screw-ups...

If you are not doing have only half the leadership equation...

Learn this lesson before you have to spend most of your time fixing your mistakes...

Shifting Gears (from 3rd to 4th)

I have often made the mistake of seeing more in a person than they are capable of...

As a result...I am disappointed by them...and feel betrayed...when I should realize that it was my expectations that lead to the betrayal! I should have seen them for their true level of COMMON SENSE!

I just wrote...

"...I have yet to understand why the rarest and most highly prized of all human virtues, is called COMMON sense..."

Common Sense is Wisdom is disguise! I know of few people who actually possess it...

It is one of the deepest desires of my heart...yet...I find that the more of it that I receive...the more of it I need!

Perhaps that is why...

The person that I most often get disappointed in is myself...

This leads me to a variant on the Serenity Prayer...that I really like...

...grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change
courage to change the one I can change,
and wisdom to know it’s me.

Enough Said...

Downshifting...(from 4th to 1st)


Before I could get into the "top gears," I have arrived at today's destination!

Let's look at the equation for REAL leadership in "black and white."

Leadership Success = Intended Results + Reparation

We often celebrate the achievement of the intended results and forget that people were hurt along the journey!

If that is the case...then you have a VERY narrow view of success...

Do not fall victim to narrow management!

At any given moment look backwards and see who has suffered as a result of your lack of insight (wisdom)...and do not simply say..."I am sorry!"

The victim of your oversights cares little about your bad feelings!


That is true leadership!

Have a great week!

A good leader spends as much time looking backward as they do looking forward!

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