Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Writer's Responsibility

Good Morning!

It's the weekend...something that nearly everyone looks forward to!

Why is this so?

Usually because the week is full of...

...stuff that you have to do...
...stuff that you do not want to do...
...stuff that is unfulfilling...
...stuff not aligned with your passions...
...stuff that is not you, your dreams or aspirations...

The weekend is a time to get away from those things that drain you and your energy...

What do you do with your weekend?

Sleep in?
Hide from reality?


Are you taking steps to make next week more fulfilling...and more in line with what you really desire in life?

Are you taking the available time to make a difference in the single most important person...YOU!

Are you in control and attempting to take control over your destiny?

Are you writing your legend?


Have you simply surrendered to being a just another member of "I wish, but can't...because" club?

Statistics has played a devious game with us...

We are always a statistic!

Depending on which aspect of our life it is...we qualify to be some statistic...

In other words, we are placed somewhere along the "bell curve."

That is an interesting mental picture...we reside somewhere on the bell!

Think about that...the vast majority resides around the mean (which is like the city center)...then as you get further from the any direction...the population drops get to a place where it is uninhabitable...a vacuum!

Where do you live (on that bell)? Where do you want to live (on that bell)?

Depending on which city (characteristic)...the closer to the city...the better...

In other cases...get as far away from the city as the air allows!

Sounds like a father's advice...and you already knew that! Take your house where you want to build your house...take up residency and refuse to move...don't sit and let someone else...who doesn't care about you...tell you what to do...and where and how to live!


Enough said!

I arose early...thinking not about fatherly advice or bell curves...

But specifically what a writer's responsibility is to be...

I think that I have distilled it into one sentence...

A writer's responsibility is to plant new words and ideas in the minds and hearts of his/her audience.

It is a interesting challenge!

To first gather an audience...sow seeds that will change them...and under the chosen constraints of their method of communication...not just lay the seed on the surface of their lives (where a moderate breeze can blow it away)...but push it deep into their soil where it can sprout into their own personal fruit!

A writer is a farmer...but not in the complete sense of the term...

Just the planting part!

Better put...a writer is a sower!

Shifting gears...

"Same old...same old..." most often has a bad connotation...

"Same old...same old..." can take on an entirely different meaning when the "same old" is just what you want to be doing!

"OH...come back to reality...real life isn't like that!"

The reality is that we let life do this to us!

The reality is that we let work take control of our week...leaving us just the scraps (the weekend!)...we have allowed ourselves to be deluded into thinking it is OK...

There have been glorious times when the week was what we wanted to be doing...

There were times when you couldn't wait for Monday...and that the weekend was a barrier to cool things!

Get them back!

Enough said!

Have a great a glorious weekend!


Change your week!

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