Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Have You Found Your "Cause?"

Good Morning!

Happy Labor day!

For many people...this is simply just another day away from "work!" This may be a good or bad thing...

For the astute...it is some time to take a moment to assess "what you are" and "who you are"...without interruptions...

Is "what you are doing"...what you want to be doing? If it is...are you doing it the way you want to be doing it?

Is it the environment you want to be doing it in?

Interesting questions...

Human nature is interesting in this regard...

People seek comfort and desire stability...so they seek "worlds" that are predictable and familiar...

If those worlds are the worlds that they want to be in...GREAT! But in a majority of the time...it is not what they want!

The strange thing...is that these same people...do nothing to make their worlds better...they simply submit to "that's the way it is!" and go on complaining quietly...or worse yet...abdicate to life and stop complaining whatsoever!

"Awwww...that is just the way business is...or it's different now..not better or worse...just different..."

How sad it is to hear those phrases!

It is the talk of the weak and submissive...those who lack backbone or the internal integrity to make a difference!

Harsh words? Yes...but I too, assess my work, my motivations and objectives...I have fierce conversations with my self, that are often "just what I do not want to hear!" Yet I know that there is no better person to have them with...than yourself...if it pushes you and elicits actions to make a difference!

The most telling question about yourself is this one..."Whose fault is it?"

If there is any inkling of someone or something other than yourself in the response...then the answer is probably wrong!

Take the reins and make what you want the way you want it! No one really cares! It is your life! It is your work...It is quite egotistical to think that we have significant influence much beyond our immediate sphere!

You are the master of your happiness...do not abdicate your happiness to an illusion...or put it into the hands of someone who does not really have your best interests in mind!

So how do we get happy? By doing what we want to do...the way we want to do it!

Simple equation huh?

Find a "cause" and go after it with everything you have...

It does not have to be something like "feeding dying children in some obscure part of the world"...a great cause...yes...but that is not what I mean by "cause!"

A "cause" is your mission...what you want to do...AND...how you want to do it...

It is your dream fulfilled...

It is your REAL meaning...

Think about that...if your mission is REALLY you...are you going to allow someone to compromise it...or use it or laugh at it...or downplay it... NO!

It is YOU...

This is what Labor day should be about...recognizing our labors and the integrity with which we accomplished what we have!

Did we hurt people along the way?

Did we lie?

Did we fail to meet promises?

Are we who we say we are?

Labor Day is for Laborers...not "Users!"

Yet they continue to reap the benefits of our labor! WHY...because we whimper...fear and compromise ourselves, our integrity, and our very beliefs for a lesser good!

I love the parable of the "Good Samaritan." It is about a guy who was beaten and robbed and left to suffer in a ditch...many pious people walked by...turning their faces to their real calling...then a lowly guy...A Samaritan (for those who do not know...a Samaritan was not regarded very highly by that ancient society)...saw the fellow and picked him up...and tended to his wounds and so on...

You do not have to be a religious person to grab the lesson of this story...

At any moment we are walking down paths...and the ditches are littered with people who need help...and comfort...

Yet we turn..."it is not my fight..." we say...

"I am too busy..."

"I have more important things to do..."

Your integity is tested and shown by situations just like that!

Who you really are shines like a light house!

Ask youself...Laborer or User?

"I am more political savy than that..." we may think...BUT...


Labor Day is for Laborers...not Users!

Do not allow them to reap the benefits of your work!


Have you found "Your Cause?"

Have you looked?

Really looked?

Where do I start?

It is something that is already there within you...

Be Yourself

Enough NOT said!

Have a Happy Labor day!

You have earned it!

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