Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is it Worth it?

Good Morning...

It was written thousands of years ago...

"...nothing is new under the sun..."

Our narrow existence often deceives us into believing that our situation is unique and specially created by and for us...

Nothing is further from the truth...although we would like to believe that!

Even though the world appears as a VERY complex and interrelated system, it is controlled by a simple set of rules.

Exceptions to those rules are also few...

Real genius is found in the identification of the specific law AND its limitations.

Then using that insight to be more successful...

Seek the essence of things and you'll find your path easier to tread...


That was just a thought that I had the other day...

I was looking at the number of clicks and the payback for my weekly work on the numerous blogs that I maintain...

I am making less than 25 cents per week...and I had to ask myself..."Is it worth it?"

Why should I be spending my time motivating others...with no payback?

It was depressing...

I could take the time and focus it more on personal and career advancement...

I could focus more time on my family...

Heck I could take naps with a greater ROI!


I can't do that!

My passion is about making meaningful and significant differences in the lives of individuals and subsequently in the performance of organizations.

Passion and Talent persists despite the cost and the return...

My message to you...and an acid test of true passion and talent...

Would you do what you are doing whether or not you got paid to do it?

Sure we need to eat and have a place to live...and a car to drive...and clothes...

Passion transcends that...and you'll find a way to manifest your passion in some form or another...

Check your passion...

and use this test to check to see if what you are doing is truly worth your effort...

If it isn't seek another course in life...

Life is too tenuous to waste time not pursuing your passion...

Enough Said!

I wanted to see how far we have come...

Look at my first you!

Click This Link and then come back! seems like yesterday!

The passion that I had then has only grown and focused...

I have taken my time to hone my thoughts and act on my dreams...

I looked at the vision board that I created a mere 9 months ago and guess what?

It is more that half complete!

I will not alter it until it is fully realized!

You are part of my vision...

Having you read my blogs and apply my rambling thoughts to your part of what I am about...

Is it worth it?


Enough Said!

1 comment:

  1. I earnestly felt this message was for me directly. But, reading through all your blogs it becomes very clear that you have a mindset for the ages and for everyone...a Renaissance man with talents to inspire and guide in many valuable ways (e.g., renaissance man:a person who excels in multiple fields...). Thanks for putting things in perspective, crisp and clear perspective. Keep it up, sensei.
