Saturday, October 11, 2014

Passion Peddlers

Throughout most of history there have arisen individuals who have intuitively found the prevailing need of the time and sold their "secrets" to anyone who was naive enough to pay for it!

Snake oil salesmen...

Patent medicines...

Spiritual Gurus...

and the list goes on!

I can't fault these people for trying to make a living,,,especially if they truly believed in what they were selling...but most probably knew that it was a lie!

Today is not any different!

We are constantly bombarded with individuals who profess to knowing the secrets of success and the share them in their seminars and in their books...for money!

My question is...Are they any difference than the "confidence salespeople" of bygone eras?

Probably not!

Passion and Dreams...

Find your passion...

Dream your dreams...

These critical elements of success sound good...but I think that they are simply marketing words that appeal to the largest segment of a world in need.

The world hungers for better...

I would think that only insane people would answer the question, "Do you want a better life?" with the answer, "No!"

People can sell passion and dreams and get people to pay big bucks for them...because there is little risk to their money back guarantee!

If a dream doesn't wasn't the seller's fault,,,it was the wrong dream!

Passion always the buyer blew it!

And the passion peddler jumps back into his or her wagon and rides to the next town!

Let's Get Real

I do agree that a person needs to be passionate about what they are pursuing,,,but it is not a critical component,

Passion helps...

Passion has made many people successful, but not every successful person has been passionate!

Passion is an emotion...

If a person sits passionate about something and does nothing...they are no better than a blob of slime that washes up on a coastal beach...(I stepped in one was gross!)

Successful people may or may not have passion, but they all have properly guided direction...sometimes that direction comes from within (their plans and thoughts) other times the direction comes through the advice of a friend or mentor or life coach.

That direction is meaningless also without action...

ACTION is the real first step in success...forget about the passion thing...start doing something and learn to love what you are doing!

Many lives are wasted looking for the right thing to do!

Stop Dreaming!

For decades I have seen "dreaming" touted as a critical element of success...

Dreams are for night time...when you are asleep...with your eyes closed...and you are oblivious to what is going on around you!

The passion peddlers can spin dreaming all they want...but I have never woke up from a dream and found my plight in life any better,,,

The best that I can say about dreaming is that I woke up and had to use the restroom!

Dreams are good...they serve a psychological purpose...

But what made my day better was dreaming the night away, opening my eyes, seeing reality for what it really is, getting out of bed and doing something!

Gee...seems like no matter how you look at always goes back to action!

Ask a passion peddler..."If I do what you are saying...I have a 100% guarantee that I will achieve my goals...right?"

Then ask for a 10X my money back if it doesn't work!

Make them put their money where their dreams and passion are!

A person could become a millionaire holding passion peddlers to their promises!

But I think a vast majority will show their true colors if put to the test!

I recently got a phone call from a fellow promoting investing in rare gems!

I asked him if he did this for a living!

He said yes for 25 years!

I asked why?

He seemed confused!

I explained that if the stuff he was selling was such a great investment, why didn't he get loans on everything he had and invest in these sure things!

If he did that he should have been retired long ago and not selling investments...

He sat quiet and then hung up without another word!

He could have, at least, said thank you for ruining his life!

Passion Peddlers are found in every facet of our lives...they grab on to the "want" of the present and sell easy ways to obtain them...

Success and happiness are not made of iron...

There is no way to attract either!

The law of attraction is a marketing ploy no different than drinking a certain beer will make you more popular!

The answer is simple...if you want success and happiness... have to do the right things at the right time...

You can figure it out and do it...or... can get directions from someone and do it!

In either is about action...DO IT!

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