Saturday, May 5, 2012

How many "Senses" do you Possess?

Good Morning!

Believe it or not...I have been focused on teaching...

One of the classes that I have now taught multiple times is psychology...

One of the specific lectures was focused on "The Senses"

The lecture begins with the question..."How many senses does a "fully functioning" human" possess?

I find (almost without exception) that the answer that I receive is..."5"

If I give the class a look of disappointment...The number increases to "6" and they reference ESP as the "sixth sense."

At this point in the lecture...they begin demanding the correct answer...and I play with them for a few minutes...asking questions related to looking inwardly and becoming aware of things that they sense that transcends what they sense with their eyes...ears...fingers...nose and mouth...

Guess what?

With a little bit of prodding and directive thinking...they discover the other 2 for themselves...

That's right...normally functioning human beings possess 7 senses!

Hearing - The ability to detect variation in sound and interpret it...
Sight - The ability to detect variation in light and interpret it...
Taste - The ability to detect solid chemical compositions and interpret them...
Smell - The ability to detect gaseous chemical compositions and interpret them...
Touch - The ability to detect physical interactions and interpret them...

That's 5...what about the other 2?

No...Extra-Sensory Perception does not count among the remaining 2!

They are:

Kinesthesis - The ability to detect the position and motion of parts of one's body and interpret them...

Vestibular - The ability to detect the "uprightness" of one's body and respond to it...

This is a great piece of trivia...but...

So what?

Awareness of these "facts" helps establish an understanding of ourselves and potential application to activities that lead to meaningful and significant differences in our lives...



You either have been thinking...

"Tell me something that I didn't know..."


"What does this matter in the scheme of things?"

It is because life is simply a replication of patterns of success!

Mother Nature has a simple method...that which repeats and adds to...


That which doesn't work..."she" quickly and effectively stops!

From a Mother Nature perspective...that is how we went from a simply combination the primordial a "self-gathering and self-sustaining single cell" to a human being...

The fact of the matter is...we are not an apex organism...Mother Nature is not yet done with us......or...Life on a whole!

Success will occur, despite our best efforts at doing what we want to do and standing in its way!

It is our "stupidity" that "tests" Mother Nature's creations...but...

...Rest assured...she stops STUPID quickly...

If it doesn't make her work better...she doesn't waste her time!

Remember that Successes are repeated...failures are discarded!

This FINALLY takes us to the "So What?"

The 7 senses are an example of a successful evolution!

My guess that Mother Nature tried other senses (what I will probably never know)...and...

They didn't work!

...and at this point in our species' development...this is what we have to work with!

Because...given our current environment and challenged to is the 7 senses are what works!

Since they work...perhaps we can look at them and apply what we know into other aspects of our existence!


The Senses of the Successful...

Over time...Mother Nature had found a a successful combination of senses...

As far as we know there are no more...but let's not forget that there may be more planned...

But for now...this is what we have to work with!

The 7 senses are positioned as the foundation for human (perhaps every complex creature's) ability to survive in this or their environment...

If we consider "success" as another world (or environment) trying to live on Mars...we may be able to learn something!

To be successful we need to be aware of our "success senses" and optimize their use!


Upcoming Submissions...

I just realized that I have written quite a bit today!

More than I had promised...

Over delivering is often as bad as under-delivering or not delivering at all!

Think about what I just is also important to success...and another topic!

Over the course of the next 7 weekends...the Weekend Update (WEU) will focus on one of the success senses at a time!

They will parallel our human senses...but will give you insight into the elements of success that we often overlook!

As it is with a human being...not using a sense causes it to atrophy...

Even more important...not having one of the senses...handicaps and individual...just like not having sight makes life more difficult for a "blind" person!

These are things to think about...

I am finding this journey VERY interesting and I can tell you that it is already changing my life!

Have a great weekend!

Life is good!


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