Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Reinventing yourself" MUST be a Daily Activity

Over the course I have come across many people who have euphemistically stated to me that they are "reinventing themselves..."

What they are really saying is that they got caught in a position of apathy with their own value to others (including companies) and found that they no longer could find gainful employment.  It was a nice way of admitting that they can't find a job!

This hit home recently when I was talking with an individual that was teaching mathematics.  This person has a resume (CV) that is absolutely amazing!  We talked about the background and experiences...the awesome assignments and accomplishments.  I was impressed!  Then I asked..."with all of these amazing things...why are you teaching?"

I expected a cool answer like "because I wish to share this with others..."

But what I got was..."this was all I could get!"

I was dumbfounded!

This person went on to explain that they had rested on their abilities...and refused to advance with the times...

Now..."when I interview for even an entry level engineering position...the question is asked...Can you use such and such software system...I have to answer no...I can do it all by hand...and a novice gets the job over me!"

The conversation went deeper and this person confessed that "the writing was on the wall!"

It seems that over the course of an exemplary career...the time to deliver amazing products was falling behind expected delivery goals!   Finally the company could not afford to wait and chose to sever the ties!

This is extreme situation...but it made me sit back and take stock of areas in my own life where I may not be keeping up!

Everyone has these areas in their life...places that we depend on...and we take them for granted and stop growing!

Then we wake up and find that we are no longer needed!

The question then becomes...What should we do?


Should we be reinventing ourselves?

The answer is YES!

Reinvention is a necessary part of life!

If we are not constantly assessing ourselves...and what we are truly capable of relative to the outside world...we will find ourselves way behind...and perhaps in a position where we are only worth 1/10th of what we were being paid a year ago!  "Yes that is what the math teacher person found!"

Reinvention is not an event but an ongoing process...

I believe that it is often too late to wait...

REMEMBER that "The greatest mistake that a person can make is not starting..." and in this situation...let's add...and not staying the course!

If you desire to stay on top...assess and reinvent...YOURSELF...

Become the learning and adaptation machine that you were designed to be...

Pura Vida

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