Sunday, September 11, 2011

UNITED States?

Good Morning...

Although this may sound like I am going to be ranting on our society or our political system...I am not...

My thoughts this week have been focused on our Quantum Obligation and our individual responsibility to our society...

If you will recall...the Quantum Obligation is the responsibility that we each have to leave EVERY moment (event) better for our having been a participant...

The behavior of our politicians is really a symptom of a larger and more deeply embedded issue...

We should learn some VERY important lessons from their behavior...that will directly affect our personal success and fulfillment/happiness.


Let's look for this lesson...

Partisan politics has a place within our system...but it should only be allowed to go so far...

This is not unlike our efforts to travel our road to success...

Our elected representatives have a goal or goals...

Just like we do!

The goals should be politics-free...if they are really aligned with "well being" of our country in mind...

Hmmmmm...what can we learn from the prior statement...?

Their politics should only be focused on how (the process) through which the goal is obtained...

Have you had a glimmer yet?

Think of how much different our country would be if each session of congress would adhere to the Quantum Obligation and leave the country better at the close of each session!

Instead...their politics are laced with so on...

This type of activity ALWAYS leaves them short of the goal!

We should see the sessions united and not arguing about the goals...

We (and they) know what we need!

There should be no arguments on this...

They should simply working on deciding on the process of achieving the goals...

The path that takes us closer to the goal should be from political compromise and petty arguments...

If unemployment is an issue...and the solution is to get more jobs...then the sessions should be around making the case from each perspective on "how to get more jobs" and the winner of the debate is the side that made the best case....not the one who made the best deals...and not the one who simply "strong-armed" and threatened...

Congress and the President should be UNITED...towards these ends...


Isn't our first name "UNITED?" as in United States?

Shouldn't we be deciding who our elected representatives be based upon their performance and behavior?

Based on their ability to act in the best interest of our first name?

Are they acting in our best interest and UNITED on that front...or are they acting in the best interest of their party?


The United States was intended to be an exclusive club...

Let's visit the Statue of Liberty and read the Plaque that resides in the inside of the statue

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus, 1883

The UNITED States was and is a refuge...


...The tired...the poor...the huddled masses who long for freedom...and the homeless...

They all have one thing in common...


They (we) are UNITED in hope...

Not a blind hope...or trust in a hollow promise...

We are a CLUB of Hopeful people who are willing to act on a UNITED front to support each individual to obtain their hopes and aspirations...and be free from the infringement of others upon our own rights and ours on theirs... 

We have lost that vision...

We welcome everyone into our exclusive club...

We have allowed individuals into our midst who do not deserve the right to live in freedom...

It is their behavior and actions that prove their unworthiness...not some unfounded prejudice...

We then feel that it is our responsibility to either put up with the "less desirable" traits...or "foot the bill" to keep them isolated from our prison...

It saddens me to see individuals who are not appreciative of membership in the UNITED States...

It is not just those who have immigrated and taken the oath of citizenship...but those who were born here and feel like they can behave any way they want...THE ENTITLED!

We as individuals should all behave as model citizens...

And the higher call...(an elected representative)...should model...the highest of model behavior!

It is our obligation to hold our elected representatives accountable...and even before that...find representatives that will "act" consistently at the higher calling...

That is what our Founding Fathers had for the UNITED vision...

And they acted as such and believed that those who followed would do the same!


This Standard is universal...

Too often we compartmentalize standards of behavior...

It is easy to only see our responsibility as a citizen or a politician...AND...

Not see the lesson contained...within...for us as individuals...

We are citizens of this country...and should act responsibly as a citizen...

It is our Quantum Obligation as a citizen to leave EVERY moment better for having been a participant...

This also holds true within our personal lives...

We have specific goals and objectives...

These goals and objectives should be free from "personal politics."

Each goal should be a "win/win" for all involved within "the event."

If an individual "wins" at the expense of another and "the event" is exited with loss...

The real value of the individual's activity needs to be questioned...

Was it really in the best interest of the event...or self-serving...

We have much to learn about "Quantum Obligation" and its role...

Many will not see the lessons...because of the blindness of the "me generation"

These individuals have lost the power of a UNITED effort...

It often takes a catastrophe or an emergency to shake them into reality...

We can wait for that time...or we can learn one of the lessons that "Madam History" wants us to learn...


REAL Success is only obtained through a UNITED effort...

This is a universal truth...not limited to politics, but also on an individual level...

We can not work as individuals any longer...we need to be UNITED...and hold true to our first name!

What more can I say?

Pura Vida!  

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