Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Top 5 One Liners that have Changed my Life!

Good Morning!

As I reflect on the success quotes, axioms and one liners, there are a few that are deeply embedded in my being...


Not because I think they are quaint or "catchy"...but because they actually changed the way I am!

There is a short list that I took to heart...allowed them to permeate my behaviors and finally (after I became them) I fanatically shared the wisdom found within each to anyone that I felt could grasp!

There isn't a conversation or a meeting or a class in which I haven't had an opening to share one or more of them...

Despite that fact and the temptation to share...I often didn't do so because I knew that my effort would be squandered...and they would just nod in agreement and move on...

That having been said...

Can you list YOUR top 5 life changing "one liners?"

You may say that you have yet to find them...

The reason that I am focused on this today is...

I have found that every successful person has one or more that they can quote from heart...

The "axioms" become their guiding principals or themes for their lives...some even go so far as to make them their life's mission...

I have to admit...In a way...I have!

If you seek to be successful...perhaps you should consider having one or more as your "theme" or "guiding principals" or perhaps maybe your "mission."


My TOP 5

I have rambled enough...For those who have spent any amount of time with me...or have read previous blogs...They will sound quite familiar...READ ON...

  1. "The Biggest Mistake that a person can not starting"
  2. "There is no greater sense of failure than when one finally realizes how close they were to success when the quit" 
  3. "Prejudice is an illusion...It is the differences between us that we have most in common"
  4. "If you find yourself in a position that you have to make a do not have enough information"
  5. "In win some or you learn either case you receive a prize"

I believe that if you desire to be need to not only define what success looks like...but also the "rules" by which you achieve success...

The axioms are those rules...

For me...

I don't wait or hesitate...but move (even though it is cautious)  Axiom #1
I refuse to quit...until I am assured that my efforts are valueless  Axiom #2
I appreciate what each person offers and their contribution to life  Axiom #3
I do not move on whim...but on logical thought  Axiom #4
Living is an ongoing process and it must be fully embraced Axiom #5

These are the general rules by which I operate...

Can you recite your rules?

Let me share another axiom that may help you understand why I have taken the time to write on this subject...

History is our best and most persistent will continue to repeat itself until we fully grasp the lessons it intends for us to learn...

E-Nuf Sed!

Pura Vida!

1 comment:

  1. A VERY GOOD friend reminded my of another quote..."Career success is simply a matter of luck...the Harder you work...the luckier you get"
