Good Morning!
I have mentioned this before...but it is worth a lead-in...
Nearly every week takes on a theme for me...this week was no exception!
At every turn on my journey, I met someone who complained about how poorly life was treating them!
Some had been making 6-digit salaries and now nothing...there lives had fallen apart...
Other had major family issues...
Some had MAJOR life saving surgeries...
Some were having trouble at work...
and on and on...
A common theme (actually a question) that was (many times) literally spoken and more often than not was...
"What have I done to deserve this?"
To me it sounded like they thought themselves undeserving victims and entitled to much more!
If there exists a single word that can make my hair stand on end...infuse me with adrenalin and cause more anger than any single human being can is the word..."entitlement"
From my perspective...
Entitlement is an interesting concept...and the word should be reserved only for those who can lay claim to perfection!
Undeserved tragedy is reserved to the realm of "Acts of God" and if you are a religious guess is that your God is not vindictive...therefore the explanation related to the question "What did I do to deserve this...?" can not be answered with the words...
" don't deserve this!"
Successful people do not waste even a precious moment in pity parties!
It is a statistical fact of life that we all go through relatively the same life events...
You may argue that some people never get they don't divorce...or whatever...but for the sake of argument...let's just agree...
It is how a person responds to normal life events that definitely affects their overall happiness and success...
"We are on a mission...DAMN THE TORPEDOES" is the battle cry of the successful person...
They recognize that they have an issue...they confront and get back on course!
Many people do not!
That is why there are so few real successful people in this world!
Most use the adverse event as an excuse for not doing what they should be...
Many times the "emergency" is a reason for that they didn't have to risk failure...
Other times it was a distraction from a mundane activity within their success journey...
There is no reason for diverting...
One of the most important characteristics of successful people is that they realize that they didn't shoot life's torpedoes...but if they are sunk...they were to blame for not avoiding them or they in fact turned into them...
From a psychological viewpoint...people who are "sunk" because they didn't avoid the attack or turned head-long into them are enablers! They actually seek the emergency out...
Because they possess low self esteem...they see themselves as LOSERS and need to find some type of value to justify their petty existence!
The biggest injustice that we can do to these people is to feel sorry for them!
They need to be called out!
They are not advocates of the Quantum Obligation...they may think that they are making things better for their having participated...but in truth...these individuals only make things worse!
What have they done to deserve this kind of life?
They are fully to blame!
But if everyone has relatively the same events within their lives and there is no such thing (except in VERY rare situations) as a undeserved event...
How do I rectify the attitudes of successful individuals...
This is so simple!
Successful people take full responsibility for what happens...
"It is what it is..."
and they do not allow the emergencies (short of their own death) to deter them from fulfilling their responsibilities...
Successful people do not spend much time in pity-parties...
They move despite (and often "in spite") of what life hands them!
They are entitled to what they have received...and at the same time entitled to absolutely nothing good!
Any benefit is an undeserved blessing...and they are thankful! and if you recall an earlier update...
Thank you is not just a short is an IOU!
We were NEVER promised that life would be easy...we were promised that it would be worth it!
It is what it is...
A SUCCESSFUL person recognizes that they deserve absolutely nothing (from the good perspective) and absolutely everything (from a bad perspective) and they are thankful when the good comes to pass and the bad doesn't!
They do not believe that they are entitled to anything
They do not believe that they deserve a car...a, water, clothing, love...
and they live their lives owning that they are not in a codependent/enabling mode!
They are real...
No excuses...because they never need them...
They are people of honesty and a realistic self-perception...
There is no need for "filler" they are capable and proud of what they have done...
Pura Vida!