Saturday, July 9, 2011

(SPECIAL EDITION) Misleading the Public

Good Morning!

I seldom waste my time discussing political issues...yet...I retain the right to do so when moved to identify issues that stand in direct conflict with our Quantum Obligation (QO)...

Quantum Obligation?

Although addressed regularly in the blog The 21st Century Philosopher...the conclusion of QO is that we as individuals and a society are obligated to exit every event (moment), leaving it better for our having been a participant in it...

The important term in this philosophy is event.  We will not spend a lot of time on defining that term...but we do need to understand that events can be brief or as long as a lifetime...

Important to today's update is "leaving it better"

Many would contend that some critical decisions may leave an event worse because there is a "long term" benefit...a temporal sacrifice for a long term objective...

Along with the actual discussions that are occurring in Washington over our Budgets....there are far too much marketing going on...

There are two terms being thrown around...that I hope are not intentionally being misused...for if they are...this shows the attempts of one of the political parties to deceive the American public!

Do you know the difference between Debt and Deficit?

These are the terms that are important...

Let's briefly look at these terms...

Did you know that the monthly income of the government is about $180 Billion per month?

This is important...because that is like your monthly paycheck...

As long as you spend less than your are in a good position...Right?

Let's look at the term that has been thrown around quiet loosely...debt...

The US has received loans from other countries/entities...these loans are generally in the form of Treasury Bills (T-Bills).  It is kind of like our credit cards or auto loans...

We (the US) have to pay on these T-Bills... Our current debt processing cost is about $20 Billion per month...

OK...It looks like we are good so far...we can afford our debt...

Our debt is used to fund our deficit...

So what is the deficit?

Just like your family budget...congress establishes a budget and a spending plan...

As long as that plan is less than $160 billion per month we are OK...

When the plan exceeds $160 billion per month...we are in deficit spending and need to create and sell T-Bills to fund the deficit...

Does this make sense?

The real arguments going on are between "we want to spend money we don't have" (deficit arguments) and "let's stay within our means" (debt arguments).

Deficit spending is the used of credit (future earnings) fund our present!  AND you know what happens when you overuse credit cards!

Then the arguments "if you want to spend more money...find ways to get more money!"

This is where the two groups differ again!

One group wants to increase the taxes...

That is like you going to your boss...and saying..."I want to spend more give me a raise!"

That argument doesn't do it for me!

Rational people generally conclude that if you want to spend more money...get a higher paying job...a new one...or get a second job...more work...

I heard a Florida Senator say (loosely quoted)...what the US doesn't need is more needs more tax-payers...

This guy gets it!

Get more jobs and more new jobs...

Make decisions that make that possible...

We have to realize that we have been living on credit and have been receiving benefits that we didn't deserve...


It is like having a car or a home that we really couldn't afford...

We have to such it up and live within our means...stop thinking that we deserve...

We deserve nothing!

We are entitled to nothing...

This takes us to the crux of the real discussions...that I often think that our politicians do not understand...

It is a discussion of needs (DEFICIT) versus wants (DEBT)...

The question that has to be answered is "what does the American public need and deserve?

What have they earned?

We have been deceived (made co-dependent) by many of our undeserved entitlements...

There is no arguing that everyone deserves health care or an education...

But have we all earned it?

Has everyone earned the right? definition (in our Constitution) have a right to Liberty and Freedom...and the Pursuit of Happiness...

Our taxes should be focused on these rights.  

After is all about what we can afford (budget)...

It is like saying everyone needs transportation...

BUT...does everyone need a limo?

We may think that we do...but have we earned it?

If we want more benefits related to being an American...then it needs to be earned!

In political terms...this doesn't mean...increasing taxes on those who are still employed...

It means getting more people paying taxes...

Our politicians should be focused on economic recovery...making more jobs happen...

Decisions like this support Quantum Obligation...and make the moment better for our having been a participant!

Deficit spending is only fostering co-dependency of many Americans...

Our government should not be focused on making life easy for everyone...just worth the effort!

Then it becomes the individual's decision on what they will earn and deserve!

Enough Said!

Have a great weekend!

Pura Vida!

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