Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why are they Still Here?

Good Morning!

This past week I read some very distressing news items that had a similar thread...

The first news item was of a murder of a woman...the victim of a long-running drama between her and her abusive spouse...

Friends and family reflected on her plight...saying that she had left him multiple times...kicked him out multiple times...the last of which was no more than 6 months before the murder.  Without exception the question that was asked...was, "we didn't know who was more deranged...the abuser or the abused!" 

Another story related the plight of a 92 year-old woman who found herself homeless after her son sold her home of 60+ years out from under her.  He took the money and left her to vacate!  All of this after he had "leeched" her for everything she and her husband had...never working a day in his life...

There was another story of a very public relationship that has "broken-up" another time...the man in question was a chronic "cheater" and a liar...each time he got caught...he would attempt to lie his way out...then admit to learning a lesson that elicited a "life change"  and then he would lie his way back into his spouse's good graces...then he would get caught again...and the cycle of lies and deception would repeat itself...

I actually had 6 others..,that I could reference...but you get the flavor...

The fact of the matter is...all of the individuals in these dramas were sick!  The question that I asked...after the first or second offense..."WHY WERE THEY STILL THERE?"  

Only a fool and a mentally deranged person would invite them back in...!!!


Yesterday I was driving and was thinking about the past couple of years...

I was also looking for a fuel station...

As I drove...I passed a Toyota dealer...and I recalled the arrogance of that company.  It actually reminded me of those abusive relationships...they moved into the US and have taken us for billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars...

They paid no attention to the real US safety...refused to admit any liability and moved back in to the US if nothing happened!

My question...Why are they still here?

I saw a BP station.  The price per gallon of gas was the highest of the stations that I passed...exceeding the others by more than a dime!  I was shocked to see nearly every pump busy!  I felt the urge to stop in and ask the patrons if they remembered the gulf oil spill!

My question...Why are they still here?


Who is more sick?  The abuser who rapes and murders...or the abused who keeps inviting them back?

As Americans...we complain about nearly everything...yet we invite the abusers back into our fold!

Who is more sick...companies like these...or us who invites them back into our economy?

There are companies stealing billions of tax dollars...and we are doing nothing...

There are companies destroying our environment...and we are doing nothing...

Don't you think that it is time for us to be asking...Why are they still here?

Pura Vida!


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