Friday, February 18, 2011

The Biggest Mistake...

Good Morning!

When a successful people look back on their lives...

and they are honest with themselves...they have to admit...

That there were many more mistakes and failures than the few brief instances that made them what they are...

If a person is lucky...their proverbial "15 minutes of fame" lingers for a lifetime!

From this arises an entire set of "looming questions"


Does success require a glut of trial and error?

Is life filled with false starts?


Are more dreams shattered than fulfilled?


Are the best laid plans...destined to fail...because of inherent flaws?

The strange thing is...

The answer to all of these questions are...


Those same successful people have this characteristic as a common experience...numerous failures...

It is true that a rare few have golden touches...or are handed success on a silver platter...there are exceptions to this rule of multiple failures...but...

Their first piece of advice to those who aspire to success is...

Do not count on being one of those gifted individuals...Did you catch the word?


The chance that you will "soar" on your first about the same as winning the lottery!


From those "facts...another interesting characteristic of successful people becomes apparent and that is the real theme of this expose!


Those who have spent any time with me know that I have a personal axiom that I freely share with anyone who will listen...

It goes like this..."The Biggest Mistake that a person can make is...


While I am on the subject of personal axioms...let me add...

I also define the "real failure" as "the realization of how close to success one was...


Here are some epiphanies of the utterly obvious...

...Things never happen if they never start...


Quitting, prior to achieving success is as good as not starting...

Now that we have laid the foundation...

A common theme of many successful people is that they did not define success in specific terms with a specific set of some would guide...

They actually define success in general terms so that it allowed for adjustments in the journey...

Another theme was that the set backs or interim failures, did nothing to deter them from their other words...they didn't quit!

These people NEVER allowed anything to stop them...from general success...

Another interesting thing that I have learned from successful people is...

They were never too proud or assuming to ask...

There is an astute (but DUH!)...(Another epiphany of the utterly obvious...) realization that...

Any unasked question or favor is automatically NO!

It is silly how many people kill success by not asking...or...

Just doing something about it!


So what is success all about?

If there is something to be done...


If there is a question...


If the effort fizzles...

They go on to another...


They try again!

If they get NO!

They ask again...of someone else!

and the biggest mistake that they do not make...

Is not starting!

Ask...Start...and never quit!

Failure in any of these three aspects...will destine a person to failure...

Success is that simple!

I refuse to belabor the point...I have things to do...

Enough Said!

Pura Vida!  

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