Friday, December 10, 2010

The Lost Gift...

Good Morning...

This week has been interesting for me...

I found myself in situations in which the "right attitude and right behavior" was simply to focus and accomplish the tasks related to my commitments...

I also found that I had to find ways to be excited about doing those things that I normally find mundane and boring!

If these things were going to get done...the only person that accomplishing these things depended upon was me!

There was no one else I could depend upon for help...or blame it on for failure!

I told myself..."If you want it...go and get it...if you don't then stop worrying about it!

We'll come back to this...


This week...I stood, helplessly watching, on the sidelines, as many undeserving people were put into situations that they didn't deserve to be put in..."the unemployment ranks"

Poor company performance created a situation in which there was a huge lay-off...

I have never been able to come to grips on how lay-off decisions are made...

I see many of the most dedicated and hardest working people lose their employment,,,while "dishonest, shirkers" keep their jobs and paychecks...

I have been there! I have been a victim too...early in my career...I was also one that breathed a sign of relief when I was on the other list!

This situation solidified my understanding of the randomness of much as "you get what you deserve" holds true...the "flip-side" is equally true...many people "didn't get what they deserve..."

With that in mind...What do we actions and expectations do we hold true to?

What becomes our guiding principals?

If life can be expected to be fair and the impact seems random...what path to success do we choose?

Doesn't there need to be someone that we need to blame it on?

I told myself..."If you want it...go and get it...if you don't then stop worrying about it!

We'll come back to this...


The holiday season emphasizes a characteristic of humans that really interests me...

We are constantly on a search to re-live the feelings of our "firsts..."

We vividly can recall the feelings of our first holiday experience...such as our "first Christmas."

The awe, wonder and excitement is unmatched in any of our subsequent celebrations...yet we try!

As the event passes...we are reminded how hollow the last experience was compared to the one we remember and romanticize...then we vow to make the next one like our first...

AND...we spend more money and drive ourselves crazy trying to re-create that first...

Our first kiss...

Our first Christmas...

Our first love...

We waste our lives...trying to go back in time...rather than enjoying the present...

As of the writing of this article...time travel is still considered impossible by the scientific community...

I wonder why we try so hard and waste so much money...

The fact of the matter matter how disappointing, mundane or boring it is...that is the way it is!

The feelings of the past can not be recaptured...

A person can only learn to makes the most what they have and find a way to enjoy it!

A person must find excitement in what they have at hand...

The real problem that people are attempting to address is the level of excitement that they want...

Life tends to numb us to excitement!

Much the same way that a person taking narcotics has to increase the dosage to get the same "high!"

If these things were going to be exciting...the only person that can obtain and experience that excitement was me!

There was no one else or anything that I could depend upon for excitement...or blame my boredom on for lack thereof!

I told myself..."If you want it...go and get it...if you don't then stop worrying about it!


Question:  What is a critical aspect of real leadership?

Answer:  The strict adherence to support of his people in good or bad!

When a person shows avoidance behaviors related bad situations...they lack a basic leadership skill...

If a leader is only present for the good...and disappears or has other commitments that takes them away from difficult or uncomfortable situations...they are not a leader...they are a user...or even worse a loser...

Do not allow yourself to be lead by an individual like that AND definitely strive not to be like that!

This is a character flaw that can't ever be trusted...

If you are a leader or manager of people and you avoid...then get out or change immediately!

Stick by your commitments...when the bad things all there for matter what arrangements need to be changed!

If you are going to be a leader...the only person that do it is you!

There was no one else you can depend upon for leadership...or blame your lack of leadership ability!

Tell yourself..."If you want it...go and get it...if you don't then stop avoiding it!

Leadership is a..."for better or worse" proposition...avoiding "the worse" is avoiding more than half of the leadership equation...

It is like a marathon running stopping halfway through the race because the second half hurts!

You'll never finish a race with that behavior!

As a'll never finish the race...

Enough Said!


If something is important or precious to will guard it with everything you have...

The only person to blame for that thing being gone is the person who was given the gift...

We have lost the gift of excitement....despite of how precious it was to us...we neglected to guard it...

It is gone and no matter how hard we look or how much money we will never again be found!

We have lost our loves...and the same holds can not be found again!

We have lost people important to us...

Many have lost the ability to lead...

and guess what?

The only person that we have to blame is ourselves!

The best that we can do is to find what we are looking for it what remains...and to be happy with it!

Have a great weekend...

Pura Vida!


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