Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today is too Late!

Good Morning!

I bet your week was full of challenges and you did your best to make the most of what was happening...

Many people promote "living in the moment"...

These same people promote forgetting about the past...and not worrying about the future...

It is an interesting psychology/philosophy...for those individuals who do not aspire for success...

I have a hard time with this

I thought about that this week...



Today is too late!


Let's shift gears for a moment...

During my early mornings...I stand in my backyard...just looking...nowhere and everywhere!

One thing that I enjoy is watching the birds soaring on the early morning thermals!

It is effortless flight!

Only once in my life did I have the opportunity to join with a sailplane!

It was an amazing which I was only a passenger...

I sat in the front seat and my guide (the pilot) sat in the rear seat...

A sport glider (sail plane) with a better than "40 to 1" glide ratio!

I had the perfect view...

I even got to do a few things like...release the tow-rope, and "fly" the plane when it was safe to do so...

I could prosaically describe, like other writers have, the absolute quiet of motor-less flight or the freedom that one feels...

I won't because...neither are true!

It is noisy!

And the fact of the matter is totally dependent on thermals (invisible currents of air, heading upward)...

My conclusion...there is no real freedom!

Miss a thermal...and the flight soon comes to an end!

What is the comradeship that one has with the diverse participants in the soaring experience!

Not with the pilot...

My guide (pilot) was an astute "sail-planer!"

He watched each bird around us and when one rose vertically at an amazing rate...he banked in their direction...grabbed the column of air that caused the bird to rise...and we followed the bird upward!

Sometimes we followed eagles upward...sometimes vultures...sometimes hawks...sometimes other birds...

He intuitively knew which one caught the best thermal...and followed...he had no didn't matter if the bird was rare and majestic...or a common carrion eater!

What mattered was the flight!

We would rise...seldom to the level that the bird itself did...the plane did its best...and when we "topped out"  we circled until the next opportunity...flying 40 feet forward and dropping one!

There are some cool success lessons just in that probably caught I will not belabor that point!

Since I was a child...I looked skyward and dreamed of a solo flight with these birds...eagles, hawks, vultures...the species didn't matter...


Because it didn't matter to them!

Some writers call sail planing..."soaring with eagles"

That is snobbery!  A true aficionado focuses on the flight...not the company he or she keeps...

I wanted to be like the birds...

They do not really care who is flying with them...there is no prejudice allowed on these invisible mountains of air!  I have watched predator and prey soaring together!  What a cool lesson from nature itself!

It just dreamed to be among them...on my own!

As I watched them this morning...

...I realized...that today is too late!


People confuse contentment and understanding...

We are told that it is required to be content with what we have today and make the most of what we have been order to be happy...

I disagree...

Successful people are seldom content...yet most truly successful people are happy...when they are truthful with themselves

How can that be?

Contentment drives complacency...

Successful people recognize this...

What they do possess is understanding of their current condition!

They recognize that "today" is the sum total of all of the past...

They recognize that today is too late to change what today is!

They recognize that if "today" is going to be will happen...tomorrow...

They recognize that their work in the "here and now" is simply about gaining understanding and "setting the stage" for what "tomorrow" will bring...

Today is the actualization of their actions leading up to it...accept it for what it is...

A learning experience...

Successful people know and understand that today is too late...

So they are constantly working on what tomorrow will bring...knowing that their understanding of today and their actions can and will make tomorrow different...

That is their hope and their confidence...

Successful people seek understanding...

And hope that what they have done will make the difference!

Today is too late!


I diligently work to find (and share) insight that will help those people who honestly seek success...

I am not ever going to be like the laundry detergent that is 80% filler...

If I have nothing to share...there will be nothing there!

I will not waste your time!

Today is too late!


Personal Success is like Soaring...

Personal success is seldom accomplished alone!

Like the birds...who put aside their specific roles in simply enjoy the experience of flight...

They watch and directly or indirectly guide each other...

Sometimes they follow other birds...and sometimes they lead...

It is all about the flight!

I am amazed that they even welcomed in a fiberglass monster into their midst...

They are not afraid...

Life is noisy...

...More often than not the soaring conditions will change and the thermals will subside...making flight a chore and a challenge rather than a joy...

But the entire group is in together on it...and will do their best to maximize the experience...

A successful person watches those around them and when one is lifted on the "invisible current"...they follow...

There is no pride lost...for not being the first...or a follower...

They are thankful for the lift...knowing that it gives them a bit more time of flight!

They know that if they do not follow...

It is too late!


Have a great weekend!

Seek to understand why today is what it is...

But NEVER simply be content...

Make a significant and meaningful difference...tomorrow!



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