Good Morning!
As you look back over your past week...what thoughts come to mind?
Have you ever woke up and said to yourself, "I will NEVER do that again!"?
I have had my share of those sentences!
I think it is a normal part of growing up!
Last night...Rachel and I got into a discussion about the Greek culture. During the discussion, she brought up the story of Daedalus and Icarus.
She asked...Do you want me to tell you about it...
My curiosity was leaked...I wanted you hear what she thought of the story...and her interpretation...
She recited it accurately and then I asked..."What lesson do you think that we should learn from that story?"
She said, "It is important to listen to the advice of our elders...and their wisdom and experience...because if an inexperienced person does not...flying too high or too low...they can die..."
Our discussion went a bit deeper...but she grasped the message clearly and accurately!
We then started talking about the need to "push limits" to advance society...and that failure is an important risk...and a tough thing to balance...
I recently wrote that every generation from the beginning of recorded history has had its own set of societal issues and challenges...the strange thing is...that they are always the same!
We have a tendency to believe that history repeats itself...
I no longer believe that this is a "cop-out!"
We simply grow apathetic...and give up!
We say things like...that is the way people are...or teens will be teens...or companies will always be that way...
It is simply a sign or abdication...
My conclusion...It isn't that history repeats is that we have yet to find the answer!
Even on a random basis...someone will find an answer!
We simply have to be cognoscente of its arrival and listen...and act accordingly!
A few weeks ago...I was honored to be asked to participate in the South Florida Cub Fun Day. I was there to promote the Pinewood-Winning by the Rules" book.
More than 1,500 scouts attended...
The discussions ran the complete gambit...Some entertaining and some deep....
I had my books on display...
They were clearly marked that they were for sale at the cover cost and that I would personalize them...
What boggled my mind was how many parents walked up to the display...grabbed a book and tried to leave without paying for them (they were clearly marked!)...some even asked me to sign them...
What terrible lessons to teach their scouts...
Scouting is not about "taking" is about giving...
"Do your best" has absolutely nothing to do with what you get from doing that...
"Doing your best" is all about what you give to humanity and your environment...
"Leave the world a better place for your having been there!"
This type of behavior is not just for scouting anymore!
It should be an inherent behavior for anyone in this world...
Can you honestly say that on a regular basis...the world is a better place for you having been here?
A great question to ask yourself on a moment by moment basis is...
"Is that the best that you can do?"
If you aren't asking that...someone else will...
Many people will argue...that no one has a right to ask that question...but the individual themselves...
I disagree...I believe that this is a required question of every individual on an ongoing basis...
If it isn't sincerely asked by the individual...they have abdicated it to being someone else!
Is this the best that you can do?
What about your past week?
Did you make it through...doing what you had to do...or did you do the best that you can do?
What about tomorrow?
Is what you did today...setting the stage for tomorrow's improvement?
If today is the same as can you rationally expect tomorrow to be any different?
Is this the best that you can do?
There is nothing you can do to change the past...
Today is what it is...
Tomorrow is where you have all of the control...
The key is what you do today!
Is it the best that you can do?
Is your world a better place for you having been here?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Today is too Late!
Good Morning!
I bet your week was full of challenges and you did your best to make the most of what was happening...
Many people promote "living in the moment"...
These same people promote forgetting about the past...and not worrying about the future...
It is an interesting psychology/philosophy...for those individuals who do not aspire for success...
I have a hard time with this
I thought about that this week...
Today is too late!
Let's shift gears for a moment...
During my early mornings...I stand in my backyard...just looking...nowhere and everywhere!
One thing that I enjoy is watching the birds soaring on the early morning thermals!
It is effortless flight!
Only once in my life did I have the opportunity to join with a sailplane!
It was an amazing which I was only a passenger...
I sat in the front seat and my guide (the pilot) sat in the rear seat...
A sport glider (sail plane) with a better than "40 to 1" glide ratio!
I had the perfect view...
I even got to do a few things like...release the tow-rope, and "fly" the plane when it was safe to do so...
I could prosaically describe, like other writers have, the absolute quiet of motor-less flight or the freedom that one feels...
I won't because...neither are true!
It is noisy!
And the fact of the matter is totally dependent on thermals (invisible currents of air, heading upward)...
My conclusion...there is no real freedom!
Miss a thermal...and the flight soon comes to an end!
What is the comradeship that one has with the diverse participants in the soaring experience!
Not with the pilot...
My guide (pilot) was an astute "sail-planer!"
He watched each bird around us and when one rose vertically at an amazing rate...he banked in their direction...grabbed the column of air that caused the bird to rise...and we followed the bird upward!
Sometimes we followed eagles upward...sometimes vultures...sometimes hawks...sometimes other birds...
He intuitively knew which one caught the best thermal...and followed...he had no didn't matter if the bird was rare and majestic...or a common carrion eater!
What mattered was the flight!
We would rise...seldom to the level that the bird itself did...the plane did its best...and when we "topped out" we circled until the next opportunity...flying 40 feet forward and dropping one!
There are some cool success lessons just in that probably caught I will not belabor that point!
Since I was a child...I looked skyward and dreamed of a solo flight with these birds...eagles, hawks, vultures...the species didn't matter...
Because it didn't matter to them!
Some writers call sail planing..."soaring with eagles"
That is snobbery! A true aficionado focuses on the flight...not the company he or she keeps...
I wanted to be like the birds...
They do not really care who is flying with them...there is no prejudice allowed on these invisible mountains of air! I have watched predator and prey soaring together! What a cool lesson from nature itself!
It just dreamed to be among them...on my own!
As I watched them this morning...
...I realized...that today is too late!
People confuse contentment and understanding...
We are told that it is required to be content with what we have today and make the most of what we have been order to be happy...
I disagree...
Successful people are seldom content...yet most truly successful people are happy...when they are truthful with themselves
How can that be?
Contentment drives complacency...
Successful people recognize this...
What they do possess is understanding of their current condition!
They recognize that "today" is the sum total of all of the past...
They recognize that today is too late to change what today is!
They recognize that if "today" is going to be will happen...tomorrow...
They recognize that their work in the "here and now" is simply about gaining understanding and "setting the stage" for what "tomorrow" will bring...
Today is the actualization of their actions leading up to it...accept it for what it is...
A learning experience...
Successful people know and understand that today is too late...
So they are constantly working on what tomorrow will bring...knowing that their understanding of today and their actions can and will make tomorrow different...
That is their hope and their confidence...
Successful people seek understanding...
And hope that what they have done will make the difference!
Today is too late!
I diligently work to find (and share) insight that will help those people who honestly seek success...
I am not ever going to be like the laundry detergent that is 80% filler...
If I have nothing to share...there will be nothing there!
I will not waste your time!
Today is too late!
Personal Success is like Soaring...
Personal success is seldom accomplished alone!
Like the birds...who put aside their specific roles in simply enjoy the experience of flight...
They watch and directly or indirectly guide each other...
Sometimes they follow other birds...and sometimes they lead...
It is all about the flight!
I am amazed that they even welcomed in a fiberglass monster into their midst...
They are not afraid...
Life is noisy...
...More often than not the soaring conditions will change and the thermals will subside...making flight a chore and a challenge rather than a joy...
But the entire group is in together on it...and will do their best to maximize the experience...
A successful person watches those around them and when one is lifted on the "invisible current"...they follow...
There is no pride lost...for not being the first...or a follower...
They are thankful for the lift...knowing that it gives them a bit more time of flight!
They know that if they do not follow...
It is too late!
Have a great weekend!
Seek to understand why today is what it is...
But NEVER simply be content...
Make a significant and meaningful difference...tomorrow!
I bet your week was full of challenges and you did your best to make the most of what was happening...
Many people promote "living in the moment"...
These same people promote forgetting about the past...and not worrying about the future...
It is an interesting psychology/philosophy...for those individuals who do not aspire for success...
I have a hard time with this
I thought about that this week...
Today is too late!
Let's shift gears for a moment...
During my early mornings...I stand in my backyard...just looking...nowhere and everywhere!
One thing that I enjoy is watching the birds soaring on the early morning thermals!
It is effortless flight!
Only once in my life did I have the opportunity to join with a sailplane!
It was an amazing which I was only a passenger...
I sat in the front seat and my guide (the pilot) sat in the rear seat...
A sport glider (sail plane) with a better than "40 to 1" glide ratio!
I had the perfect view...
I even got to do a few things like...release the tow-rope, and "fly" the plane when it was safe to do so...
I could prosaically describe, like other writers have, the absolute quiet of motor-less flight or the freedom that one feels...
I won't because...neither are true!
It is noisy!
And the fact of the matter is totally dependent on thermals (invisible currents of air, heading upward)...
My conclusion...there is no real freedom!
Miss a thermal...and the flight soon comes to an end!
What is the comradeship that one has with the diverse participants in the soaring experience!
Not with the pilot...
My guide (pilot) was an astute "sail-planer!"
He watched each bird around us and when one rose vertically at an amazing rate...he banked in their direction...grabbed the column of air that caused the bird to rise...and we followed the bird upward!
Sometimes we followed eagles upward...sometimes vultures...sometimes hawks...sometimes other birds...
He intuitively knew which one caught the best thermal...and followed...he had no didn't matter if the bird was rare and majestic...or a common carrion eater!
What mattered was the flight!
We would rise...seldom to the level that the bird itself did...the plane did its best...and when we "topped out" we circled until the next opportunity...flying 40 feet forward and dropping one!
There are some cool success lessons just in that probably caught I will not belabor that point!
Since I was a child...I looked skyward and dreamed of a solo flight with these birds...eagles, hawks, vultures...the species didn't matter...
Because it didn't matter to them!
Some writers call sail planing..."soaring with eagles"
That is snobbery! A true aficionado focuses on the flight...not the company he or she keeps...
I wanted to be like the birds...
They do not really care who is flying with them...there is no prejudice allowed on these invisible mountains of air! I have watched predator and prey soaring together! What a cool lesson from nature itself!
It just dreamed to be among them...on my own!
As I watched them this morning...
...I realized...that today is too late!
People confuse contentment and understanding...
We are told that it is required to be content with what we have today and make the most of what we have been order to be happy...
I disagree...
Successful people are seldom content...yet most truly successful people are happy...when they are truthful with themselves
How can that be?
Contentment drives complacency...
Successful people recognize this...
What they do possess is understanding of their current condition!
They recognize that "today" is the sum total of all of the past...
They recognize that today is too late to change what today is!
They recognize that if "today" is going to be will happen...tomorrow...
They recognize that their work in the "here and now" is simply about gaining understanding and "setting the stage" for what "tomorrow" will bring...
Today is the actualization of their actions leading up to it...accept it for what it is...
A learning experience...
Successful people know and understand that today is too late...
So they are constantly working on what tomorrow will bring...knowing that their understanding of today and their actions can and will make tomorrow different...
That is their hope and their confidence...
Successful people seek understanding...
And hope that what they have done will make the difference!
Today is too late!
I diligently work to find (and share) insight that will help those people who honestly seek success...
I am not ever going to be like the laundry detergent that is 80% filler...
If I have nothing to share...there will be nothing there!
I will not waste your time!
Today is too late!
Personal Success is like Soaring...
Personal success is seldom accomplished alone!
Like the birds...who put aside their specific roles in simply enjoy the experience of flight...
They watch and directly or indirectly guide each other...
Sometimes they follow other birds...and sometimes they lead...
It is all about the flight!
I am amazed that they even welcomed in a fiberglass monster into their midst...
They are not afraid...
Life is noisy...
...More often than not the soaring conditions will change and the thermals will subside...making flight a chore and a challenge rather than a joy...
But the entire group is in together on it...and will do their best to maximize the experience...
A successful person watches those around them and when one is lifted on the "invisible current"...they follow...
There is no pride lost...for not being the first...or a follower...
They are thankful for the lift...knowing that it gives them a bit more time of flight!
They know that if they do not follow...
It is too late!
Have a great weekend!
Seek to understand why today is what it is...
But NEVER simply be content...
Make a significant and meaningful difference...tomorrow!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Criticism and Negativity
Good Morning!
Some goes just like we planned...
Other days...just the opposite!
Everyone is tempted to become negative...
Most people succumb to the temptation!
There are days that I feel that life is simply a "dice throw" and no matter how hard we try or how hard I goes the way it is going to go...
There are other days...that I feel like I am totally in control of my destiny...and as long as I work with thoughtful destiny rewards me with what I am working toward...
Those are the extremes and as I ponder it...reality lies somewhere in between...
What I do know for that tomorrow is uncertain!
To me that is invigorating...but for many it can be stressful!
In a general sense...when a person is unsure of what tomorrow is brings...there is anxiety...
Anxiety leads feeling of "lack of control." This leads to stress...
So we can conclude (as most therapists do) that stress arises out of the sense that one does not have control over the outcome of a situation...
If a person was honest with themselves...they would realize that they have absolutely no control over the certainty or uncertainty of tomorrow!
Given this assumption...the logical outcome is...a person should be 100% stressed...
We all know that this is a stupid conclusion...
We do know that "stress is bad!"
A successful person handles their world in a way that minimizes stress...
The ultimate goal is to be entirely stress-free...
What is my "stress-free" strategy?
How do I do it?
Mine is simple...I love the the uncertainty doesn't bother me...It is what I know with a high degree of certainty that gets to (stresses) me!
It makes me smile..."If it isn't one is the other!"
How do we live a stress-free life?
You may be like me and welcome the unknown...or you may be just the opposite...
What is important in a "stress-reduced" journey is understanding what you need and getting it...
Let's begin by getting a directional understanding of stress...
As we previously noted...stress is a reaction to one's inability to control outcomes...
It manifests itself uniquely in every individual...
Stress is caused by a myriad of situations...such as...(let's make a brief list)
As I think about it (and I bet you are too) anything can cause simply depends upon the person!
Let's look at a unique situation...
Stress sometimes is brought about by the "grind" and the feelings that you will never get out of it...
It is a desire to get back to doing the things that invigorate you!
It is a momentarily desire for things that you can not have...
It is an immature response to current situations...
Yet...from my perspective..."The Grind" is a good thing!
"The Grind" is a character builder and it helps build one's confidence...providing confirmation that one is more than a consultant in this world...that they are a contributor!
At that point in one's is necessary to use self-talk to drive performance...
To glean the enjoyment that this moment provides, rather than looking to the outside and wishing (unrealistically) for a better thing...
Did you catch the hidden piece of the puzzle?
The important words are..."the outside"
The outside world is negative...
It survives upon negativity...
You may disagree...I however see that positivity is a rare and wonderful gift...
The world at large may laud a winner...but
The world loves a loser!
Because when they see someone else comforts them...
As a result...they subconsciously bring losers to the forefront!
You don't believe me?
Look at the news!
It is all about the bad things...
Positive news broadcasts and stations rise...because a few people got sick of the current state of media...
They attempted to focus only on the good things...and sadly...their efforts quickly faded...
Because they can not capture and retain an audience!
There is no money in good news!
People may desire and attempt to watch "good news"...they may say that they want to hear good things...but in reality...they do not want to hear about another's success or good fortune...
"Good News" reminds them of their own inadequacies...
They want to hear that they aren't as bad as all of the other jokers!
When they hear really bad news so that they feel better!
They look for and revel in others' misfortunes!
This desire for bad news is strengthened by their self-talk!
If I "step out" and look at this is the state of the majority!
Self-talk and "Bad News"...It is one situation feeding another!
Negative self-talk and criticism...
Don't fall prey to that vicious circle!
Negativity and criticism is not a matter how one "spins" it!
Many attempt to disguise these detrimental characteristics as drivers (motivators) for improved performance...
Do not be deceived...they are not...
It is the behavior of the sick and demented!
It lowers one's standards...because one only has to be better than the "bad news" to excel!
If the news is not bad enough...then they just search it out!
What scares me is that because it is the behavior of the majority...Many think it is a good thing!
Be Careful!
It is easy to become negative?
People emulate it!
One of the first words that a baby learns is NO!
Who teaches them that?
It is passed from generation to generation!
From parent to child!
We are in a bleak is important to rise above this!
It is impossible to avoid the negative influence of the outside world...
It is possible however, to make the negative opinions ineffectual!
Simply hear it...but do not listen!
Make the opinions of outside world...noise!
Let me repeat this...You can hear them...just do not listen...
The bottom-line is that the outside world is negative...
There is no changing that...
No one has the right to drive you negative!
When situations go negative (from your perspective) not look to the outside world to get comfort...
Comfort can only come from you knowing that you are doing the right things...
Comfort can only come from the inside...
Comfort can only come from self-talk...
A survival expert is keenly aware of the fact that their life is totally dependent upon doing their best with what they have...
Wishing they had carried extra matches or a stove or a refrigerator...wastes time and mental energy!
What do you have with you?
Be thankful for that and make the best of it!
It is a positive attitude...
It is creative use of the tools and blessings at hand...
Not wishful thinking!
If you intend to survive..."should of...would of...could of..." just doesn't cut it...
Stress is minimized by looking inward...
and doing your best with what you have...
Then no matter how the dice stop...
Enough Said!
Have a great weekend!
Find ways to minimize you stress...
Eliminate Criticism and Negativity from your life...
Replace them with Creativity and Positive self-talk!
Pura Vida!
Some goes just like we planned...
Other days...just the opposite!
Everyone is tempted to become negative...
Most people succumb to the temptation!
There are days that I feel that life is simply a "dice throw" and no matter how hard we try or how hard I goes the way it is going to go...
There are other days...that I feel like I am totally in control of my destiny...and as long as I work with thoughtful destiny rewards me with what I am working toward...
Those are the extremes and as I ponder it...reality lies somewhere in between...
What I do know for that tomorrow is uncertain!
To me that is invigorating...but for many it can be stressful!
In a general sense...when a person is unsure of what tomorrow is brings...there is anxiety...
Anxiety leads feeling of "lack of control." This leads to stress...
So we can conclude (as most therapists do) that stress arises out of the sense that one does not have control over the outcome of a situation...
If a person was honest with themselves...they would realize that they have absolutely no control over the certainty or uncertainty of tomorrow!
Given this assumption...the logical outcome is...a person should be 100% stressed...
We all know that this is a stupid conclusion...
We do know that "stress is bad!"
A successful person handles their world in a way that minimizes stress...
The ultimate goal is to be entirely stress-free...
What is my "stress-free" strategy?
How do I do it?
Mine is simple...I love the the uncertainty doesn't bother me...It is what I know with a high degree of certainty that gets to (stresses) me!
It makes me smile..."If it isn't one is the other!"
How do we live a stress-free life?
You may be like me and welcome the unknown...or you may be just the opposite...
What is important in a "stress-reduced" journey is understanding what you need and getting it...
Let's begin by getting a directional understanding of stress...
As we previously noted...stress is a reaction to one's inability to control outcomes...
It manifests itself uniquely in every individual...
Stress is caused by a myriad of situations...such as...(let's make a brief list)
- The belief that the worst thing is about to happen...(pessimism and negativity)
- People having no control over their own activities so that they can not do what they want to do...(imprisonment)
- Being caught in an activity that is illegal or immoral and having to pay a price that they were not willing to pay...
- Disloyalty...
- Realization of inadequacies...
- Poor Decisions...
As I think about it (and I bet you are too) anything can cause simply depends upon the person!
Let's look at a unique situation...
Stress sometimes is brought about by the "grind" and the feelings that you will never get out of it...
It is a desire to get back to doing the things that invigorate you!
It is a momentarily desire for things that you can not have...
It is an immature response to current situations...
Yet...from my perspective..."The Grind" is a good thing!
"The Grind" is a character builder and it helps build one's confidence...providing confirmation that one is more than a consultant in this world...that they are a contributor!
At that point in one's is necessary to use self-talk to drive performance...
To glean the enjoyment that this moment provides, rather than looking to the outside and wishing (unrealistically) for a better thing...
Did you catch the hidden piece of the puzzle?
The important words are..."the outside"
The outside world is negative...
It survives upon negativity...
You may disagree...I however see that positivity is a rare and wonderful gift...
The world at large may laud a winner...but
The world loves a loser!
Because when they see someone else comforts them...
As a result...they subconsciously bring losers to the forefront!
You don't believe me?
Look at the news!
It is all about the bad things...
Positive news broadcasts and stations rise...because a few people got sick of the current state of media...
They attempted to focus only on the good things...and sadly...their efforts quickly faded...
Because they can not capture and retain an audience!
There is no money in good news!
People may desire and attempt to watch "good news"...they may say that they want to hear good things...but in reality...they do not want to hear about another's success or good fortune...
"Good News" reminds them of their own inadequacies...
They want to hear that they aren't as bad as all of the other jokers!
When they hear really bad news so that they feel better!
They look for and revel in others' misfortunes!
This desire for bad news is strengthened by their self-talk!
If I "step out" and look at this is the state of the majority!
Self-talk and "Bad News"...It is one situation feeding another!
Negative self-talk and criticism...
Don't fall prey to that vicious circle!
Negativity and criticism is not a matter how one "spins" it!
Many attempt to disguise these detrimental characteristics as drivers (motivators) for improved performance...
Do not be deceived...they are not...
It is the behavior of the sick and demented!
It lowers one's standards...because one only has to be better than the "bad news" to excel!
If the news is not bad enough...then they just search it out!
What scares me is that because it is the behavior of the majority...Many think it is a good thing!
Be Careful!
It is easy to become negative?
People emulate it!
One of the first words that a baby learns is NO!
Who teaches them that?
It is passed from generation to generation!
From parent to child!
We are in a bleak is important to rise above this!
It is impossible to avoid the negative influence of the outside world...
It is possible however, to make the negative opinions ineffectual!
Simply hear it...but do not listen!
Make the opinions of outside world...noise!
Let me repeat this...You can hear them...just do not listen...
The bottom-line is that the outside world is negative...
There is no changing that...
No one has the right to drive you negative!
When situations go negative (from your perspective) not look to the outside world to get comfort...
Comfort can only come from you knowing that you are doing the right things...
Comfort can only come from the inside...
Comfort can only come from self-talk...
A survival expert is keenly aware of the fact that their life is totally dependent upon doing their best with what they have...
Wishing they had carried extra matches or a stove or a refrigerator...wastes time and mental energy!
What do you have with you?
Be thankful for that and make the best of it!
It is a positive attitude...
It is creative use of the tools and blessings at hand...
Not wishful thinking!
If you intend to survive..."should of...would of...could of..." just doesn't cut it...
Stress is minimized by looking inward...
and doing your best with what you have...
Then no matter how the dice stop...
Enough Said!
Have a great weekend!
Find ways to minimize you stress...
Eliminate Criticism and Negativity from your life...
Replace them with Creativity and Positive self-talk!
Pura Vida!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Secret of 100% Success
Good Morning!
I bet that this week you were 100% successful in your endeavors!
I am not being sarcastic...
In fact...where you are in this exactly 100% of what you are capable of...or what you chose!
That is success!
I feel some disagreement...
OK...let's talk about this thought...this will lead to an understanding of what is necessary (the REAL SECRET to 100% Success)!
On a scale of 1 to 100...Rate how successful you feel you your current aspirations...
Then...If that number is anything less than 100...
Explain with the question "Why?"
These are two VERY telling questions...
...But not at the superficial level...
Success Rating
Let's look at the rating of your performance to your expectations...first...
Any person who is being entirely honest (unless of course a rare minority) will rate their success less than 100...
...because their goals (expectations) are higher than their performance...
We have been taught to set high goals and aspirations...nothing wrong with that!
The fact of the matter are where you are at...and can be no other place...
You did what you did...thinking that you were capable of achieving a higher level...
But you were not!
Your current state is a combination of your decisions and your performance...
What you have done...and...
What you have left undone...
Expecting to be any place else is being unrealistic...actually out right crazy!
Either your expectations were too high...related to what you willing to do to get them (in which deceived yourself of having a higher return value for your investment of time and knowledge)
You were incapable of living up to the expectations you set for yourself...
In either fell short...
The bottom-line are where you are...
Realistically speaking...your goals and expectations were not realistic...
Your performance was inadequate...
Why can I say that?
Because you didn't do what you could have done to achieve them...
You are where you are because that is all you were (are) capable of accomplishing!
In this need to adjust your goals and expectations down to where you are at...because that is all you are capable of achieving! decided that you really didn't want to do what was get what you wanted...
That means that you didn't cross your finish line!
You lost!
If you are a "loser" guess are 100% successful at losing!
It is that plain and simple...
This leads us to the next question...
Why...are you...where you are at?
I can imagine a hoard of people saying "...but..."
Simply answer the question...
If any of those reasons (excuses) contain the name of any person or entity beyond yourself...your are deceiving yourself...
Failure to achieve a goal is no other's person's responsibility but your own...
In a few rare cases...someone else...may be to blame...but these people should be in jail for murdering you...or attempting to do so...( because they infringed on your constitutional rights!)
So...if you are breathing...and have all of your not blame someone else!
Your current state is due to...
Bad decisions...
Lack of knowledge...
Bad Timing...
Missing critical elements...
Lack of real capability...
and so on...
You over-estimated what you could do!
The list is huge...
However the only responsible and accountable person is you!
You have chosen to be where you are at...
You have chosen your level of success...
Where you are is at 100% of what you chose...
This is the proverbial "slap in the face" by reality!
I actually love it!
There is nothing like an understanding of reality to take us to higher levels!
It entertains me to see people deceiving themselves with thoughts of grandeur...trying to motivate themselves to higher levels by convincing themselves that there is more that they can have by doing what they are doing...
People who think that all they have to invest is "visualization" or "passion"...
The sad part of this situation is that a rare few people do get more...but they are (in truth) stealing.
If they were honest with themselves...they are knowingly receiving more compensation (return) than they deserve...
Isn't it against the law to knowingly receive stolen property?
It is those few that are held up as deceive others into following "The Secret" principals of life...
When in is people being deceived into unethical and immoral expectations!
So how do we rectify this situation?
Which is really...How can I be more successful...within the rules?
That is my closing thought that leads to the Secret of 100% Success...
Finally...The Secret to 100% Success!
You can be 100% successful!
It isn't come to you by lowering your standards...
Despite the fact that you are always 100% successful...given what you have done...
It is a realization that you got what you got for what you put into it...
Our logic tells us that expecting to be in any other state than what you are in is self-deception...
So...the first part of the success Secret is...
Get real!
The second part of the Success Secret is...
Get Responsible!
Take the responsibility for where you are at...
Perhaps you really are incompetent!
Perhaps you made yourself believe that you can do more than what you can really do!
Perhaps you are not a leader!
Face reality head on...
Do not expect that you'll be anything else than what you are!
Isn't that like...Doing the things the same way and expecting different results?
That's insanity!
What 100% Success requires a "make-over"...
If you are not happy with where you are at...
If you can not achieve your expectations with what you are doing...
You need to change!
They took a hiatus...
And when they returned...they were different...
They changed...and that made all of the difference in their success...
40 days in the desert...
Whatever you wish to call it...
They left knowing that who they were at the departure was not who they needed to be...
...for them to be what they wanted to be...
While they were absent...
They changed...
And when they returned...
They were different!
They were successful...
The Secret of 100% Success?
Pure and simple...
You can...
...lower your expectations to what you are now and call it done...
Reinvent yourself into what you need to be to easily achieve those expectation your have set for yourself!
If you are not what you want to be now...stop deceiving yourself...
You are not going to be anything other than that...unless you change!
The Secret of 100% Success...
One word...
If you do will continue to be entertainment for everyone who has read this and now understands what it takes...there is nothing more amusing than watching an idiot run is circles thinking that they are making progress!
The nice thing about even that you'll be 100% successful at entertainment! Which is your choice and there is no one else to blame!
Have a great weekend...
Ask yourself those two questions...
Answer them honestly...
Pura Vida!
I bet that this week you were 100% successful in your endeavors!
I am not being sarcastic...
In fact...where you are in this exactly 100% of what you are capable of...or what you chose!
That is success!
I feel some disagreement...
OK...let's talk about this thought...this will lead to an understanding of what is necessary (the REAL SECRET to 100% Success)!
On a scale of 1 to 100...Rate how successful you feel you your current aspirations...
Then...If that number is anything less than 100...
Explain with the question "Why?"
These are two VERY telling questions...
...But not at the superficial level...
Success Rating
Let's look at the rating of your performance to your expectations...first...
Any person who is being entirely honest (unless of course a rare minority) will rate their success less than 100...
...because their goals (expectations) are higher than their performance...
We have been taught to set high goals and aspirations...nothing wrong with that!
The fact of the matter are where you are at...and can be no other place...
You did what you did...thinking that you were capable of achieving a higher level...
But you were not!
Your current state is a combination of your decisions and your performance...
What you have done...and...
What you have left undone...
Expecting to be any place else is being unrealistic...actually out right crazy!
Either your expectations were too high...related to what you willing to do to get them (in which deceived yourself of having a higher return value for your investment of time and knowledge)
You were incapable of living up to the expectations you set for yourself...
In either fell short...
The bottom-line are where you are...
Realistically speaking...your goals and expectations were not realistic...
Your performance was inadequate...
Why can I say that?
Because you didn't do what you could have done to achieve them...
You are where you are because that is all you were (are) capable of accomplishing!
In this need to adjust your goals and expectations down to where you are at...because that is all you are capable of achieving! decided that you really didn't want to do what was get what you wanted...
That means that you didn't cross your finish line!
You lost!
If you are a "loser" guess are 100% successful at losing!
It is that plain and simple...
This leads us to the next question...
Why...are you...where you are at?
I can imagine a hoard of people saying "...but..."
Simply answer the question...
If any of those reasons (excuses) contain the name of any person or entity beyond yourself...your are deceiving yourself...
Failure to achieve a goal is no other's person's responsibility but your own...
In a few rare cases...someone else...may be to blame...but these people should be in jail for murdering you...or attempting to do so...( because they infringed on your constitutional rights!)
So...if you are breathing...and have all of your not blame someone else!
Your current state is due to...
Bad decisions...
Lack of knowledge...
Bad Timing...
Missing critical elements...
Lack of real capability...
and so on...
You over-estimated what you could do!
The list is huge...
However the only responsible and accountable person is you!
You have chosen to be where you are at...
You have chosen your level of success...
Where you are is at 100% of what you chose...
This is the proverbial "slap in the face" by reality!
I actually love it!
There is nothing like an understanding of reality to take us to higher levels!
It entertains me to see people deceiving themselves with thoughts of grandeur...trying to motivate themselves to higher levels by convincing themselves that there is more that they can have by doing what they are doing...
People who think that all they have to invest is "visualization" or "passion"...
The sad part of this situation is that a rare few people do get more...but they are (in truth) stealing.
If they were honest with themselves...they are knowingly receiving more compensation (return) than they deserve...
Isn't it against the law to knowingly receive stolen property?
It is those few that are held up as deceive others into following "The Secret" principals of life...
When in is people being deceived into unethical and immoral expectations!
So how do we rectify this situation?
Which is really...How can I be more successful...within the rules?
That is my closing thought that leads to the Secret of 100% Success...
Finally...The Secret to 100% Success!
You can be 100% successful!
It isn't come to you by lowering your standards...
Despite the fact that you are always 100% successful...given what you have done...
It is a realization that you got what you got for what you put into it...
Our logic tells us that expecting to be in any other state than what you are in is self-deception...
So...the first part of the success Secret is...
Get real!
The second part of the Success Secret is...
Get Responsible!
Take the responsibility for where you are at...
Perhaps you really are incompetent!
Perhaps you made yourself believe that you can do more than what you can really do!
Perhaps you are not a leader!
Face reality head on...
Do not expect that you'll be anything else than what you are!
Isn't that like...Doing the things the same way and expecting different results?
That's insanity!
What 100% Success requires a "make-over"...
If you are not happy with where you are at...
If you can not achieve your expectations with what you are doing...
You need to change!
They took a hiatus...
And when they returned...they were different...
They changed...and that made all of the difference in their success...
40 days in the desert...
Whatever you wish to call it...
They left knowing that who they were at the departure was not who they needed to be...
...for them to be what they wanted to be...
While they were absent...
They changed...
And when they returned...
They were different!
They were successful...
The Secret of 100% Success?
Pure and simple...
You can...
...lower your expectations to what you are now and call it done...
Reinvent yourself into what you need to be to easily achieve those expectation your have set for yourself!
If you are not what you want to be now...stop deceiving yourself...
You are not going to be anything other than that...unless you change!
The Secret of 100% Success...
One word...
If you do will continue to be entertainment for everyone who has read this and now understands what it takes...there is nothing more amusing than watching an idiot run is circles thinking that they are making progress!
The nice thing about even that you'll be 100% successful at entertainment! Which is your choice and there is no one else to blame!
Have a great weekend...
Ask yourself those two questions...
Answer them honestly...
Pura Vida!
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