Saturday, May 8, 2010

When to Stop Dreaming...

Good Morning!

I know that during this have stayed your path and held true to your tenants...ideals and goals...

That sounds so cliche and antiquated...yet it is advice that we should heed...some things are enduring and other things are not...

It is a mature discernment...

Your challenge is less about doing things and more about finding the enduring aspects of life and to staying true to them...

And ridding yourself of those things which are transient...only of temporary value...and ultimately meaningless...

Those tenuous things of one's life should be seen as simply stepping stones and you must be prepared to put them aside as if they never existed...let go of them...

It is the baggage that I have spoken of in the past...

A person can not enter a new and better level of existence without giving up the past...

Leave your bags at the door!

That is one of the keys to personal success...and authentic is the REAL SECRET!

A spartan existence is not just a reference to physical existence...

Simplicity in all things is critical to maintaining the proper path...

Complexity leads to diversions...

Your resources are limited...defending your territory grows ever more difficult as you accumulate additional responsibilities...

This is just a random thought with deeper meaning...I hope!


So when do you stop dreaming?

The simple answer is...when you wake up!

Perhaps that is not the simple answer...but has deeper meaning than we realize!

I am in a philosophical mood today...when I think about it...when am I not?

Dreams are creations of our mind...conscious and sub-conscious apparitions...

There is a dream world...

And a world of reality...

We generally distinctly separate the two...

Have you ever had a dream (thoughts during your sleep) that haunted you the next day?

Have you ever had thoughts from your day that entered your dreams?

The border between the dream world and our real world is less distinct than we perceive it to be...

We have "dreams" and aspirations...whether we create them when we are conscious or sound asleep (unconscious)...we label them the same...

Some are based on internalized goals and others upon fears...

In a prior "Update" it shared my mother's advice...if you want to stop a dream...WAKE UP!

"Wake up" simply means transitioning to what we believe is reality...

Reality automatically kills dreams...better than "Round-up" kills weeds...and as the commercial touts..."They don't come back!"

The important thing for us to remember is that we define what we accept and what we reject!

You will continue to dream until you re-enter the realm of reality!

Whether it is from a conscious state to sleep...


From your accepting or rejecting the world around are in control of your dreams...

The world will throw everything it has at you to get you to wake up!

It is one of its subtle goals is to get you out of your dreams!

Dreams are a threat to changes it and reality opposes change...

That puts an entirely new meaning to the old cliche..."Dare to dream!"

A dream is a direct threat and challenge to reality...

Choose your dreams wisely and be prepared for attacks from every direction!

So when do you stop dreaming?

It is only when your dreams become nightmares!

When what you are dreaming is hurting yourself or others around you!

Only you can (AND SHOULD) decide when it is time to wake up...but not without feedback from others...

Choose wisely what you aspire for...

Your unconscious dreams may affect only you...and carry into your waking hours...

But your conscious dreams affect your entire world...

That is the only difference that I can see between the two worlds...

There is a time that you will be called to "WAKE UP!"

When you so selectively...

Enough Said!

Today is a short and sweet kind of day!

I hope you have a restful weekend...and continue to dream!

It is the thing that success is built upon!


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