Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Greatest Injustice our Children...

Good Morning!

What a week!

Things do not comes easily all of the time...

...sometimes it requires sheer effort...and will power...

Most important is the realization of the fact that most great things are not done in a vacuum...great accomplishments require help!

DO NOT ever give matter how frustrating it may get!

I am continuously reminded of this important characteristic of success.

Shifting Gears!

I was watching a TV show the other day...Criminal Minds...

I really like watching the psychology of is quite accurate...and contains many little lessons that we can learn from ...especially things to avoid!  LOL!

There was a discussion between two of the FBI officers, that sparked some thoughts...and further investigation...and I found it was true...

One agent asked a second...Do you know what the biggest injustice done to the youth of our society?

The other on answered..."Stranger Danger..."

Many of you probably remember seeing the little session put on by well-intentioned schools and law enforcement agencies...but the fact of the matter is...

Children are in more danger from people they know than from strangers!

Stranger Danger totally shifted the attention away from the real souce of child dangers!

It was so catchy that it became a fad phrase!

People believed it!  Our society promoted it blindly and made it part of grade school programs and TV ad campaigns...and it got numerous awards...

The fact of the matter is that 100s times more children are hurt and molested by people that they knew than strangers...

The laws of probabilities support is just that stranger abductions get a lot of sensationalized publicity...especially when it is compared to some issue within a family...which is generally swept under the rug...

The same thing holds true in organizations...

Your danger lies not in the people you do not know...but in the people that you do!

The threat is from people that you trust...

Especially people who ask you to trust them...

The fact of the matter is that we tend to trust them...because we know them and somewhere deep in our subconscious it has been planted that since we know them we can trust them...

Guess where that came from?

"Stranger Danger!"

Organizational criminals use that weakness to their advantage!

The solution is a VERY simple one...We must be ever-conscious of that fact to safefguard ourselves from the dangers of organizational molestation!  And that these sick people are people that we know and trust...

On a less figurative topic...and much more pressing...

We must safeguard our children from these threats...not from strangers...but from those that they know...

The focus should be on identifying abnormal behaviors...and not on bad strangers!

The tag "stranger" is an unwarranted is no more valid than "ALL Germans drink beer in excess!"

ALL strangers pose a threat!  What about the doctor or specialist...or the policeman...or a counsellor?

We predisposition our children to distrust the very people who are sworn to help!

Do you see what I am saying?

We allowed a bad public relations program skew our thoughts and actions without question...because it was catchy!

These are the things upon which damaging paradigms are built upon!

Drop the "Stranger Danger" from affecting your behaviors and look closer to home...the real criminals stand in your midst!

Enough of the fatherly advice!


iTalentCafe...(I know that you are sick of it)...the new website is being built as I write!  I am so excited!  It really is a data collection and comparison machine!

It is integrated across numerous social networks across the internet!  By the time we get will be integrated across about 100 social networks!  That is huge and it is not the effort of a huge corporation...just me and another guy!

IT IS the product of a DMADD analysis...including the Triz...

I am so proud of it!

I am going to need you help in spreading the word about it...when the new site goes live...

I hope to get it over the tipping point in relatively short order and can only do so with your help!

When it is time...PLEASE promote the link to everyone you have attached to your social networks...and ask them to do the same!

Its mission is to connect REAL TALENT to REAL NEEDS!

It will be an awesome ride...if I can get your help!

This thing is going to make Ladders and Monster and Linkedin look like a dinosaur!

OK...enough fanaticism!

For those who have ears to hear...when an airplane is is OK...when it is is crashing!

Think about this in relation to your work and your organization...

Are you moving up in the organization...are you moving up in the eyes of your customers...are you moving up in the market?

You can gauge your health with that simple "tongue in cheek" axiom!

Pay careful attention...

Take appropriate action...

You are a person of proaction...that is OK...but the real leaders are those of prediction!

That is the "PRE" to the "PRO"

Be smart!

This is a short update this week...

Not because I have nothing to say...but because I want to emphasize the few things that are worth saying...

1 - Put Stranger Danger in its proper place...There is a direct relationship between the amount of "Danger" that a person possesses and their proximity to you...this means that those who are closest pose the greatest threat!

2 - Spread the word about iTalentCafe.  Sign-up for one of the groups on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or the website.  Those pioneering souls have the opportunity to be our Beta testers and get extended benefits.

3 - Be "Pre" rather than "Pro"  keep an ever watchful eye on the direction of travel that you and/or your effort is going...moving up is great...moving flat is OK for a while...moving down is a good indicator of a crash...even a landing has a huge potential for a you implicitly trust your pilot?

The point to be made is that nothing worth having comes easily...
...It must be worked for...
...It must be guarded...
...It must be continuously monitored...

Do not run blindly...or deceive yourself into the "all is good" attitude...

Pura Vida!

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