Saturday, November 28, 2009

True Adulthood in Leadership...

Good Morning!

I had to start this update with a fond memory!  The final scene from the Matrix, which many do not know, was how I introduced my version of Whitebelt training!

I believe that it is possible to create a world without borders and fear of change...where it can go is strictly limited by the courage and the creativity of the people involved.

It was nice to go back to that memory and relive the hope that I had while teaching this...

Shifting gears!

Although it was a short week...I bet that you stayed the course in whatever you had chosen to do and wrapped it up before taking time to be thankful!  Isn't that the responsible thing to do?

It is sad that we (as a nation) must have an official holiday to remind us of a character trait that all adults should implicitly have...a spirit of that flows naturally...rather than a scheduled event!

Thankfulness is an essential element in success!

The odds are stacked against us in every aspect of our lives.  Failure is more probable than success...yet we fail to recognize that!  ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF FAILURE'S HIGHER PROBABILITY...

That narrow view is rather childish and selfish...thinking that we can or deserve to be successful...

That is just one of the behaviors that we have to be fully aware of in order for us to develop into great leaders!

When I think about adulthood...(especially in relation to leadership) I think of it as an ever growing responsibility.

It is having the right to (or for) specific means that others trust us to do "the right" things...


Yet many miss the boat when it comes to adulthood...

Adulthood means that when something is does not create extra work for others...(like cleaning up the mess)...

Adulthood means that one does not have to be reminded...

Adulthood means that the task will be accomplished as good as or better than if someone else did it...

Adulthood means that value is derived from that individual's effort that is shared by all those touched by the effort...

Adulthood includes recognition for that contribution...

Adulthood...means...leaving it better for having been there...

If the world was filled with adults...think of how much better the world would be!

I once read that the trait that domesticated dogs...was actually the absence of a trait...domestic dogs lost the ability to grow-up.  Domestic dogs are puppies...and will always be!

Man in a general sense has been domesticated...and...lost the real ability to grow up...

Some of those childish characteristics are actually lauded in leadership circles...

The mental image that comes to mind is the immature and "unruly" bully in grade school...  

Don't be that or promote those behaviors in others...

Seek out and promote real "adult" behaviors....

Like Thankfulness...



The list is not that long...

Shifting gears...again!

I do not know if my research has made this more apparent to me or if I have moved into a different circle...

I have noticed many people quoting others and quoting others and quoting others!

Has noone an original thought?

Do these people need to justify their behaviors based upon the words of other individuals?

It looks like..."HEY...I believe this and it is all right because some famous person said this!"

I am so disappointed in those who continually quote people and lack the creativity or courage to take their own stand!

The question is...would you rather quote or be quoted?

I know where I want to stand!

It appears to me that children quote...

Adults are quoted!

I seek adulthood...thank you very much!

To those who overuse quoting...stop talking about it and start putting those words into action...they speak louder than words!  (was that a quote?)  You'll be much more effective if people emulate your behaviors than if they simply say you words!

That sounds like...I want to be like him when I grow up...doesn't it?

A true leadership adult is seldom quoted, but often emulated...

That is the bottom-line...stop talking about it and work to exhibit those behaviors that will be emulated and carried into this generation and those beyond!

Enough Said!

I hope that you have had a Thankful week!

I hope that it was restful!

I hope that between today and the next time you are thankful is full prosperity and health and generosity!

Have a great week!

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