I recently watched a television show that focused on our solar system.
I have always had (at least since an early age) an interest in astronomy...especially planetary astronomy.
This broadcast had amazing photography of all of the planets...and I still look at the pictures and feel the excitement and amazement that I felt the first time I saw Jupiter, its "red spot" and its moons and the "rings of Saturn."
Enough of my reminiscing!
This show was more than pictures...it discussed many different theories related to the birth of our solar system, its history and anticipated "life span."
One portion of the show caught my attention in particular. It was about the birth of the planet. One of the latest theories contends that the planets "accreted." That means that over a period of time, they started out as atoms, that accumulated into dust, that accumulated into rocks, that accumulated into asteroid-sized objects, that finally accumulated into planet-sized objects.
That seemed to make sense...until I thought about nature...
Nature doesn't accrete! It's general tendency is to erode!
Nature seeks its lowest level...
In nature...big things become smaller...not the other way around!
If accretion was true...the asteroid belt would be turning into a planet...
I am seeing this! Are you?
Ashes to Ashes...Dust to Dust!
Big Deal! Right?
I really do not care how the earth came into being...
But this theory got me thinking (I don't know how or why) about the role and relation that Human Beings have in nature!
Nature is about cycles of building that lead to decomposition...
Physically humans are part of that cycle...and as hard as we try...we can not break free from it!
Think about it...
The Egyptians sought eternal existence...through mummification...
Ponce de Leon - Tried in vain to find the "Fountain of Eternal Youth"
A vast majority of the world's population is concerned with spiritual "eternal life."
Many of our info-mercials sell exercise and health programs, make-up, plastic surgery, and so on...in an attempt to stop the inevitable attacks of nature...
Despite our gallant efforts...we all succumb to nature and return to dust!
That is as individuals...but what about us as a species?
So where do "we" actually stand?
It is interesting...but it wasn't deep introspection of thought that lead me to this...but the info-mercials that brought on this epiphany!
We (human beings) are here to stand against nature!
It is deeply instilled in us to create things that grow...things that last!
It has been and remains an important part of every culture...
Without belaboring the point...humans are here to stand against erosion...and decomposition...
It is in our nature to..."Rage...Rage...against the night...and not go gently into that good night..."
We are here in direct conflict with nature!
Should we fight a battle that we'll ultimately lose?
Regardless of your religious position...from scientific to fanatic...our global and individual role/position is unique!
To put it in the most generic form...(that can be read more universally)...Nature put man on this earth as (at minimum) an experiment...or to play a leadership and control role...that prior to his/her dawn did not exist.
The role?
To take command and control of the natural order of things!
Natural order?
To go from something...flourish...and then subside into oblivion!
To break to cycles...and leave ever improving legacies!
Things upon which future generations can built to higher and better levels of existence...
Look at our history...we have gone from caves to skyscrapers!
From walking upright...to space travel...
and on and on!
To make a positive difference in the world...or at least the part that matters...the part that each was given responsibility for...
Is this a battle that we (as a species) will lose?
I do not believe so...
What to do? WHAT TO DO?
To figure out our role in this cosmic drama...let's look at Nature...the world around us...
It may be easier to figure out our purpose by seeing what we are standing against and defining our role from the "negative of a negative" aspect!
Nature lacks morals or ethics...
It is what it is!
It does not reward good...or punish bad!
It destroys huge parts of its inhabitants without even a second thought...
It allows extinctions
Need I go on?
Nature is cruel (by our standards)...Nature doesn't see it that way...because it has no standards...
Nature lacks caring (although we may see it...it is fleeting)
Nature ultimately decomposes EVERYTHING into the most basic of elements leaving absolutely no trace of its past...IT COULD CARE LESS!
Clarity of Purpose
It is much easier for me to see what we should be doing...now that I see what we are here "not to do!"
The opposite of love is not hate...it is indifference!
Nature is indifferent...we as human being have the ability to exercise our calling and stand against indifference by caring and love!
This above all things is an important characteristic of human-ness! Yet many do not exercise this obligation!
Why not hate?
Next...Nature decomposes...it destroys what it has built...
Hate is an emotion that leads to destructive behaviors...
Any behavior that destroys or erodes is natural...whether driven by a negative emotion or simply through indifference!
Love and caring in the proper perspective builds...and is strictly a human characteristic!
I could belabor the point...but will refrain from doing so...
As humans...we are designed to build and keep building...
To leave foundations upon which future generations can springboard to even higher levels...
Yet we fall prey to nature and simply act "naturally"
Shame on us!
This is not only about lasting monuments and ethical governments...
This is also about a mean and nasty word...a bullying behavior...
Any behavior that is less than uplifting...is degrading and eroding...
"Non-building" behaviors are admissions of that individual being less (lower) than human...
Harsh but true!
We through apathy and avoidance...allow these individuals to remain an accepted and often lauded part of our human society...when we should be re-mediating them...
They are not only "lower classed" they are shirking their responsibility as humans!
They need to see that they are hurting our species (society) on a whole...
It is not that hard to be nice...
It is not that hard to act human...
To build...rather than tear down...
To switch from "what's in it for me?" to "how can I help you?"
It would be totally delightful to walk around a shopping mall and overhear happy conversations rather than the cutting and obnoxious talk that I hear!
Think of a world filled with "please" and heartfelt "thank you's" or "excuse me"...or "after you!"
Just common (actually uncommon) courtesies!
How hard is it to simply be what we are called to be?
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Is "Tolerance" the Kiss of Death?
"Come on...you can do better than that!"
That was a phrase that we grew up with...
Many psychologists would say that statements like this are counter-productive...even damaging!
I disagree in part with that belief!
If success is the destination...then...criticism is part of the journey!
Like everything worthwhile in life...if success is what one truly desires...then ciriticism is one of the costs of obtaining it...
Our Whimpy Society
We have spent too much of our lives "sugar coating" mediocrity...
"...we dont want to hurt fragile psyches!"
Don't misunderstand me...criticism is not all good...it is a double-edged sword...
There is a point where I agree with the psychologists that call criticism damaging...
If the criticism stands alone...like the opening sentence...and it puts the responsibility, for improvement, totally upon the criticized...this can and, more often than not, be damaging...especially when the criticized is trying the best that they know how...
However the tables can be easily turned!
I suggest the following criteria for criticism...AND...
...if tis criteria is not met...
...one should NOT criticize!
Criteria for Productive and Beneficial Criticism
It is this simple...
1. The criticism must identify the specific behavior and its detrimental impact...
2. The criticism MUST include a reasonable and achieveable suggestion for improvement...
3. The "criticizer" MUST sincerely volunteer to substantially assist the "criticized" in achieving the recommended improvement!
An individual has no right to criticize unless they put some skin in the game!
"We are in this together" has to be the driving force in the world of criticism...
"Just say'in" doesn't cut it!
That popular phrase is simply dumping responsibility on the individual and is nothing more than a selfish statement!
Let it be known that noone has a right to an opinion without a vested interest and a contribution to the improvement...
We have become a "whimpy" society...simultaneously tolerant and intolerant...
That is a good thing...
But operationally we have a problem...
The problem is that we have them switched!
We are tolerant of the things we should abhor...
Intolerant of those things that do not matter!
The good thing...is that this can easily be fixed with discipline and consistency!
When we tolerate because we are too busy or tired...it is a bad thing!
When our tolerance is springs from understanding...it is a good thing!
It is a bad thing...when we tolerate because we are lazy or apathetic or calloused!
It is a good thing...when it builds and unites...rather than destroys!
The "Do unto others" thing really holds true here!
The strange thing that most of our society knows the "Do unto others" thing...and they still have nasty mouths and attitudes?
I have to wonder if these individuals are really asking to be treated like that in their treatment of others...
I sure hope not...
Because if that is true...our world is more messed up than we think!
The "Do unto others" is true in criticism of others...but did you realize that this also holds true in our criticism of "self?"
STOP Being Your Own Worst Critic!
Let's mess with the "Do unto others" saying...
"Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you!"
Self-criticism is just as damaging as that coming from another...especially when it doesn't follow my suggested criteria for productive criticism...
In somewhat of a "tongue-in-cheek" fashion...When the person who you are closest to criticizes you (you criticizing yourself) without a plan for improvement AND a commitment to improving...it achieves little but pointing out the failure and emphasizing the weakness that the self possesses!
It is self-deprecating!
Use the criteria on yourself...if not...stop self criticism!
Enough said!
On Being Judgemental...
The old warning...
"...judge not...lest you yourself will be judged..." is so true!
We have no right to judge another for their actions...good or bad!
We can only state whether or not we would do that ourselves!
Judgement of others extends not only to criticism (the negative side) but also to the positive side!
Although compliments of others are good behaviors...we must be careful about the use of them...
Moderation is the key...and the criteria for positive criticism still holds true!
Criticism is important...but from whom?
We can not survive and thrive without criticism or judgement...
Someone has to be able to judge/criticize our actions...
Us...on ourselves!
We must be the judge of our own behaviors...
...the only person that you have a right to judge is yourself...
You have a right to feel good when you do something good!
Pat yourself on the back!
But remember...you do not have the right to hurt yourself!
Any more than others have the right to hurt you...or...no more than you have the right to hurt another person!
Judgement and criticism loses its ability to cause damage when it is put in the light of the obtainable improvement...and assistance to obtaining the standard that drove the original criticism...
Our society would be "so much the better" if we became less tolerant of mediocrity...more critical of it...stepping up to make better things happen!
I am not a proponent of tolerance...if it is a battle worth fighting for...
If it doesn't matter...don't worry about it!
If it does matter...make it happen with a loving passion!
I could go on...but it is the weekend...
Have a restful one!
I know where you head is going...
"OK Phil...interesting weekend update...but I know that you can do better than that!"
I can with your suggestions and assistance!
If you are willing...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
That was a phrase that we grew up with...
Many psychologists would say that statements like this are counter-productive...even damaging!
I disagree in part with that belief!
If success is the destination...then...criticism is part of the journey!
Like everything worthwhile in life...if success is what one truly desires...then ciriticism is one of the costs of obtaining it...
Our Whimpy Society
We have spent too much of our lives "sugar coating" mediocrity...
"...we dont want to hurt fragile psyches!"
Don't misunderstand me...criticism is not all good...it is a double-edged sword...
There is a point where I agree with the psychologists that call criticism damaging...
If the criticism stands alone...like the opening sentence...and it puts the responsibility, for improvement, totally upon the criticized...this can and, more often than not, be damaging...especially when the criticized is trying the best that they know how...
However the tables can be easily turned!
I suggest the following criteria for criticism...AND...
...if tis criteria is not met...
...one should NOT criticize!
Criteria for Productive and Beneficial Criticism
It is this simple...
1. The criticism must identify the specific behavior and its detrimental impact...
2. The criticism MUST include a reasonable and achieveable suggestion for improvement...
3. The "criticizer" MUST sincerely volunteer to substantially assist the "criticized" in achieving the recommended improvement!
An individual has no right to criticize unless they put some skin in the game!
"We are in this together" has to be the driving force in the world of criticism...
"Just say'in" doesn't cut it!
That popular phrase is simply dumping responsibility on the individual and is nothing more than a selfish statement!
Let it be known that noone has a right to an opinion without a vested interest and a contribution to the improvement...
We have become a "whimpy" society...simultaneously tolerant and intolerant...
That is a good thing...
But operationally we have a problem...
The problem is that we have them switched!
We are tolerant of the things we should abhor...
Intolerant of those things that do not matter!
The good thing...is that this can easily be fixed with discipline and consistency!
When we tolerate because we are too busy or tired...it is a bad thing!
When our tolerance is springs from understanding...it is a good thing!
It is a bad thing...when we tolerate because we are lazy or apathetic or calloused!
It is a good thing...when it builds and unites...rather than destroys!
The "Do unto others" thing really holds true here!
The strange thing that most of our society knows the "Do unto others" thing...and they still have nasty mouths and attitudes?
I have to wonder if these individuals are really asking to be treated like that in their treatment of others...
I sure hope not...
Because if that is true...our world is more messed up than we think!
The "Do unto others" is true in criticism of others...but did you realize that this also holds true in our criticism of "self?"
STOP Being Your Own Worst Critic!
Let's mess with the "Do unto others" saying...
"Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you!"
Self-criticism is just as damaging as that coming from another...especially when it doesn't follow my suggested criteria for productive criticism...
In somewhat of a "tongue-in-cheek" fashion...When the person who you are closest to criticizes you (you criticizing yourself) without a plan for improvement AND a commitment to improving...it achieves little but pointing out the failure and emphasizing the weakness that the self possesses!
It is self-deprecating!
Use the criteria on yourself...if not...stop self criticism!
Enough said!
On Being Judgemental...
The old warning...
"...judge not...lest you yourself will be judged..." is so true!
We have no right to judge another for their actions...good or bad!
We can only state whether or not we would do that ourselves!
Judgement of others extends not only to criticism (the negative side) but also to the positive side!
Although compliments of others are good behaviors...we must be careful about the use of them...
Moderation is the key...and the criteria for positive criticism still holds true!
Criticism is important...but from whom?
We can not survive and thrive without criticism or judgement...
Someone has to be able to judge/criticize our actions...
Us...on ourselves!
We must be the judge of our own behaviors...
...the only person that you have a right to judge is yourself...
You have a right to feel good when you do something good!
Pat yourself on the back!
But remember...you do not have the right to hurt yourself!
Any more than others have the right to hurt you...or...no more than you have the right to hurt another person!
Judgement and criticism loses its ability to cause damage when it is put in the light of the obtainable improvement...and assistance to obtaining the standard that drove the original criticism...
Our society would be "so much the better" if we became less tolerant of mediocrity...more critical of it...stepping up to make better things happen!
I am not a proponent of tolerance...if it is a battle worth fighting for...
If it doesn't matter...don't worry about it!
If it does matter...make it happen with a loving passion!
I could go on...but it is the weekend...
Have a restful one!
I know where you head is going...
"OK Phil...interesting weekend update...but I know that you can do better than that!"
I can with your suggestions and assistance!
If you are willing...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
Monday, April 15, 2013
What Have WE become?
It has been estimated that (since the dawn of man) approximately 100 Billion people have lived and died to get us where we are! Every individual who has lived and died has had some influence on our current situation...
...some good...
...some bad...
...some helped keep us at status quo!
One of my "Epiphanies of the utterly obvious" is that we often (and wrongly) believe that "It is what it is..."
The fact of the matter is..."It is our fault for it being what it is!"
Some of us fail to realize the contribution that we make to our society's present and future...
We are...(each one of us)...a genetically unique variation on the "human theme."
We carry with us the entire history of the past...
Good and bad!
The "good" should be carried forward...
The "bad" should become a memory (AND LESSON) of what should not be repeated!
Another of my "Epiphanies" is that...
"History is our greatest teacher...and it will repeat itself until we learn the lessons that it intends to teach us!"
Since my last post (which has been a while)...I have been contemplating the plight of human-kind...
...as if it will make a difference...
Rather than curse the stupidity of this world...I realized that, at least, I can be in it but not of it...
I do not have to fall prey to apathy and conforming to a death spiral...
I can change the world...or at least the part that matters...my world (as small as it may be!)...
A History Channel Moment!
After deep and intense debate, our "Founding Fathers" identified those "unalienable rights" of those who are members (citizens) of the fledgling country called "The United States of America"
These rights were documented in and guaranteed by the US Constitution...the are "...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..."
They also recognized that these rights came with a cost!
Members (citizens) were guaranteed the rights as long as what they pursued DID NOT infringe on the right of another to pursue their rights!
Their intent related to "unalienable rights" was that it was conditional...
At the time of the writing...the emphasis was on the latter portion of their intent (i.e. "did not infringe on the rights of another") rather than "what one pursued"
Many argued that it would simply be a matter of time and the American society would selfishly replace "unalienable rights" with "individual rights" and confuse "freedom of NOT infringing on others' rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" with the "freedom of exercising their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
Sadly...I may have to admit that they were right and that the prophesied time has come!
Our nation still stands on the Founding Fathers' principals...
What saddens me is that the degradation is apparent in the behaviors of its members (citizens) on the most basic and primal levels...
Lessons Carried from the Past
My grade school education took place during some turbulent times in American history...(as I reflect on it...isn't every time turbulent?)
The Viet Nam war...
...The rise of the "Do your own thing generation"...
...Womens' Rights...
...The Cold-War...
...Civil Rights...
...Counter-culture movements...
...the Space Race...
It was a time of societal revolution...
...and we (my generation) watched and learned as things "were a chang'in"...
I was blessed...in that my teachers (who were of the "establishment") did their very best to ensure that we were not tainted of biased by their opinions...
They challenged us to strive for excellence...
I vividly recall a discussion early on, in my education, a teacher's advice...
"...one's weaknesses or ignorance does not give them the right to drag the rest of society down..."
"...It is that person's responsibility to strive to do the best they can..."
"Society is not obligated to accommodate for individuals who selfishly demand..."
"...Accommodation is not a right...but CHARITY"
"...It is our obligation as a citizens to contribute to society..."
Although an opinion...It shaped me and my awareness of the world around me and my obligations!
It confirmed to me that "membership" (citizenship) has its privileges...but it also has its costs!
When did we lose that?
In driver's education, we were taught that our inability to anticipate was not cause to endanger other drivers...
If you were in a wrong lane...it was not license to "cut lanes"
A person's "STUPID" did not condone irresponsible driving behavior...
Customer Service areas were significantly different...
If people talked to others like they do not in "customer service" areas...they would have been charged with disorderly conduct and fined!
Don't people of today realize that they "trash talk" and disrespectful behavior infringes on the rights of another to pursue "life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness"?
I often observe seemingly "constitutionally ignorant" (please excuse my opinion...it is used to emphasize my point) people trash others...talk disrespectful and ruin others' days!
Their behaviors are contrary to the US Constitution! That by definition is a felony!
I would love, nothing more, to see someone that was trashing a "minimum wage" Wal-Mart, customer service representative charged with a felony...lose their rights as an American citizen...
That is harsh!
But American citizenship...like membership...has a price!
One of those costs of citizenship is the respect of others' rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!"
It took me a long time to recognize what our Founding Fathers inherently knew from the beginning...
...That is there is a difference between "Liberty" and "Freedom"...
Freedom is the license to do whatever one pleases...regardless of impact to others...
Liberty is the ability to do what you desire without undue influence or coercion!
Freedom is inwardly or selfishly focused, while Liberty is outwardly (or other) focused...
If we focus on ensuring others Liberties...we will be free...
We have "Rights!"
"Rights" guaranteed by the Constitution...
"Rights" to be contributing citizens of this society...
We do not have the "Right" to be a "drain" on our society!
I am just a "nasty" person is not an excuse...
I am just an "air-head" or stupid is not an excuse...
I am not perfect is not an excuse...
...for what?
...an excuse to infringe on the rights of another or others!
The next time you feel obligated to "voice your opinion" or you hear someone doing that...
Ask...is this infringing on the other's right to their "pursuit of happiness?"
You or that person is in the process of giving up your right to citizenship!
What have we become?
I want to ensure that the 100 billion people who have lived and died have not done so in vain!
We are quickly becoming a society of thankless individuals...
...who do not recognize the impact that they have on the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" of others...
Time to stop...listen to History...and learn from it!
Membership (citizenship)...does have its cost!
Pura Vida!
It has been estimated that (since the dawn of man) approximately 100 Billion people have lived and died to get us where we are! Every individual who has lived and died has had some influence on our current situation...
...some good...
...some bad...
...some helped keep us at status quo!
One of my "Epiphanies of the utterly obvious" is that we often (and wrongly) believe that "It is what it is..."
The fact of the matter is..."It is our fault for it being what it is!"
Some of us fail to realize the contribution that we make to our society's present and future...
We are...(each one of us)...a genetically unique variation on the "human theme."
We carry with us the entire history of the past...
Good and bad!
The "good" should be carried forward...
The "bad" should become a memory (AND LESSON) of what should not be repeated!
Another of my "Epiphanies" is that...
"History is our greatest teacher...and it will repeat itself until we learn the lessons that it intends to teach us!"
Since my last post (which has been a while)...I have been contemplating the plight of human-kind...
...as if it will make a difference...
Rather than curse the stupidity of this world...I realized that, at least, I can be in it but not of it...
I do not have to fall prey to apathy and conforming to a death spiral...
I can change the world...or at least the part that matters...my world (as small as it may be!)...
A History Channel Moment!
After deep and intense debate, our "Founding Fathers" identified those "unalienable rights" of those who are members (citizens) of the fledgling country called "The United States of America"
These rights were documented in and guaranteed by the US Constitution...the are "...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..."
They also recognized that these rights came with a cost!
Members (citizens) were guaranteed the rights as long as what they pursued DID NOT infringe on the right of another to pursue their rights!
Their intent related to "unalienable rights" was that it was conditional...
At the time of the writing...the emphasis was on the latter portion of their intent (i.e. "did not infringe on the rights of another") rather than "what one pursued"
Many argued that it would simply be a matter of time and the American society would selfishly replace "unalienable rights" with "individual rights" and confuse "freedom of NOT infringing on others' rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" with the "freedom of exercising their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
Sadly...I may have to admit that they were right and that the prophesied time has come!
Our nation still stands on the Founding Fathers' principals...
What saddens me is that the degradation is apparent in the behaviors of its members (citizens) on the most basic and primal levels...
Lessons Carried from the Past
My grade school education took place during some turbulent times in American history...(as I reflect on it...isn't every time turbulent?)
The Viet Nam war...
...The rise of the "Do your own thing generation"...
...Womens' Rights...
...The Cold-War...
...Civil Rights...
...Counter-culture movements...
...the Space Race...
It was a time of societal revolution...
...and we (my generation) watched and learned as things "were a chang'in"...
I was blessed...in that my teachers (who were of the "establishment") did their very best to ensure that we were not tainted of biased by their opinions...
They challenged us to strive for excellence...
I vividly recall a discussion early on, in my education, a teacher's advice...
"...one's weaknesses or ignorance does not give them the right to drag the rest of society down..."
"...It is that person's responsibility to strive to do the best they can..."
"Society is not obligated to accommodate for individuals who selfishly demand..."
"...Accommodation is not a right...but CHARITY"
"...It is our obligation as a citizens to contribute to society..."
Although an opinion...It shaped me and my awareness of the world around me and my obligations!
It confirmed to me that "membership" (citizenship) has its privileges...but it also has its costs!
When did we lose that?
In driver's education, we were taught that our inability to anticipate was not cause to endanger other drivers...
If you were in a wrong lane...it was not license to "cut lanes"
A person's "STUPID" did not condone irresponsible driving behavior...
Customer Service areas were significantly different...
If people talked to others like they do not in "customer service" areas...they would have been charged with disorderly conduct and fined!
Don't people of today realize that they "trash talk" and disrespectful behavior infringes on the rights of another to pursue "life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness"?
I often observe seemingly "constitutionally ignorant" (please excuse my opinion...it is used to emphasize my point) people trash others...talk disrespectful and ruin others' days!
Their behaviors are contrary to the US Constitution! That by definition is a felony!
I would love, nothing more, to see someone that was trashing a "minimum wage" Wal-Mart, customer service representative charged with a felony...lose their rights as an American citizen...
That is harsh!
But American citizenship...like membership...has a price!
One of those costs of citizenship is the respect of others' rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!"
It took me a long time to recognize what our Founding Fathers inherently knew from the beginning...
...That is there is a difference between "Liberty" and "Freedom"...
Freedom is the license to do whatever one pleases...regardless of impact to others...
Liberty is the ability to do what you desire without undue influence or coercion!
Freedom is inwardly or selfishly focused, while Liberty is outwardly (or other) focused...
If we focus on ensuring others Liberties...we will be free...
We have "Rights!"
"Rights" guaranteed by the Constitution...
"Rights" to be contributing citizens of this society...
We do not have the "Right" to be a "drain" on our society!
I am just a "nasty" person is not an excuse...
I am just an "air-head" or stupid is not an excuse...
I am not perfect is not an excuse...
...for what?
...an excuse to infringe on the rights of another or others!
The next time you feel obligated to "voice your opinion" or you hear someone doing that...
Ask...is this infringing on the other's right to their "pursuit of happiness?"
You or that person is in the process of giving up your right to citizenship!
What have we become?
I want to ensure that the 100 billion people who have lived and died have not done so in vain!
We are quickly becoming a society of thankless individuals...
...who do not recognize the impact that they have on the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" of others...
Time to stop...listen to History...and learn from it!
Membership (citizenship)...does have its cost!
Pura Vida!
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