Saturday, January 2, 2010


Good Morning!

Another successful week? 

Still on the slow side because everyone is using up their remaining vacation time? 

Can't move because noone is motivated to accomplish anything?

I could go on...but I have already made an interesting observation...none of that has anything to do with you!

It almost sounds like a runner complaining about losing a race because everyone else ran slow...or didn't show up for the race!

Your success is your race...and no other's...take control of it and bring home the gold!

Promise yourself that you'll be a winner...PROMISE!

A long...long time ago, I realized that a broken promise is nothing more than a lie with and excuse...

When I put it into that context...I did two things...

1-My promises became less flippant
2-I worked more diligently to fulfill my promises

They're only words...Right?

Your words are you and your verbal contract with life and the world around you...treat them that way!

Shifting Gears...

This week I was asking the kids not to talk so mean to eachother...

"Dad," they replied, "They are only words..."

That hit a cord with me...

It is sad how devalued a person's words have become...

It's only words...

But that is not everywhere...

Take a look at this...

Words in America may not mean much...but there are places in in which they do...

If you want your words to mean something...find an injustice and "speak-out!"

Enough Said...

I often think that we set our sights way too low...

Why should you not be targeting impacting the world?

"Because it is too big and I am too small!"

That is not a good excuse!

World impact (the great things) have always began with a passionate person who took that passion one step further and added action...

Find that niche and begin looking for ways to impact the world...

The 21st century has opened that door to you!

Make the difference...

Do not simply set your sights and your resolutions on the small and insignificant...make it meaningful!

You are capable of it if you connect your passions with your actions...

I am cleaning up and storing the past holiday that I can carry the fond memories to the next one!

Have a great weekend...

Enough Said!

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