Good Morning!
Before I get into the meat of our thoughts...I have to share a wonderful experience with you...
Last night the family retired relatively early...
I took advantage of the solitude to turn on some amazing classical music...I have no idea what concerto was playing...what mattered at that moment was that I was caught up in the was like an auditory fireworks display...
I walked outside to take in a few moments of the evening air...when someone on the other side of the lake lit-off a single, huge aerial firework. I saw it speed upward with a long bright reached its intended apex and burst into a gigantic multi-colored that moment I realized that just as the concerto was auditory fireworks...this fleeting display was like a visual concerto...
But there was a difference...
One was one-time event and one is timeless!
Enough said...for now!
I was thinking about how organizations tout the image of being "family"
It is an interesting parallel...given that most families are quite dysfunctional!
Ascertaining the reasons behind the “dysfunctionality” of real families...may give us insight into organizational problems...
The top 3 reasons for family dysfunctions are:
- A missing parent (either a single parent situation or a disengaged parent)
- A parent with some major psychological flaw or addiction
- A lack of expectations between parents and children
The first thing that I notice is that the parent is part or all of the reasons, in each of these situations.
The second thing I notice is that two are nearly predestined to be a problem (the first one through divorce or death and the second one from disease)
The third thing that I notice is that the third reason is completely controllable just by communicating...
So for those of you who have families or are planning families...let's define and communicate what are expectations of a family each other and avert one of the top causes of “dysfunctionality...”
Here is what I believe a family represents...
A family is an oasis...a sanctuary, a secure place of safety and rest for family members...
A family is a unit that works together towards individual and mutual goals and benefits...
A family helps its other members grow and conform to the requirements of being a family member...
A family is where the individuals strive NOT to burden any other family member or the family on a whole...
A family is a place where each family member supports and cares for the others...
A family is a place where nothing derogatory, hurtful or demeaning is said between its members...they only talk in supportive ways…
A family is where each individual member leaves the family unit better for their being there...
I am working VERY hard to live up to my standard of being a family member…and maintain a family that does the same…
These are my basic characteristics for a family...being like that will defend against any dysfunction!
As I think about them...they are the same as my vision for an organization...especially those that claim to be a family...
I may have made the mistake on the past of not verbalizing my "family requirements" That is no longer the case!
For a family or an organization...these are the basic requirements...which means that every family or organizational member has a choice.
To adhere to these requirements...Do you want these same things?
If's behavior must show that you do!
If one does not show these attributes...then the decision is do not want to be part of the family or the organization...and the family or organization does not need you...because the family or the organization no longer wants to risk “dysfunctionality”...that makes that kind of person a risk that can and should be off loaded!
Great organizations attract, engage and retain great people...Great organizations also do not ignore the other side of the equation...they recognize that talented people are an asset...and also know that "losers" are a liability...and they are willing to make the hard decisions for the sake of the whole...That is one of the ways organizations avoid becoming dysfunctional...there is no need for baggage...
Family is about one's heart and doing the right things relative to is absolutely the same with organizations...the cool thing is...that it is the leaders or parents that are ultimately in control and responsible for this...and also the other major causes of “dysfunctionality” only one situation it is actuality it is a result of how they the is about how they react!
As your family (whether real or organizational) wisely! Set the requirements up front and act and react with integrity...
Enough said...
The demands of leadership are more than the fiscal goals related to a title. A leader is an overseer of integrity. Their role is to model the desired behavior and ensure that every individual conforms to the highest standards. Whether you strive to be a president or a parent the responsibility is the develop and communicate those standards. It can not be assumed that every member automatically knows those standards of behaviors.
OK...Now I have said Enough!
One of our loyal followers uses the following in his signature line of his email...
@ your service
I love it!
In fact, the more that I get to know him...the more that I see that it is more than a tag is a part of his mission...
For those who I have mentored, or who have been following the "blogs" for some know that I emphasize the importance of your signature...
Not the name that you write...but what you stand for...YOUR SIGNATURE...that which you are known for...
What is your signature trait?
A signature is what you are known a very big is the most evident habits that you exhibit...
I have skirted saying this directly...but your signature is the TALENT that you are known for...
What is your talent? In its simpliest form...
Talent = Passion + Action
Your signature and your talent should be indistinguishable...
When that have arrived...
Are you known for a single event in the past? Like a wonderful firework?
Are you known for repeat performances? A enduring piece of talent...?
When people talk of they say..."A while back...or I remember a time when..."
or do they say?
"The one thing that you can count on is..."
That is your choice...
Are you a firework or a concerto?
Enough Said!
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