Saturday, January 16, 2010

Creating a Different World...

Good Morning!

I was just listening to a UB40 song today...One in Ten...

The words...that hit me...

"...I am a 1 in 10..."

"A statistical reminder...of a world that doesn't care..."

This can be really depressing "fact of life..."

...or it can be a call to action...!

We need to be ever conscious that the world really doesn't care about you...unless it can get something out of you...

...Otherwise it will eat you alive...

Does that mean that we simply guard our back-side and horde as much as we can...until we can gather no more?

Not in the least...

Remember that the world also seeks to improve its lot...

It does so in two ways...

By plundering the lives of individuals...or

Through riding on the waves of improvement...generated by a few brave souls that dare to "make waves!"

Our first question today...

Are you a statistical fact or an anomoly?

That is your choice and it will only be evident in your persistent actions...that, in the end will be recognized as your talent...

We seek talent realized and contributed...not potential talent...

Take it and Make it...

Enough Said on this topic...the rest is up to you!


This has been a roller coaster of a week!

I got to spend some time with my friends at my favorite place! That was awesome!

The Haiti earthquake! It shook my heart at more than 7.0! I really wanted to go and help with the efforts...and my current situation made that impossible by my normal means...I am still looking for out of the ordinary ways to make that happen...

We are people who make meaningful and significant differences in the lives of individuals...

If that is a passion...we have to act passionately...or compassionately...we have to act with a sense of urgency...we have to act...pure and simple...

I will continue to try...I know that as time passes...the aid and help will also wane...but the needs will not...perhaps it is not my time right now...but I will be ready when the time comes...

Helping the poorest country in the western hemisphere is not a bad thing!

To do that…we have to have compassion and be willing to face some extreme situations...not comfortable ones...

Enough Said on this...just remember that a significant portion of the income of Cii goes to helping and aiding individuals like the Haitians...we are committed to making this world a better place...for us having been there...

I hope that you awake with the same realization that I awake to...every morning...

I am one day closer to my goals and destiny!

That can be invigorating or it can be depressing!

That thought takes me to a neighbor that I had many years back...

Every evening all of the men in our cul-de-sac met in our front yards...drinks in hand...and children at play...

We talked "man-talk" and watched the kids...

My next-door neighbor's greeting was always..."another day less day..."

This bothered me because I read it, as him saying that he was on a count down to death...


Please allow me to explain...

On usual...he walked outside with his regular tumbler-full of scotch on ice...neared us and as usual...said...his normal greeting..."Good evening men...I am another day less day..."

Having started my tumbler of "rum on the rocks" much earlier than the rest...caused me to respond to his greeting in a way that I probably never would have...I called him on that...saying...

"I have been listening to you say that dreadful line for almost 2 years now...Just what do you me by it?"

The others in the group (having lived there longer than I) snickered...knowing that I was in for the dissertation of my life!

He was merciful...

"I have things that I want to do...and each and every day brings me one step closer to those things...that is...if I stay the course..." I am on course and closer to my dreams!

I felt ashamed...and admitted that I thought that he was on a countdown to death!

We all laughed...and went back to our normal trivial and meaningless talk...

I will never forget that lesson...and have applied it to my own set of goals...

If I am doing what I need to be doing...each day brings me closer to those milestones...

The count-down can be the excitement that we need to keep us focused and on course...

(by the way...he arrived at his goals)...

Next on my agenda...

I have an important lesson...that I learned to share with you...

It is about living life to its fullest and doing great things...

Everyone is capable of doing something great...we seek to find that and make that real...

But there is something significantly more important...

That is doing something great AND fulfilling ALL of your other responsibilities...

Anyone can do one thing great...and leave all of their other responsibilities slip...

But that makes you a burden on someone else?

And if you are putting even the smallest burden on someone (anyone) had better be doing something great!

Letting things slip...for the sake of some great and wonderful thing can buy a small portion of time...but in the end...all of the commitments and responsibilities have to be fulfilled!

Don’t wait or even begin to believe that you have time to catch up or make it good…

A truly successful person is one who does the "one great thing" and ensures that he/she is not a burden on others...

Do others have to pick up after you?

Are there broken promises?

Do you leave a path of destruction or a mess along your path...

Responsibility precludes leaving every place that you have been along your journey better for your having been the tiniest detail!

That philosophy makes for true greatness...all else is nothing more than "sum-total mediocre..."

Think about that...and I bet that you apply it to your life...I have...

Creating the different world takes on many different perspectives...

We have to stay true to our missions and focused in the pursuit of “making significant differences...”

We sometimes have to be creative in how we achieve our goals...and...

Maintain an excitement around the fact that if we are doing what we are supposed to be doing...each day takes us closer to the achievement of those missions...

Finally do not leave everything you pursue your goals...

Do not burden others...and leave each step better...for your having been there!

Have a great weekend

Dare to dream...

Work to achieve your dreams...

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