Good Morning!
How did your week go?
Did you have time to plan before you started?
Did you stop (midweek) to assess your progress?
Did you adjust...or were you plans on track?
Did you achieve what you set out to do?
This is the most simple set of behaviors that I have found...that will lead you to is what makes and keeps you a leader...if it is a your life...
The new year has started...and your annual plan should be pretty firm by now...That is so cool!
Now...all that is required is for you to simply decompose the issues and recompose them into the appropriate solutions!
"SIMPLY?" you ask...
Yes simply...
We have a tendency and actually believe that our world is is not!
Seek the simplicity in everything that you do...that is where the truth is found...
Illusion that blocks us from success is created when we heap complexity upon our world...
...and we do that just so that we feel is arrogance pure and simple...unwarranted arrogance!
Do not let the arrogance of..."what I do is complex" get you to believe that you had much to do with what you are doing...
Most of it was being in the right place at the right time!
Leadership is a matter of chance...
There are many more people more capable than you!
Unless you are a VERY unique person there are many people who can do what you do...many...can do it consistently better...and are willing to do what they do...for less than what you are making!
If the Recruiting division of the organization, that you work for, really did its job...they would have found someone better than you...
That is a sobering thought...isn't it!
The message is not meant to be demeaning...but should spark some appreciation for what you have...because someone is much more deserving than just happened to be there...
Be thankful for what you have...and have that thankfulness show in your efforts...
Speaking of action...
The role of Leadership is not a end....a "once and for all" proposition...
Many people get into the leadership role and then relax...they treat it like retirement...
Leadership is a commitment and one's holding of that role should be tested...if one is really must constantly be proven...
The ancient Romans had a great grasp of this concept...they actually called it the leadership test...
When an individual rose to leadership...which was in and of itself a struggle...they were constantly challenged by "up and comer's!"
They were challenged by those that they lead!
One...yes ONE...slip up and they fell from their position...most of the time...that fall meant that they never got back up! (because they were dead!) NOW THAT IS A STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE...
I know that you may think that sounds VERY first I did too! We should be much more forgiving and tolerant of weaknesses...
It is that tolerance that has lead this society to mediocrity...
If a leader is not challenged and allowed sub-standard performance...the entire group follows suit...and performs "sub-standard!"
I set the "leadership test" as my standard of performance long ago...and strive to meet that challenge...and demand that of those who lead me...
It has been said that a smart leader gathers people better than themselves...around them...
If they (the followers) are better than the leader...then those individuals should be leading...not following...
That is just common sense...
The bottom line is that you should not be leading something that you are not GREAT at and are not constantly growing with...
If you try...the "Roman leadership test" will ultimately hold'll fall and will be unable to stand back up...
Then you must count yourself lucky if you have simply been spared death!
Enough Said on this FIERCE topic! FOR NOW!
This past week I had an interesting discussion with a fellow that is "caught up in quotes..."
He is nearly "obsessive compulsive" about quoting if that makes him appear smarter or more wise...he does it under the guise of wanting to help people...
You know how I stand on quotes...
The wisdom of the path needs to be known...and shared...but one must realize that those things...only got us to today! Expecting to move into tomorrow...with just today's wisdom means that you are carrying old baggage that will only take today into tomorrow...
STOP QUOTING and say something original...otherwise SHUT-UP!
But beyond that...quoting has another problem that goes deeper than the facade of wisdom and intelligence...
It is true that "what's on the inside is shown by what comes to the outside..."
Most "quote rs" stop short of the real meaning of that sentence...
A good heart does have good words and bits of advice...but do not stop there...
A good heart and good intentions...provide good words and bits of advice and have actions with TOTAL integrity that match them...
GREAT leaders think...say...and...DO what they do with absolute consistency...that is what INTEGRITY is all about...
If the word integrity is in your MUST do that...if you are incapable...then take that word out...because you are not living up to your mission...
So far we have said that a leader has to be more than capable...they must earn the leadership rank...
They should constantly be challenged by the outside and by themselves...if not...the wise leader steps down...if they are too foolish or selfish to step aside...they should be knocked ethical and moral organization should recognize that and take the appropriate actions...their customers deserve that
AND...a great leader should think, talk and act with absolute integrity...
As I think about that...Integrity is KEY to good leadership...if a leader does not have can they be trusted? If a leader can not be trusted...should they lead?
Ulterior motives is a sign of poor leadership...and if pushed...they many times are illegal!
You know where that leads...
But let's go back to the customer comment that I just made a few sentences back...
Who are a leader's customers?
Many will argue that they are the people that buy the organization's products or services...
The leader's customers are those people who are within the leader's direct "sphere of influence."
No more and no less...
Leadership has confused this important aspect...
How are your leaders treating you?
How are you treating those who you can influence?
Is the treatment sending a message that each is the most important customer or is the message focused on the product or service at the cost of the "reports?"
It is sad...and that is a characteristic that often hurts the most important people...
A leader by the very meaning of the term is the first into battle...if the leader is incompetent...they are also the first casualty of the battle...and deserved so...
Not many Roman conquests were fought with the leader standing passively back behind the lines because they were the leader...
They sharpened their sword and stood victorious at the end because of their skill and abilities...
Otherwise a new leader took their place...
The "wimps" that stood behind their soldiers and shouted orders from an intentionally lagging chariot soon had the army turn on them...and that was because the army knew what it was to act with integrity...
OK...I have rambled enough on Romans...
I really want to stress the importance of action and leadership...
Don't fill your world with old phrases and quotes...
The Internet is full of them...
I have heard them before...
Rather than talking...get out there in front of the world and do something epic...
Create that legend...
A legendary act is much more meaningful than a legendary bunch of words...
It makes a difference...
Have a great weekend!
Firm those plans up and make them happen!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Single Glorious Firework or a Concerto?
Good Morning!
Before I get into the meat of our thoughts...I have to share a wonderful experience with you...
Last night the family retired relatively early...
I took advantage of the solitude to turn on some amazing classical music...I have no idea what concerto was playing...what mattered at that moment was that I was caught up in the was like an auditory fireworks display...
I walked outside to take in a few moments of the evening air...when someone on the other side of the lake lit-off a single, huge aerial firework. I saw it speed upward with a long bright reached its intended apex and burst into a gigantic multi-colored that moment I realized that just as the concerto was auditory fireworks...this fleeting display was like a visual concerto...
But there was a difference...
One was one-time event and one is timeless!
Enough said...for now!
I was thinking about how organizations tout the image of being "family"
It is an interesting parallel...given that most families are quite dysfunctional!
Ascertaining the reasons behind the “dysfunctionality” of real families...may give us insight into organizational problems...
The top 3 reasons for family dysfunctions are:
- A missing parent (either a single parent situation or a disengaged parent)
- A parent with some major psychological flaw or addiction
- A lack of expectations between parents and children
The first thing that I notice is that the parent is part or all of the reasons, in each of these situations.
The second thing I notice is that two are nearly predestined to be a problem (the first one through divorce or death and the second one from disease)
The third thing that I notice is that the third reason is completely controllable just by communicating...
So for those of you who have families or are planning families...let's define and communicate what are expectations of a family each other and avert one of the top causes of “dysfunctionality...”
Here is what I believe a family represents...
A family is an oasis...a sanctuary, a secure place of safety and rest for family members...
A family is a unit that works together towards individual and mutual goals and benefits...
A family helps its other members grow and conform to the requirements of being a family member...
A family is where the individuals strive NOT to burden any other family member or the family on a whole...
A family is a place where each family member supports and cares for the others...
A family is a place where nothing derogatory, hurtful or demeaning is said between its members...they only talk in supportive ways…
A family is where each individual member leaves the family unit better for their being there...
I am working VERY hard to live up to my standard of being a family member…and maintain a family that does the same…
These are my basic characteristics for a family...being like that will defend against any dysfunction!
As I think about them...they are the same as my vision for an organization...especially those that claim to be a family...
I may have made the mistake on the past of not verbalizing my "family requirements" That is no longer the case!
For a family or an organization...these are the basic requirements...which means that every family or organizational member has a choice.
To adhere to these requirements...Do you want these same things?
If's behavior must show that you do!
If one does not show these attributes...then the decision is do not want to be part of the family or the organization...and the family or organization does not need you...because the family or the organization no longer wants to risk “dysfunctionality”...that makes that kind of person a risk that can and should be off loaded!
Great organizations attract, engage and retain great people...Great organizations also do not ignore the other side of the equation...they recognize that talented people are an asset...and also know that "losers" are a liability...and they are willing to make the hard decisions for the sake of the whole...That is one of the ways organizations avoid becoming dysfunctional...there is no need for baggage...
Family is about one's heart and doing the right things relative to is absolutely the same with organizations...the cool thing is...that it is the leaders or parents that are ultimately in control and responsible for this...and also the other major causes of “dysfunctionality” only one situation it is actuality it is a result of how they the is about how they react!
As your family (whether real or organizational) wisely! Set the requirements up front and act and react with integrity...
Enough said...
The demands of leadership are more than the fiscal goals related to a title. A leader is an overseer of integrity. Their role is to model the desired behavior and ensure that every individual conforms to the highest standards. Whether you strive to be a president or a parent the responsibility is the develop and communicate those standards. It can not be assumed that every member automatically knows those standards of behaviors.
OK...Now I have said Enough!
One of our loyal followers uses the following in his signature line of his email...
@ your service
I love it!
In fact, the more that I get to know him...the more that I see that it is more than a tag is a part of his mission...
For those who I have mentored, or who have been following the "blogs" for some know that I emphasize the importance of your signature...
Not the name that you write...but what you stand for...YOUR SIGNATURE...that which you are known for...
What is your signature trait?
A signature is what you are known a very big is the most evident habits that you exhibit...
I have skirted saying this directly...but your signature is the TALENT that you are known for...
What is your talent? In its simpliest form...
Talent = Passion + Action
Your signature and your talent should be indistinguishable...
When that have arrived...
Are you known for a single event in the past? Like a wonderful firework?
Are you known for repeat performances? A enduring piece of talent...?
When people talk of they say..."A while back...or I remember a time when..."
or do they say?
"The one thing that you can count on is..."
That is your choice...
Are you a firework or a concerto?
Enough Said!
Before I get into the meat of our thoughts...I have to share a wonderful experience with you...
Last night the family retired relatively early...
I took advantage of the solitude to turn on some amazing classical music...I have no idea what concerto was playing...what mattered at that moment was that I was caught up in the was like an auditory fireworks display...
I walked outside to take in a few moments of the evening air...when someone on the other side of the lake lit-off a single, huge aerial firework. I saw it speed upward with a long bright reached its intended apex and burst into a gigantic multi-colored that moment I realized that just as the concerto was auditory fireworks...this fleeting display was like a visual concerto...
But there was a difference...
One was one-time event and one is timeless!
Enough said...for now!
I was thinking about how organizations tout the image of being "family"
It is an interesting parallel...given that most families are quite dysfunctional!
Ascertaining the reasons behind the “dysfunctionality” of real families...may give us insight into organizational problems...
The top 3 reasons for family dysfunctions are:
- A missing parent (either a single parent situation or a disengaged parent)
- A parent with some major psychological flaw or addiction
- A lack of expectations between parents and children
The first thing that I notice is that the parent is part or all of the reasons, in each of these situations.
The second thing I notice is that two are nearly predestined to be a problem (the first one through divorce or death and the second one from disease)
The third thing that I notice is that the third reason is completely controllable just by communicating...
So for those of you who have families or are planning families...let's define and communicate what are expectations of a family each other and avert one of the top causes of “dysfunctionality...”
Here is what I believe a family represents...
A family is an oasis...a sanctuary, a secure place of safety and rest for family members...
A family is a unit that works together towards individual and mutual goals and benefits...
A family helps its other members grow and conform to the requirements of being a family member...
A family is where the individuals strive NOT to burden any other family member or the family on a whole...
A family is a place where each family member supports and cares for the others...
A family is a place where nothing derogatory, hurtful or demeaning is said between its members...they only talk in supportive ways…
A family is where each individual member leaves the family unit better for their being there...
I am working VERY hard to live up to my standard of being a family member…and maintain a family that does the same…
These are my basic characteristics for a family...being like that will defend against any dysfunction!
As I think about them...they are the same as my vision for an organization...especially those that claim to be a family...
I may have made the mistake on the past of not verbalizing my "family requirements" That is no longer the case!
For a family or an organization...these are the basic requirements...which means that every family or organizational member has a choice.
To adhere to these requirements...Do you want these same things?
If's behavior must show that you do!
If one does not show these attributes...then the decision is do not want to be part of the family or the organization...and the family or organization does not need you...because the family or the organization no longer wants to risk “dysfunctionality”...that makes that kind of person a risk that can and should be off loaded!
Great organizations attract, engage and retain great people...Great organizations also do not ignore the other side of the equation...they recognize that talented people are an asset...and also know that "losers" are a liability...and they are willing to make the hard decisions for the sake of the whole...That is one of the ways organizations avoid becoming dysfunctional...there is no need for baggage...
Family is about one's heart and doing the right things relative to is absolutely the same with organizations...the cool thing is...that it is the leaders or parents that are ultimately in control and responsible for this...and also the other major causes of “dysfunctionality” only one situation it is actuality it is a result of how they the is about how they react!
As your family (whether real or organizational) wisely! Set the requirements up front and act and react with integrity...
Enough said...
The demands of leadership are more than the fiscal goals related to a title. A leader is an overseer of integrity. Their role is to model the desired behavior and ensure that every individual conforms to the highest standards. Whether you strive to be a president or a parent the responsibility is the develop and communicate those standards. It can not be assumed that every member automatically knows those standards of behaviors.
OK...Now I have said Enough!
One of our loyal followers uses the following in his signature line of his email...
@ your service
I love it!
In fact, the more that I get to know him...the more that I see that it is more than a tag is a part of his mission...
For those who I have mentored, or who have been following the "blogs" for some know that I emphasize the importance of your signature...
Not the name that you write...but what you stand for...YOUR SIGNATURE...that which you are known for...
What is your signature trait?
A signature is what you are known a very big is the most evident habits that you exhibit...
I have skirted saying this directly...but your signature is the TALENT that you are known for...
What is your talent? In its simpliest form...
Talent = Passion + Action
Your signature and your talent should be indistinguishable...
When that have arrived...
Are you known for a single event in the past? Like a wonderful firework?
Are you known for repeat performances? A enduring piece of talent...?
When people talk of they say..."A while back...or I remember a time when..."
or do they say?
"The one thing that you can count on is..."
That is your choice...
Are you a firework or a concerto?
Enough Said!
Monday, January 18, 2010
It's the Differences...
Good Morning and Welcome to a Special Holiday Edition of the Weekend Update...
Man that sounded like something from a news broadcast...
If you haven't checked it out...I have an article published on! Here is the link
I am really enjoying seeing my writing going out to people and I hope that it is making a difference...
Please take a minute to go there and give the article a HIGH rating! This will help make it possible for me to do more...
Enough said on this stuff...
Every year on this day...I am taken back to a dinner discussion that I had with my family...
It was not as earth shaking to them as it was to me...but I still go back to it...because it changed my life! SERIOUSLY...
Because it was Martin Luther King Day...we were talking about the significance of recognizing him...
The kids were all talking about how prejudiced the world was prior to and during those turbulent times...and how he stood for equality... and of was a wonderful conversation...that really seldom happens across the dinner I was really enjoying the moment...
"The kindergartener" had sat rather quiet...which was strange...
Then she said this...which still rings in my ears...
"At school the teacher told us that we should be spending our time looking for things that we have in common with each other...that just doesn't make sense to me...some people just don't have anything in common with others...when you look the way that people normally look...and that is OK..."
"When I thought about is the differences that matter!"
"What do you mean?" I asked...
"What is different between me and exactly the same as what is difference between you and me..." she responded...
"It is the differences between us...that we have exactly in common..."
"That's where we need to begin..."
My jaw dropped. She was right!
At first I thought she was just mimicking some words that she heard...or stumbled accidently upon some brilliant I questioned her fully on this concept...she fully explained to me what she meant...this came from her heart and mind...and it made a difference in mine too!
In ancient religious and epic texts there are stories of cultures striving to create absolute commonality. The story that is most often quoted is the "Tower of Babylon." The people who all spoke a single language sought to build a tower to touch the gods...He (God) did not take kindly to that effort...and destroyed the tower and "diversified" their languages during the fall of the tower...
The message that I derive from this story is that it is futile to try to effect change through commonality...and this is purported to be a critical element of change...
"It is the differences between us that we most have in common..."
This can be our greatest enemy or our greatest asset!
Embracing diversity...can be a major waste of time...
As much as wasting time...looking for commonality...
Deeply embedded in either effort...are the seeds of prejudice...
Indifference to those things is the most powerful safeguards to the destructive power that this evil holds...
"It just doesn't matter..." should be the cry...and getting about the real business at hand is what matters...
Interesting thoughts!
Another interesting thought that I had today is about the significance of holidays...
Each holiday carries a significant meaning...
Like today...standing against destructive prejudices...for example...
If you take the holidays in sum total...each has some underlying and significant importance...
Each should be personally important to you...
"What event in your life...can you celebrate that shows that you have added this important character trait to the fabric of your being?" should be asked...
If you can not cite one..."What are you going to do to make that day personally significant?"
That thought too has changed my life...
As I mentally list each holiday and the legendary trait of an individual or individuals that it celebrates...I ask myself..."Do I possess that trait?"
"Do you?"
"Are you striving to add those legendary human qualities to your fabric?"
"I am trying"
Enough said!
Have a great holiday!
Enjoy the time...
Make a Difference!
Man that sounded like something from a news broadcast...
If you haven't checked it out...I have an article published on! Here is the link
I am really enjoying seeing my writing going out to people and I hope that it is making a difference...
Please take a minute to go there and give the article a HIGH rating! This will help make it possible for me to do more...
Enough said on this stuff...
Every year on this day...I am taken back to a dinner discussion that I had with my family...
It was not as earth shaking to them as it was to me...but I still go back to it...because it changed my life! SERIOUSLY...
Because it was Martin Luther King Day...we were talking about the significance of recognizing him...
The kids were all talking about how prejudiced the world was prior to and during those turbulent times...and how he stood for equality... and of was a wonderful conversation...that really seldom happens across the dinner I was really enjoying the moment...
"The kindergartener" had sat rather quiet...which was strange...
Then she said this...which still rings in my ears...
"At school the teacher told us that we should be spending our time looking for things that we have in common with each other...that just doesn't make sense to me...some people just don't have anything in common with others...when you look the way that people normally look...and that is OK..."
"When I thought about is the differences that matter!"
"What do you mean?" I asked...
"What is different between me and exactly the same as what is difference between you and me..." she responded...
"It is the differences between us...that we have exactly in common..."
"That's where we need to begin..."
My jaw dropped. She was right!
At first I thought she was just mimicking some words that she heard...or stumbled accidently upon some brilliant I questioned her fully on this concept...she fully explained to me what she meant...this came from her heart and mind...and it made a difference in mine too!
In ancient religious and epic texts there are stories of cultures striving to create absolute commonality. The story that is most often quoted is the "Tower of Babylon." The people who all spoke a single language sought to build a tower to touch the gods...He (God) did not take kindly to that effort...and destroyed the tower and "diversified" their languages during the fall of the tower...
The message that I derive from this story is that it is futile to try to effect change through commonality...and this is purported to be a critical element of change...
"It is the differences between us that we most have in common..."
This can be our greatest enemy or our greatest asset!
Embracing diversity...can be a major waste of time...
As much as wasting time...looking for commonality...
Deeply embedded in either effort...are the seeds of prejudice...
Indifference to those things is the most powerful safeguards to the destructive power that this evil holds...
"It just doesn't matter..." should be the cry...and getting about the real business at hand is what matters...
Interesting thoughts!
Another interesting thought that I had today is about the significance of holidays...
Each holiday carries a significant meaning...
Like today...standing against destructive prejudices...for example...
If you take the holidays in sum total...each has some underlying and significant importance...
Each should be personally important to you...
"What event in your life...can you celebrate that shows that you have added this important character trait to the fabric of your being?" should be asked...
If you can not cite one..."What are you going to do to make that day personally significant?"
That thought too has changed my life...
As I mentally list each holiday and the legendary trait of an individual or individuals that it celebrates...I ask myself..."Do I possess that trait?"
"Do you?"
"Are you striving to add those legendary human qualities to your fabric?"
"I am trying"
Enough said!
Have a great holiday!
Enjoy the time...
Make a Difference!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Creating a Different World...
Good Morning!
I was just listening to a UB40 song today...One in Ten...
The words...that hit me...
"...I am a 1 in 10..."
"A statistical reminder...of a world that doesn't care..."
This can be really depressing "fact of life..."
...or it can be a call to action...!
We need to be ever conscious that the world really doesn't care about you...unless it can get something out of you...
...Otherwise it will eat you alive...
Does that mean that we simply guard our back-side and horde as much as we can...until we can gather no more?
Not in the least...
Remember that the world also seeks to improve its lot...
It does so in two ways...
By plundering the lives of individuals...or
Through riding on the waves of improvement...generated by a few brave souls that dare to "make waves!"
Our first question today...
Are you a statistical fact or an anomoly?
That is your choice and it will only be evident in your persistent actions...that, in the end will be recognized as your talent...
We seek talent realized and contributed...not potential talent...
Take it and Make it...
Enough Said on this topic...the rest is up to you!
This has been a roller coaster of a week!
I got to spend some time with my friends at my favorite place! That was awesome!
The Haiti earthquake! It shook my heart at more than 7.0! I really wanted to go and help with the efforts...and my current situation made that impossible by my normal means...I am still looking for out of the ordinary ways to make that happen...
We are people who make meaningful and significant differences in the lives of individuals...
If that is a passion...we have to act passionately...or compassionately...we have to act with a sense of urgency...we have to act...pure and simple...
I will continue to try...I know that as time passes...the aid and help will also wane...but the needs will not...perhaps it is not my time right now...but I will be ready when the time comes...
Helping the poorest country in the western hemisphere is not a bad thing!
To do that…we have to have compassion and be willing to face some extreme situations...not comfortable ones...
Enough Said on this...just remember that a significant portion of the income of Cii goes to helping and aiding individuals like the Haitians...we are committed to making this world a better place...for us having been there...
I hope that you awake with the same realization that I awake to...every morning...
I am one day closer to my goals and destiny!
That can be invigorating or it can be depressing!
That thought takes me to a neighbor that I had many years back...
Every evening all of the men in our cul-de-sac met in our front yards...drinks in hand...and children at play...
We talked "man-talk" and watched the kids...
My next-door neighbor's greeting was always..."another day less day..."
This bothered me because I read it, as him saying that he was on a count down to death...
Please allow me to explain...
On usual...he walked outside with his regular tumbler-full of scotch on ice...neared us and as usual...said...his normal greeting..."Good evening men...I am another day less day..."
Having started my tumbler of "rum on the rocks" much earlier than the rest...caused me to respond to his greeting in a way that I probably never would have...I called him on that...saying...
"I have been listening to you say that dreadful line for almost 2 years now...Just what do you me by it?"
The others in the group (having lived there longer than I) snickered...knowing that I was in for the dissertation of my life!
He was merciful...
"I have things that I want to do...and each and every day brings me one step closer to those things...that is...if I stay the course..." I am on course and closer to my dreams!
I felt ashamed...and admitted that I thought that he was on a countdown to death!
We all laughed...and went back to our normal trivial and meaningless talk...
I will never forget that lesson...and have applied it to my own set of goals...
If I am doing what I need to be doing...each day brings me closer to those milestones...
The count-down can be the excitement that we need to keep us focused and on course...
(by the way...he arrived at his goals)...
Next on my agenda...
I have an important lesson...that I learned to share with you...
It is about living life to its fullest and doing great things...
Everyone is capable of doing something great...we seek to find that and make that real...
But there is something significantly more important...
That is doing something great AND fulfilling ALL of your other responsibilities...
Anyone can do one thing great...and leave all of their other responsibilities slip...
But that makes you a burden on someone else?
And if you are putting even the smallest burden on someone (anyone) had better be doing something great!
Letting things slip...for the sake of some great and wonderful thing can buy a small portion of time...but in the end...all of the commitments and responsibilities have to be fulfilled!
Don’t wait or even begin to believe that you have time to catch up or make it good…
A truly successful person is one who does the "one great thing" and ensures that he/she is not a burden on others...
Do others have to pick up after you?
Are there broken promises?
Do you leave a path of destruction or a mess along your path...
Responsibility precludes leaving every place that you have been along your journey better for your having been the tiniest detail!
That philosophy makes for true greatness...all else is nothing more than "sum-total mediocre..."
Think about that...and I bet that you apply it to your life...I have...
Creating the different world takes on many different perspectives...
We have to stay true to our missions and focused in the pursuit of “making significant differences...”
We sometimes have to be creative in how we achieve our goals...and...
Maintain an excitement around the fact that if we are doing what we are supposed to be doing...each day takes us closer to the achievement of those missions...
Finally do not leave everything you pursue your goals...
Do not burden others...and leave each step better...for your having been there!
Have a great weekend
Dare to dream...
Work to achieve your dreams...
I was just listening to a UB40 song today...One in Ten...
The words...that hit me...
"...I am a 1 in 10..."
"A statistical reminder...of a world that doesn't care..."
This can be really depressing "fact of life..."
...or it can be a call to action...!
We need to be ever conscious that the world really doesn't care about you...unless it can get something out of you...
...Otherwise it will eat you alive...
Does that mean that we simply guard our back-side and horde as much as we can...until we can gather no more?
Not in the least...
Remember that the world also seeks to improve its lot...
It does so in two ways...
By plundering the lives of individuals...or
Through riding on the waves of improvement...generated by a few brave souls that dare to "make waves!"
Our first question today...
Are you a statistical fact or an anomoly?
That is your choice and it will only be evident in your persistent actions...that, in the end will be recognized as your talent...
We seek talent realized and contributed...not potential talent...
Take it and Make it...
Enough Said on this topic...the rest is up to you!
This has been a roller coaster of a week!
I got to spend some time with my friends at my favorite place! That was awesome!
The Haiti earthquake! It shook my heart at more than 7.0! I really wanted to go and help with the efforts...and my current situation made that impossible by my normal means...I am still looking for out of the ordinary ways to make that happen...
We are people who make meaningful and significant differences in the lives of individuals...
If that is a passion...we have to act passionately...or compassionately...we have to act with a sense of urgency...we have to act...pure and simple...
I will continue to try...I know that as time passes...the aid and help will also wane...but the needs will not...perhaps it is not my time right now...but I will be ready when the time comes...
Helping the poorest country in the western hemisphere is not a bad thing!
To do that…we have to have compassion and be willing to face some extreme situations...not comfortable ones...
Enough Said on this...just remember that a significant portion of the income of Cii goes to helping and aiding individuals like the Haitians...we are committed to making this world a better place...for us having been there...
I hope that you awake with the same realization that I awake to...every morning...
I am one day closer to my goals and destiny!
That can be invigorating or it can be depressing!
That thought takes me to a neighbor that I had many years back...
Every evening all of the men in our cul-de-sac met in our front yards...drinks in hand...and children at play...
We talked "man-talk" and watched the kids...
My next-door neighbor's greeting was always..."another day less day..."
This bothered me because I read it, as him saying that he was on a count down to death...
Please allow me to explain...
On usual...he walked outside with his regular tumbler-full of scotch on ice...neared us and as usual...said...his normal greeting..."Good evening men...I am another day less day..."
Having started my tumbler of "rum on the rocks" much earlier than the rest...caused me to respond to his greeting in a way that I probably never would have...I called him on that...saying...
"I have been listening to you say that dreadful line for almost 2 years now...Just what do you me by it?"
The others in the group (having lived there longer than I) snickered...knowing that I was in for the dissertation of my life!
He was merciful...
"I have things that I want to do...and each and every day brings me one step closer to those things...that is...if I stay the course..." I am on course and closer to my dreams!
I felt ashamed...and admitted that I thought that he was on a countdown to death!
We all laughed...and went back to our normal trivial and meaningless talk...
I will never forget that lesson...and have applied it to my own set of goals...
If I am doing what I need to be doing...each day brings me closer to those milestones...
The count-down can be the excitement that we need to keep us focused and on course...
(by the way...he arrived at his goals)...
Next on my agenda...
I have an important lesson...that I learned to share with you...
It is about living life to its fullest and doing great things...
Everyone is capable of doing something great...we seek to find that and make that real...
But there is something significantly more important...
That is doing something great AND fulfilling ALL of your other responsibilities...
Anyone can do one thing great...and leave all of their other responsibilities slip...
But that makes you a burden on someone else?
And if you are putting even the smallest burden on someone (anyone) had better be doing something great!
Letting things slip...for the sake of some great and wonderful thing can buy a small portion of time...but in the end...all of the commitments and responsibilities have to be fulfilled!
Don’t wait or even begin to believe that you have time to catch up or make it good…
A truly successful person is one who does the "one great thing" and ensures that he/she is not a burden on others...
Do others have to pick up after you?
Are there broken promises?
Do you leave a path of destruction or a mess along your path...
Responsibility precludes leaving every place that you have been along your journey better for your having been the tiniest detail!
That philosophy makes for true greatness...all else is nothing more than "sum-total mediocre..."
Think about that...and I bet that you apply it to your life...I have...
Creating the different world takes on many different perspectives...
We have to stay true to our missions and focused in the pursuit of “making significant differences...”
We sometimes have to be creative in how we achieve our goals...and...
Maintain an excitement around the fact that if we are doing what we are supposed to be doing...each day takes us closer to the achievement of those missions...
Finally do not leave everything you pursue your goals...
Do not burden others...and leave each step better...for your having been there!
Have a great weekend
Dare to dream...
Work to achieve your dreams...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Staying True to your Mission...
Good Morning!
I constantly hear the "gurus" tout the need for leaders to have a "sense of urgency." I can tell you that a "sense of urgency" makes a person tired!
I bet you get tired of "the grind"..."one's life" has the tendency to grind on challenge's your mission...
I do not think that life is meant to be easy...if you really wish to get something out of it...
"Staying your course" contains 3 critical elements... have to know EXACTLY what your path is...(That is the purpose of your mission)... have to realize that you do not have an eternity to achieve it...(This is the real sense of urgency)... have you know what you are willing to pay to get to where you are going...(This is your abrasion resistant armor...which protects you from "the grind")
Any one of those elements are long dissertations...but we do not need to belabor any of those points...except for the third one...
The question that you should be asking yourself is...What am I willing to pay to get to where I want to go?
If you spend time on the third element...the first element is constantly assessed...
You do not need to be the CEO of an organization to have a mission...
Everyone should know what there mission in life is...
It should be written out...
It should be clear and concise...
It should align with what you are passionate about...
DO NOT set out on life's journey without knowing precisely where you are going...
DO NOT walk aimlessly...if you do not have a mission...then you can logically conclude that you are walking in circles...
A recent survey was conducted and it concluded that a vast majority of people (well into the 70%s) did not have a mission in life...even though they claimed to have one!
I was talking with a good friend and shared that my mission and goals are verbal (written), numeric (measureable) and pictured (visual). I put them in 3 different forms so that I can not avoid them...
There are 3 major partitions within ones brain...or consciousness...if you create a mission in one of those areas...numeric for is pigeon-holed...and can be mentally avoided by going into your verbal world or visual world...
I do not give my brain a chance to avoid my mission...
No matter where I go within my "cognition" mission and goals are there! They permeate my being!
This works...
It creates a good sense of urgency because your entire existence is focused on what you are "out to do!"
Which automatically takes care of the second element!
Many people do not really understand the meaning of the word integrity...and confuse it with honesty...
A "person of integrity" is an individual that is absolutely consistent in what they believe, say and more and no less...
In order to be a person of integrity...your mission needs to be clear...and it needs to permeate your thoughts, words and deeds...these are the things that feed success...
Many people define success and then strive to achieve it...
If your mission is clear and concise...and you act with integrity...success is defined into your are automatically a success...
...but that means that who you more than words...or has to show in every action and activity...
Take some time today to ask yourself..."What am I willing to pay to achieve my mission?"
Staying true to that proposition is simply a matter of realizing that the cost is far exceeded by the value of what you are achieving...
If you are not willing and DO NOT put up the cost for fulfilling your mission...then you must accept what you are going to get for what you are paying...
It is important to also figure out what you are going to get for what you are currently paying...
If you do not not think you are going to get is your fault and your fault alone...
Enough Said....
My closing thoughts for you today...
Frustration is nothing more than Passion without the ability to do something about it...
Have a great weekend!
Can't wait for the next week!
I constantly hear the "gurus" tout the need for leaders to have a "sense of urgency." I can tell you that a "sense of urgency" makes a person tired!
I bet you get tired of "the grind"..."one's life" has the tendency to grind on challenge's your mission...
I do not think that life is meant to be easy...if you really wish to get something out of it...
"Staying your course" contains 3 critical elements... have to know EXACTLY what your path is...(That is the purpose of your mission)... have to realize that you do not have an eternity to achieve it...(This is the real sense of urgency)... have you know what you are willing to pay to get to where you are going...(This is your abrasion resistant armor...which protects you from "the grind")
Any one of those elements are long dissertations...but we do not need to belabor any of those points...except for the third one...
The question that you should be asking yourself is...What am I willing to pay to get to where I want to go?
If you spend time on the third element...the first element is constantly assessed...
You do not need to be the CEO of an organization to have a mission...
Everyone should know what there mission in life is...
It should be written out...
It should be clear and concise...
It should align with what you are passionate about...
DO NOT set out on life's journey without knowing precisely where you are going...
DO NOT walk aimlessly...if you do not have a mission...then you can logically conclude that you are walking in circles...
A recent survey was conducted and it concluded that a vast majority of people (well into the 70%s) did not have a mission in life...even though they claimed to have one!
I was talking with a good friend and shared that my mission and goals are verbal (written), numeric (measureable) and pictured (visual). I put them in 3 different forms so that I can not avoid them...
There are 3 major partitions within ones brain...or consciousness...if you create a mission in one of those areas...numeric for is pigeon-holed...and can be mentally avoided by going into your verbal world or visual world...
I do not give my brain a chance to avoid my mission...
No matter where I go within my "cognition" mission and goals are there! They permeate my being!
This works...
It creates a good sense of urgency because your entire existence is focused on what you are "out to do!"
Which automatically takes care of the second element!
Many people do not really understand the meaning of the word integrity...and confuse it with honesty...
A "person of integrity" is an individual that is absolutely consistent in what they believe, say and more and no less...
In order to be a person of integrity...your mission needs to be clear...and it needs to permeate your thoughts, words and deeds...these are the things that feed success...
Many people define success and then strive to achieve it...
If your mission is clear and concise...and you act with integrity...success is defined into your are automatically a success...
...but that means that who you more than words...or has to show in every action and activity...
Take some time today to ask yourself..."What am I willing to pay to achieve my mission?"
Staying true to that proposition is simply a matter of realizing that the cost is far exceeded by the value of what you are achieving...
If you are not willing and DO NOT put up the cost for fulfilling your mission...then you must accept what you are going to get for what you are paying...
It is important to also figure out what you are going to get for what you are currently paying...
If you do not not think you are going to get is your fault and your fault alone...
Enough Said....
My closing thoughts for you today...
Frustration is nothing more than Passion without the ability to do something about it...
Have a great weekend!
Can't wait for the next week!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Good Morning!
Another successful week?
Still on the slow side because everyone is using up their remaining vacation time?
Can't move because noone is motivated to accomplish anything?
I could go on...but I have already made an interesting observation...none of that has anything to do with you!
It almost sounds like a runner complaining about losing a race because everyone else ran slow...or didn't show up for the race!
Your success is your race...and no other's...take control of it and bring home the gold!
Promise yourself that you'll be a winner...PROMISE!
A long...long time ago, I realized that a broken promise is nothing more than a lie with and excuse...
When I put it into that context...I did two things...
1-My promises became less flippant
2-I worked more diligently to fulfill my promises
They're only words...Right?
Your words are you and your verbal contract with life and the world around you...treat them that way!
Shifting Gears...
This week I was asking the kids not to talk so mean to eachother...
"Dad," they replied, "They are only words..."
That hit a cord with me...
It is sad how devalued a person's words have become...
It's only words...
But that is not everywhere...
Take a look at this...
Words in America may not mean much...but there are places in in which they do...
If you want your words to mean something...find an injustice and "speak-out!"
Enough Said...
I often think that we set our sights way too low...
Why should you not be targeting impacting the world?
"Because it is too big and I am too small!"
That is not a good excuse!
World impact (the great things) have always began with a passionate person who took that passion one step further and added action...
Find that niche and begin looking for ways to impact the world...
The 21st century has opened that door to you!
Make the difference...
Do not simply set your sights and your resolutions on the small and insignificant...make it meaningful!
You are capable of it if you connect your passions with your actions...
I am cleaning up and storing the past holiday that I can carry the fond memories to the next one!
Have a great weekend...
Enough Said!
Another successful week?
Still on the slow side because everyone is using up their remaining vacation time?
Can't move because noone is motivated to accomplish anything?
I could go on...but I have already made an interesting observation...none of that has anything to do with you!
It almost sounds like a runner complaining about losing a race because everyone else ran slow...or didn't show up for the race!
Your success is your race...and no other's...take control of it and bring home the gold!
Promise yourself that you'll be a winner...PROMISE!
A long...long time ago, I realized that a broken promise is nothing more than a lie with and excuse...
When I put it into that context...I did two things...
1-My promises became less flippant
2-I worked more diligently to fulfill my promises
They're only words...Right?
Your words are you and your verbal contract with life and the world around you...treat them that way!
Shifting Gears...
This week I was asking the kids not to talk so mean to eachother...
"Dad," they replied, "They are only words..."
That hit a cord with me...
It is sad how devalued a person's words have become...
It's only words...
But that is not everywhere...
Take a look at this...
Words in America may not mean much...but there are places in in which they do...
If you want your words to mean something...find an injustice and "speak-out!"
Enough Said...
I often think that we set our sights way too low...
Why should you not be targeting impacting the world?
"Because it is too big and I am too small!"
That is not a good excuse!
World impact (the great things) have always began with a passionate person who took that passion one step further and added action...
Find that niche and begin looking for ways to impact the world...
The 21st century has opened that door to you!
Make the difference...
Do not simply set your sights and your resolutions on the small and insignificant...make it meaningful!
You are capable of it if you connect your passions with your actions...
I am cleaning up and storing the past holiday that I can carry the fond memories to the next one!
Have a great weekend...
Enough Said!
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