In the 1930s and 40s...a psychologist named Abraham Maslow worked diligently to understand the what made people do what they do...
He discovered that there is a difference between "wants" and "needs"
His work could be represented in a simple pyramidal model that has been called Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
It was widely accepted because it fit the attitudes and values of the culture of the time...and it applied throughout most of the 20th century...
Chicken or Egg situation...
Earlier in the 20th century the American public idolized a man named Andrew Carnegie...
Few American do not know who he was...
He was once the richest man in America...
What differentiated him from most of the other rich Americans is that he spent most of the latter days of his life giving back a large portion of his riches...
While on his deathbed he was asked what advice he could give to the world...
His response...
1 - Spend the first third of your life learning as much as you can...
2 - Spend the second third of your life earning as much as you can with what you have learned...
3 - Spend the last third of your life returning what you have earned with what you have learned...making it possible for others to achieve more than what you have...
The pinnacle aspiration was charity...or "self-actualization"...the top of Maslow's hierarchy!
The public quickly grasped this concept...and many aspired (in word and deed) toward the same
A question arises...
Was this truly the aspiration of the public....and Maslow's hierarchy a representation of this aspiration?...or...
Did Maslow's hierarchy simply follow "Carnegie's axioms" and influence the public?
Psychological Puppets
I vividly recall just about every course that I sat in...where Maslow's Hierarchy was presented...
When the professor or facilitator asked "where are you?"
The participants would answer..."self-actualization"
As I sat there...I knew that many if not all of the participants where not at the pinnacle of existence...
They were here to learn...
They were not in the last third of their life...
They were still working!
Were these people deceived or simply trying to deceive those around them?
Simple human behavior...
The shape of the hierarchy itself may have influenced the answers...
As one looks at the triangular shape...our eyes move to the top...
It is deeply embedded in most aspiring people to look to the top...and then strive to obtain what is at the top...
In the minds of this type of is an admission of weakness or failure to admit to less...
Everyone has heard why continue teaching it?
Although Maslow's hierarchy has not fallen out of favor...
It has lost its edge...
It is not taught as extensively as it once was...
In a "tongue in cheek" fashion...
I wonder if it would help society to have mandatory Maslow's hierarchy of needs courses...
From preschool throughout high school...
Where the students would "swear an oath" to self-actualization...
or at minimum...try to convince their classmates that they are self-actualizing!
If repeated often enough...a majority will begin to believe it and act like it!
I could not see anything detrimental in having a society that aspires for charity and achievement of one's full potential!
...sees anything less than that as an embarrassment and degrading!
Shifting Gears!
Is Maslow falling into historical trivia because we no longer teach it...or it losing it's favor because it no longer represents society...?
This is also an interesting question to ponder...
I believe that education,,,what is taught...shapes our society...
When we accept something as important...and we teach it...that becomes a part of how we think and act...
Maslow's hierarchy simply organized and diagrammed society's belief and behavior structure of a large part of society...
The hierarchy was quite complimentary and directive! People aspired to be among the few at the Andrew Carnegie!
Now we teach it as a historical piece of information...
Seldom do I hear..."I am self-actualizing!"
Society has changed!
Could be because we now longer teach the hierarchy ass a basic concept...
Could be that society has changed and "we" no longer see it as applicable!
What is important is that society has changed!
What has changed?
Look around and few people if any truly seek self-actualization...and a totally selfless charity oriented life...
Instead a majority of our society appears to be seeking self-gratification...
Earn all on me!
It is sad!
I suggest that we pull the old hierarchy out...dust it off and begin living it!
Right after we memorize "Andrew's Axiom!"
We need to move from Selfishness to Selflessness...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
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