Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Return to True Citizenship

I remember so clearly the first time that I read the following inscription...

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

...that I can almost write it from my memory!

For those who have been there...I know that you recognize it!

For those who haven' is at the statue of liberty...

Our country has...from the very beginning...been a place of refuge for those longing for Liberty and Freedom!

Their arrival on our shores was often the end of a long awaited dream...and the beginning of yet another!

For a great part of our was the majority of the population that knew the feelings...

They did not take it for granted...

As a result our American citizens thought and acted differently!

They treated our country with respect!  A gift...

These people knew oppression first hand...

They were grateful to be here...

They wished for others to have the same...

They fought viciously to keep America free..

...and provide an opportunity for others to breathe free air!

They were the backbone of our nation...

The blood and sinew!

They tasted freedom and would not allow anything to compromise it!

They sought a better life...for themselves...

But more for their children and grandchildren...and friends...

It was "What made America GREAT!"

That is behind a majority of our population doesn't know those feelings of freedom...

The may not know what Liberty and Freedom is except from text books...

Many have never tasted oppression and do not have a first-hand knowledge of the value of Liberty and Freedom...

They do not know the bitter taste of tyranny!

It is sad...because it has taken us to a different place in our nation's life...

Everyone is seeking "their own thing!"

Liberty and Freedom have an entirely different meaning!

They are no longer united in a common purpose...or are they?

I believe that a majority regardless of their affiliation agree on certain things!

This was supported in a recent article that I read!

If you took the time to read the'll see that the writer has found that there are common concerns among the majority of Americans regardless of their affiliation...

These include:

The Economy
Our Military
Our Global position
The Family

What has changed is that our attention has been diverted by hype!

The political parties have found that it is polarity and hype gets people who normally do not vote!

Our political parties are focused on getting votes rather than taking care of (representing) what they should be doing!

As a result...the "majority-middle road'ers" have grown apathetic and gone quiet!

That is disheartening! 


Because our future is being shaped by extremists and extreme views rather than the true majority...

Hype wins elections...but it also misleads and misdirects! 

It leads to bad decisions...

The bad thing is that this is one of the few situations that "fire can fight fire" just burns everyone...rather than helping...

Enough of this...

There is still hope...if the "middle-roaders" take just a moment to stand up and voice their real opinions and needs...

It is time to elect representatives and get politicians out of our government!

I have said previously...the last place that we should find politicians is in government...

I have had many people challenge that statement...

Politics is ultimately the art of positioning and compromise...

Positioning and Compromise becomes either self-serving...or it leads to a less than desired solution...

I see it as a "Lose/Lose" proposition rather than the "Win/Win" that we are deceived into believing it is!

What will it take?

To get us back on the "right track" may mean some significant loss...that will spur the the "middle-roaders" to meaningful action...a return to true citizenship...

What is true citizenship?

It is simply an individual who has a grateful understanding of Liberty and who does not believe that the government has no other responsibility than to protect those two precious gifts...and acts with passion to that end...

Are you an American citizen?

If not...

Let's return to this...without a need for crisis...

Enough Said!

Pura Vida!

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