Saturday, May 25, 2013
A Return to True Citizenship
I remember so clearly the first time that I read the following inscription...
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
...that I can almost write it from my memory!
For those who have been there...I know that you recognize it!
For those who haven' is at the statue of liberty...
Our country has...from the very beginning...been a place of refuge for those longing for Liberty and Freedom!
Their arrival on our shores was often the end of a long awaited dream...and the beginning of yet another!
For a great part of our was the majority of the population that knew the feelings...
They did not take it for granted...
As a result our American citizens thought and acted differently!
They treated our country with respect! A gift...
These people knew oppression first hand...
They were grateful to be here...
They wished for others to have the same...
They fought viciously to keep America free..
...and provide an opportunity for others to breathe free air!
They were the backbone of our nation...
The blood and sinew!
They tasted freedom and would not allow anything to compromise it!
They sought a better life...for themselves...
But more for their children and grandchildren...and friends...
It was "What made America GREAT!"
That is behind a majority of our population doesn't know those feelings of freedom...
The may not know what Liberty and Freedom is except from text books...
Many have never tasted oppression and do not have a first-hand knowledge of the value of Liberty and Freedom...
They do not know the bitter taste of tyranny!
It is sad...because it has taken us to a different place in our nation's life...
Everyone is seeking "their own thing!"
Liberty and Freedom have an entirely different meaning!
They are no longer united in a common purpose...or are they?
I believe that a majority regardless of their affiliation agree on certain things!
This was supported in a recent article that I read!
If you took the time to read the'll see that the writer has found that there are common concerns among the majority of Americans regardless of their affiliation...
These include:
The Economy
Our Military
Our Global position
The Family
What has changed is that our attention has been diverted by hype!
The political parties have found that it is polarity and hype gets people who normally do not vote!
Our political parties are focused on getting votes rather than taking care of (representing) what they should be doing!
As a result...the "majority-middle road'ers" have grown apathetic and gone quiet!
That is disheartening!
Because our future is being shaped by extremists and extreme views rather than the true majority...
Hype wins elections...but it also misleads and misdirects!
It leads to bad decisions...
The bad thing is that this is one of the few situations that "fire can fight fire" just burns everyone...rather than helping...
Enough of this...
There is still hope...if the "middle-roaders" take just a moment to stand up and voice their real opinions and needs...
It is time to elect representatives and get politicians out of our government!
I have said previously...the last place that we should find politicians is in government...
I have had many people challenge that statement...
Politics is ultimately the art of positioning and compromise...
Positioning and Compromise becomes either self-serving...or it leads to a less than desired solution...
I see it as a "Lose/Lose" proposition rather than the "Win/Win" that we are deceived into believing it is!
What will it take?
To get us back on the "right track" may mean some significant loss...that will spur the the "middle-roaders" to meaningful action...a return to true citizenship...
What is true citizenship?
It is simply an individual who has a grateful understanding of Liberty and who does not believe that the government has no other responsibility than to protect those two precious gifts...and acts with passion to that end...
Are you an American citizen?
If not...
Let's return to this...without a need for crisis...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Finding your Purpose?
I have no idea why...but...
Almost a day doesn't pass in which I do not hear some variation of this...
"I am still looking for my purpose..."
I can't tell you what your purpose specifically is...but I can at least share what I have learned!
What I know is that it is the plight of human-kind to search for meaning and purpose!
If you are not think yourself unique...nearly everyone does it consciously or sub-consciously!
Stand in a crowd and look around...most of the people around you are or were searching too!
The sad thing is that many of those around you have either grown apathetic and settled, or just plain quit searching...
The answers to that one word question are as numerous as there are people...yet there are a few general categories related to failures or excuses that people give for quitting!
What most "searchers" miss is the fact that one's purpose is not determined by what they get today!
Today's rewards "do not your purpose make"...they are nothing more than food to keep you going until tomorrow and every day thereafter...until you have fulfilled your what you were designed to do...your purpose!
So what is your purpose?
My first bit of advice...
Look to your future!
Your purpose is found in your epitaph!
The bottom line is that your purpose in life is to leave a legacy!
It is not really the end...but what you did along the way...
I have often described it as the meaning of "dash" that will be found, between the birth year and death year, engraved on your grave's headstone...
It is the story that lives on after you are gone!
It is the sum total of what you have done with your life...
It is the GOOD that you are remembered for...
It is the BAD that you are remembered for...
It is your successes and failures...
It is what you have left...
FROM MY PERSPECTIVE...Leaving the ultimate failure!
Because you left nothing...and won't be remembered!
You have wasted your time and consumed resources that someone else could have put to better use!
That last statement is pretty harsh...I reminded you of as to put your search for your purpose into proper perspective! You can not quit!
So this leads to the question...
What am I going to leave when I am gone?
I do not think that this is a difficult question to answer...
The difficulty occurs when when we complicate it with unrealistic dreams and aspirations...
These tend to misdirect us and cloud our vision...
The truth is...
Elegance is found in the simple answer!
How do we do that?
Cutting to the chase...
I would love to be able to tell everyone specifically what they should be doing...
Oftentimes...the specifics related to one's purpose are actually easy to identify...
Ask yourself...What do I LOVE doing?
Believe it or not that is more often than not...your purpose!
That is what you have been built for!
Your mind and body often reward your connection with your purpose with positive feelings!
Look into this concept seriously...
When "function" (purpose) finds its "fit"... it feels good!
Yet...This is just the beginning...
Your purpose in life is to find your purpose AND (on a daily basis) refine what you do!
You aren't going to be "dead on" right off!
Keep refining...
That in actuality is part of your purpose!
Ultimately you will find that in doing will have built a backlog of great and wonderful experiences ...(your legacy)...
You can be a legend...or...
At least one in your own right!
I can't tell you what your mission is...but I can tell suggest how you handle your life after you identify it!
Here is a simple guide...that may help take you one step closer to doing what you were meant to do...the right way!
Here it is:
1 - Start by being honest with yourself...You can lie to others...but the person most hurt by lies is you!
2 - Realize that you are entirely alone and that no one owes you anything...
3 - Realize that your clock is ticking...make the most of every moment...
4 - Stop thinking that the world should "cut you slack" for stupid, lazy or selfish things that you have have earned what you got!
5 - Stop looking at what you can get for yourself and focus on what you can do for others with what you got...
6 - Be satisfied with who you are and what you got...
7 - Remain have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself
8 - Be sensitive to others
9 - Do not be anything but yourself...
10 - Do not settle on anything but your best...Stop "trying"...either do it...or don't!"
11 - Smile more!
12 - Walk a little taller...
13 - Dance a little longer...
14 - Sing a little louder...
15 - Stand a bit bolder..being proud of who you are
16 - If you can't say nothing nice...don't say anything at all!
17 - Leave every moment a little better in gratitude for your having been a participant...
Even without really knowing your true purpose in life...if you follow these'll leave a legacy!
Perhaps your mission is only to live within those guidelines...
Perhaps that is everyones' purpose!
Perhaps we are looking for something that we all have in common...
How will you be remembered?
What is your legacy?
In a VERY cryptic way...LEARN/EARN/RETURN
More on this in a future post...
Enough Said...
Enough Asked!
Pura Vida!
Almost a day doesn't pass in which I do not hear some variation of this...
"I am still looking for my purpose..."
I can't tell you what your purpose specifically is...but I can at least share what I have learned!
What I know is that it is the plight of human-kind to search for meaning and purpose!
If you are not think yourself unique...nearly everyone does it consciously or sub-consciously!
Stand in a crowd and look around...most of the people around you are or were searching too!
The sad thing is that many of those around you have either grown apathetic and settled, or just plain quit searching...
The answers to that one word question are as numerous as there are people...yet there are a few general categories related to failures or excuses that people give for quitting!
- Many have pursued things that they had no right to be chasing!
- Some never really started...just talked about their goals and dreamed their lives away!
- Some were deceived by visions of grandeur...and scared by the possibility of failure or achievement!
- Still others were ill-prepared by their impatience...thinking that they had learned enough and paid sufficient that when the opportunity arose...they were not ready to take it!
- Some just quit!
What most "searchers" miss is the fact that one's purpose is not determined by what they get today!
Today's rewards "do not your purpose make"...they are nothing more than food to keep you going until tomorrow and every day thereafter...until you have fulfilled your what you were designed to do...your purpose!
So what is your purpose?
My first bit of advice...
Look to your future!
Your purpose is found in your epitaph!
The bottom line is that your purpose in life is to leave a legacy!
It is not really the end...but what you did along the way...
I have often described it as the meaning of "dash" that will be found, between the birth year and death year, engraved on your grave's headstone...
It is the story that lives on after you are gone!
It is the sum total of what you have done with your life...
It is the GOOD that you are remembered for...
It is the BAD that you are remembered for...
It is your successes and failures...
It is what you have left...
FROM MY PERSPECTIVE...Leaving the ultimate failure!
Because you left nothing...and won't be remembered!
You have wasted your time and consumed resources that someone else could have put to better use!
That last statement is pretty harsh...I reminded you of as to put your search for your purpose into proper perspective! You can not quit!
So this leads to the question...
What am I going to leave when I am gone?
I do not think that this is a difficult question to answer...
The difficulty occurs when when we complicate it with unrealistic dreams and aspirations...
These tend to misdirect us and cloud our vision...
The truth is...
Elegance is found in the simple answer!
How do we do that?
Cutting to the chase...
I would love to be able to tell everyone specifically what they should be doing...
Oftentimes...the specifics related to one's purpose are actually easy to identify...
Ask yourself...What do I LOVE doing?
Believe it or not that is more often than not...your purpose!
That is what you have been built for!
Your mind and body often reward your connection with your purpose with positive feelings!
Look into this concept seriously...
When "function" (purpose) finds its "fit"... it feels good!
Yet...This is just the beginning...
Your purpose in life is to find your purpose AND (on a daily basis) refine what you do!
You aren't going to be "dead on" right off!
Keep refining...
That in actuality is part of your purpose!
Ultimately you will find that in doing will have built a backlog of great and wonderful experiences ...(your legacy)...
You can be a legend...or...
At least one in your own right!
I can't tell you what your mission is...but I can tell suggest how you handle your life after you identify it!
Here is a simple guide...that may help take you one step closer to doing what you were meant to do...the right way!
Here it is:
1 - Start by being honest with yourself...You can lie to others...but the person most hurt by lies is you!
2 - Realize that you are entirely alone and that no one owes you anything...
3 - Realize that your clock is ticking...make the most of every moment...
4 - Stop thinking that the world should "cut you slack" for stupid, lazy or selfish things that you have have earned what you got!
5 - Stop looking at what you can get for yourself and focus on what you can do for others with what you got...
6 - Be satisfied with who you are and what you got...
7 - Remain have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself
8 - Be sensitive to others
9 - Do not be anything but yourself...
10 - Do not settle on anything but your best...Stop "trying"...either do it...or don't!"
11 - Smile more!
12 - Walk a little taller...
13 - Dance a little longer...
14 - Sing a little louder...
15 - Stand a bit bolder..being proud of who you are
16 - If you can't say nothing nice...don't say anything at all!
17 - Leave every moment a little better in gratitude for your having been a participant...
Even without really knowing your true purpose in life...if you follow these'll leave a legacy!
Perhaps your mission is only to live within those guidelines...
Perhaps that is everyones' purpose!
Perhaps we are looking for something that we all have in common...
How will you be remembered?
What is your legacy?
In a VERY cryptic way...LEARN/EARN/RETURN
More on this in a future post...
Enough Said...
Enough Asked!
Pura Vida!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Longing for "The Good Old Days!"
"It was a lot easier when I was growing up!"
"Kids these days are rebellious and irresponsible...not accepting or following their parents' guidance..."
That is definitely an accurate description of today's situation...
The interesting thing is that the previous observations were a paraphrased excerpt, from the Greek, written almost 3,000 years ago!
Some things change and some things don't!
I can vividly recall my parents saying the same thing about my generation...and I have carried on that same tradition...
Perhaps "It is what it is..."
We have not yet learned the lesson that history is trying to teach us!
If you of my "Epiphanies of the Utterly Obvious" (EUO) is...
History is our best teacher...she will patiently repeat herself...until we learn the lesson that she intends to teach us!
So what is the lesson?
Is it about us as parents?
Is it about our children?
Is it not related to parenting or children whatsoever?
These are questions that I have been pondering since a discussion with my mother a few weeks ago...
We were reminiscing about my growing up and how good we had it!
Back then...
We could go for 3 day camping trips...alone...and my parents wouldn't worry!
We fished and hunted...
In first grade...just about every boy brought their scout knives to show off what they got for Christmas!
We were up at the "crack of dawn" or earlier because we were excited about what the day offered!
We had odd jobs...and made enough money to buy our own first motor cycles...or cars!
We stayed up all night and watched planetary conjunctions...meteor showers...
We spent an excessive amount of time at the library studying how to do things...and then we did them!
We dammed streams and made mini lakes!
We picked berries and hunted wild asparagus!
We water skied every night! SERIOUSLY!
We dreamed...and attempted to make many of them a the best of our abilities!
Because it was fun!
I digress...
Yet we were a rebellious lot!
I guess!
As a fifth grader...I vividly recall my attempt to "fight" the establishment who wanted to remove a row of majestic oak trees that lined the road we lived order to widen and re-pave it!
I lost!
I remember the disbelief of local authorities who questioned our "archaeological dig" activities along a railroad cut that we systematically conducted after weeks of study...that we decided to do after finding ancient pottery shards and arrowheads on a walk!
We were shut down!
Despite all of our failures...we persisted...and/or went on to another endeavor!
Perhaps our persistence was confused with rebellion!
Those were the "good old days!"
Those were MY good old days!
They are absolutely fond memories!
Not all of them were good...and I seldom do not remember the bad times...but vividly recall the good ones!
What I often forget is that TODAY will someday be someone's "Good Old Days"
and now knowing that...
I have to ask...
What role am I going to play in it?
Am I going to be something that someone remembers or forgets?
Shifting Gears!
The "good old days" made me who I am today!
There are days that I long to go back...
I realize that during my "good old days" I longed for the get to the places that what I was doing then would take me...
I couldn't wait to get...
My "good old days" were my "Life 101 - Introduction to Life" classes...
Although I never got a report card...I hope that I got "A's!"
I certainly appreciate my teachers and professors!
I certainly enjoyed the lesson plans!
I am grateful for all of it!
Back to our if it ever started!
The good old days!
We were what we were and did what we get us here...
We have good memories and we have bad memories...
Both have made us what we are...
It doesn't pay to dwell on the bad things...unless we learn lessons from them...
Dwelling on such things is like living them over and over and over!
Learning from them...allows us to that...
We can dwell on the good things...over and over and over...
and ultimately grow...
In nature...there is inevitable storms, and cold snaps...and floods and droughts...
If they persist...the flora and fauna dies...
But if they persist through those times...
The sun and warmth helps them recover and regain their foothold!
Our lives are just like that!
We can live in a world of storms and drought...but this will ultimately lead to our extinction!
We can persist...
...Put them behind us and regain a foothold...and flourish!
"Kids these days are rebellious and irresponsible...not accepting or following their parents' guidance..."
That is definitely an accurate description of today's situation...
The interesting thing is that the previous observations were a paraphrased excerpt, from the Greek, written almost 3,000 years ago!
Some things change and some things don't!
I can vividly recall my parents saying the same thing about my generation...and I have carried on that same tradition...
Perhaps "It is what it is..."
We have not yet learned the lesson that history is trying to teach us!
If you of my "Epiphanies of the Utterly Obvious" (EUO) is...
History is our best teacher...she will patiently repeat herself...until we learn the lesson that she intends to teach us!
So what is the lesson?
Is it about us as parents?
Is it about our children?
Is it not related to parenting or children whatsoever?
These are questions that I have been pondering since a discussion with my mother a few weeks ago...
We were reminiscing about my growing up and how good we had it!
Back then...
We could go for 3 day camping trips...alone...and my parents wouldn't worry!
We fished and hunted...
In first grade...just about every boy brought their scout knives to show off what they got for Christmas!
We were up at the "crack of dawn" or earlier because we were excited about what the day offered!
We had odd jobs...and made enough money to buy our own first motor cycles...or cars!
We stayed up all night and watched planetary conjunctions...meteor showers...
We spent an excessive amount of time at the library studying how to do things...and then we did them!
We dammed streams and made mini lakes!
We picked berries and hunted wild asparagus!
We water skied every night! SERIOUSLY!
We dreamed...and attempted to make many of them a the best of our abilities!
Because it was fun!
I digress...
Yet we were a rebellious lot!
I guess!
As a fifth grader...I vividly recall my attempt to "fight" the establishment who wanted to remove a row of majestic oak trees that lined the road we lived order to widen and re-pave it!
I lost!
I remember the disbelief of local authorities who questioned our "archaeological dig" activities along a railroad cut that we systematically conducted after weeks of study...that we decided to do after finding ancient pottery shards and arrowheads on a walk!
We were shut down!
Despite all of our failures...we persisted...and/or went on to another endeavor!
Perhaps our persistence was confused with rebellion!
Those were the "good old days!"
Those were MY good old days!
They are absolutely fond memories!
Not all of them were good...and I seldom do not remember the bad times...but vividly recall the good ones!
What I often forget is that TODAY will someday be someone's "Good Old Days"
and now knowing that...
I have to ask...
What role am I going to play in it?
Am I going to be something that someone remembers or forgets?
Shifting Gears!
The "good old days" made me who I am today!
There are days that I long to go back...
I realize that during my "good old days" I longed for the get to the places that what I was doing then would take me...
I couldn't wait to get...
My "good old days" were my "Life 101 - Introduction to Life" classes...
Although I never got a report card...I hope that I got "A's!"
I certainly appreciate my teachers and professors!
I certainly enjoyed the lesson plans!
I am grateful for all of it!
Back to our if it ever started!
The good old days!
We were what we were and did what we get us here...
We have good memories and we have bad memories...
Both have made us what we are...
It doesn't pay to dwell on the bad things...unless we learn lessons from them...
Dwelling on such things is like living them over and over and over!
Learning from them...allows us to that...
We can dwell on the good things...over and over and over...
and ultimately grow...
In nature...there is inevitable storms, and cold snaps...and floods and droughts...
If they persist...the flora and fauna dies...
But if they persist through those times...
The sun and warmth helps them recover and regain their foothold!
Our lives are just like that!
We can live in a world of storms and drought...but this will ultimately lead to our extinction!
We can persist...
...Put them behind us and regain a foothold...and flourish!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A Look into "My Mentor - Epiphanies of the Utterly Obvious"
Here is a quick look into my next book!
“Information is only one component of the entire recipe…”
Epiphanies of the utterly obvious evade widespread discovery by hiding in plain sight. They also are often rejected by most because their perception is calloused by their own experience and biases (internal and external noise). When found the flash of insight is often amazing. Many have had the “eureka” moment, the epiphany of the utterly obvious.
As we stood at the edge
of a perfectly mirror-like lake, so close, in fact that even a ripple would
have made our feet wet. He reached down, picked up a small stone and broke the
silence with a contemplative whisper, “Even a rock this small can change the nature
of this large lake!” With that, he threw it as far as his arm could muster. It,
amazingly, flew quite a distance and broke the perfectly flat surface, with a
splash. So disruptive was the small impact that, for a moment I thought I heard
the sound of glass shattering!
My mentor placed his
hand on my shoulder and in a commanding tone that I seldom heard, “Watch the
waterline with me…we have something to learn.”
What seemed like minutes
passed and suddenly the tiny ripples from the stone’s interruption of the
glass-like surface appeared at our feet. “See what I mean?” he asked.
I watched as the static
edge of water quivered ever so slightly and then resume its perfectly
motionless state. “It changed for a moment as the ripples met and encountered
the shore, but it went back to what it wanted…didn’t it? “I replied.
He smiled, shook his
head and in almost a taunting manner responded, “That is only partly true…the
ripples are only the result of the initial event has led to a permanent change
in the lake!”
“What permanent change?”
I asked in a disbelieving tone.
“After the rock entered
the water, it did not dissolve. It was added to the lake. It increased the
overall volume of content of the lake! If you were observant enough, you would
have noticed that the level of the lake rose ever so slightly! The water was
lifted because I did something. It is that we are not sensitive enough to
realize that we truly made a difference!”
We are desensitized to our real impact on the world around us and this
blindness has many negative implications.
Without saying a word my
eyes caught his and asked, “Can you please tell me more?”
He graciously and humbly
continued, “We delude ourselves into believing that everything that we do and
say has to have a huge impact. The fact of the matter is that everything that
we say or do either adds or subtracts from the world. It may make a splash as
we intended, but it is what happens after the ripples are gone that really matters! One stone made the difference that was
required, yet we continue to throw stones until we see the level rise with our
own eyes. The problem is that too many
stones are a problem by themselves.”
It was at that moment in
my life that I realized that I had learned more from my mentor in our brief
encounters than our formal sessions! It was in our brief interactions, like
that time or as we walked to our cars after work or passed each other in the
hallway, that he would throw a few words (stones) at me (usually a sentence or
two), hoping they would shatter the surface and ponder them at their true depth.
He hoped that I would be
ultimately uplifted and grow as a result of the exercises and experiences.
These axioms were not
flippant phrases or clichés. They were crafted and released only after years of
experience, observation, testing and thought. These were his pearls. He meted
them out as his most precious treasure. Luckily I listened to the whisper as we
stood by the lake. I almost missed this
Adages! Aphorisms! They are words
of wisdom that are the result of an amazing intellectual-distillation process.
Being universal in nature, these gems do not require time or location to be meaningful.
They transcend all of that! These epiphanies are little arrows of truth and insight.
Most, if not all of the important and life-changing ones hit their intended
target and stuck. Each had a tiny and almost unnoticeable affect, yet over time
I knew that they had become part of my nature.
In an attempt to ensure that
his “effort in insight” was not wasted, I started a new notebook. This was when
I started carrying two notebooks! One book was for me and the other, more
precious book was used to record his “Epiphanies of the Utterly Obvious!”
He would often remind me
that “The greatest truths hide in plain sight. “That is how the notebook got
its title. Flashes of great insights (epiphanies), hiding in plain sight (the
utterly obvious).The “epiphany exercise” was not reserved to a “him to me” venue.
Over a short period of time, it became a competition to see who could find a
truth and create a “knock your socks-off” quip. We became each other’s best and
worse critic! We would judge the value of each of these by our responses to
them. If we exclaimed, “Oh man, why didn’t I see that?” that epiphany was a
winner and was given a place in the record book!
That first notebook and
the many others that followed were not only permanent records of the insights,
but also a scoreboard that along with my other journals are among the few
treasures that I have cherished and lugged with through my life’s journey.
Unlike the journals, they do not record the time, place and situation. There is
no need to! Instead, they are records of observation and insights, facts that
apply almost universally. They contain the adage and when necessary, a brief explanation.
Most of them however did not have to be explained.
“They are meant to be
applied…” he once said as I wrote, “…which means that they have to be
interpreted by the hearer and directly used in their context, not one biased by
our explanation.”
As it was with that
stone that my mentor tossed into the lake, his epiphanies made temporary
ripples in my life and at the same time, I was permanently uplifted ever so
slightly, but so little that I didn’t realize it. As the number of epiphanies grew, it became
apparent to me that I was better for the experience. The shoreline of my life had risen to a point
that I could see a real difference!
“True wisdom should
never be hoarded…but shared with those who possess the ability to understand
and apply them!” he advised, “It is not our right to judge who is capable or
incapable, so share them as often and with as many people as possible. Let them be the judge of the value.”
As I stand at the edge
of this proverbial “tranquil lake” of life, loosely clutching a handful of
epiphanies, the urge to throw them is unbearable. I long to see the tiny
ripples reflected in the eyes of the listeners, knowing that even if they do
not immediately realize or feel it, they were lifted ever so slightly by the
impact and inclusion of them, in their lives.
“Be patient and do not
become discouraged…someday they'll notice how high they have been raised!”
“Even a stone as small as this can change the
nature of a very large lake…”
Our first Epiphany of
the Utterly Obvious!
Chapter 1 – Setting the stage
mentor emphasized that EVERY interaction between individuals should carry
meaning and value. It was that belief
that spurred epiphanies of the utterly obvious.
Rather than an impersonal and meaningless greeting in a hallway, he (and
later I) shared with each other, what we believed was a new insight of
value. Given that…let’s walk past each
other and not waste time with stories.
Let’s jump right into a series of epiphanies of the utterly obvious that
sets the stage for the rest of this book.
Our first epiphany…
History is our greatest teacher and will
relentlessly repeat its lessons until we grasp…what it intends to for us to
Our second epiphany…
The most valuable trait that a person can possess is
called “common” as in “common sense”…
Our third epiphany…
Wisdom is as endangered as is the passenger
pigeon…OH YEAH! The passenger pigeon is
me, these three epiphanies, when considered in both, individually and in combination,
generate some interesting thoughts. The
thought that comes to me is...
Information is king…or is it?
of the inevitable “facts of life” with the widespread use of the internet, the
21st century has truly become the “information age.” The easy access to information provides many advantages
to individuals and to our society, but with those benefits there is a cost. We are often inundated with “Too Much Information”
(TMI)! Valuable information is often
buried in a mountain of worthless trivia, to the point that TMI has become a
commonplace abbreviation in conversations.
Other times, we simply do not want to know certain “tidbits!”
I do not have to belabor this point, the 21st
century’s offering of easy access to information is a liability. We simply get too much information, it
becomes expected, and a commodity and we underplay its overall value. We lose!
The loss is the result of a narrow and somewhat arrogant view related to
the value of information. Information
(or knowledge) is only part of the real “value equation.” This may sound a bit cryptic.
“Information is only one component of the entire recipe…”
shift gears and digress for just a moment and gain a deeper understanding of the
“I” part of TMI, information. Traditionally,
information is regarded as the accurate understanding of “Cause and Effect.” In other words; “if this…then this” is the
information equation.
is the essence of scientific method and what man has relentlessly pursued for
centuries. Information is not completed understanding,
but the first step of the understanding process. It holds within itself the potential of
action, but must be put into context for it to be valuable. Information may not be king, but it holds
within itself the “royal bloodline!”
on the prior thoughts, information is a critical component, yet without
application, it has no value. Information is a description of a cause and the
related effect. It is a discovery or
insight (information) providing an understanding of what to do to get the
desired effect. If one does not act upon
the information, nothing happens.
Moreover, without a complete understanding of other “effects” related or
directly linked to a specific “cause,” there may be other effects, some adverse
and others positive. There also may be
other “effects” associated of connected to the desired effect (Any effect can
itself be another “cause in an infinite chain), creating other “effects.” We can conclude that action based upon myopic
information may have a “net effect” with a considerable negative cost. This can be likened to taking a drug to
combat pattern baldness, which grows hair, but causes pancreatic cancer in
every instance. It did what it was
designed to do, but at a huge cost to the patient,
oft missing component from the effective use of information is what I have
labeled as “impact.” If cause/effect is
understood completely, it carries beyond the “narrow” and finite view, which is
only focused on the desired effect. For
it to have value, it must be significantly understood with a broadened “global”
view that not only includes all of the intended effects, but also the unintended
consequences or effects (negative and positive) which were related to the
initial cause initiated or the effects related to the desired effect, causing
other effects (negative and positive). It
is an understanding of and the ability to forecast the “costs” or “impacts”
related to the information possessed (cause and effects) that leads to real
value. This value is recognized as
is easy to confuse Information with wisdom and as a result many believe that
simply possessing an ocean of information with the ability to make effective
change is wisdom. When acted upon, information
can create change, but is it valuable?
Not unless it has a net positive valuable impact. Those who possess that information are
considered “wise” or at bare minimum ones with “common sense.”
generally comes through experience. It
is not the exclusive right of the aged!
Wisdom can be shared and handed down from generation to generation. Because of the availability of information
and the misclassification, we have lost much of the traditional transfer of
wisdom. Although the transfer of wisdom
is weak at best…we (who continue to relentlessly share our thoughts) are on the
right track. Like “Mother Nature” we
have to persist and repeat ourselves until the lessons are learned.
is important. Insight and wisdom are to
be preferred. When obtained, the real
value becomes obvious.
not stop here and pursue our thoughts even deeper.
prior thoughts addressed the “Information” part of TMI. Shifting gears, yet again, we find that the
“Too Much” part TMI is just as destructive to what mankind is “designed” to do. “Too Much” information makes all of it
unintelligible! TMI is simply
noise! The 21st century will
in all likelihood go down as the period in our history filled with noise and
label will come back to haunt us unless we grasp the true beauty and elegance
of simplicity.
“Truth hides in plain sight…”
or filtering the noise and extracting the simple truths that anxiously wait to
be discovered will carry a premium to the few that grasp this talent.
look at the simple discipline.
First is the recognition that Information is the
understanding of “Cause/Effect”.
Second is that most “Cause/Effect” relationships are
cloaked by noise of frivolous pieces of data.
Third is that it is necessary to filter the noise to
get to the truths.
Fourth is that “wisdom” goes beyond “Cause/Effect”
to “Cause/Effect/Impact”.
Fifth and finally is that from the very beginning
truth is simple and elegant. Those who
can see it must create short and meaningful ways to convey it to those who
don’t or can’t. Real genius is not found
within complex explanations…but in the elegance of simplistic explanations of
most complex and pressing challenges…AND THEN VALUE IS ADDED WHEN WE ACT ON IT!
Einstein was able to explain much of the universe with 5 characters! E = MC2.
It can’t get much simpler than that!
As I pondered his equation, it hit me that he did not create the laws of
the universe, but simply found them and explained them in an elegant and simple
way that was easily understandable! They
were hiding in plain sight, waiting to be found. His equation remains, to this day, an
elegant epiphany of the utterly obvious!
travel back in time…to the dawn of man…”a simpler but precarious time” when the
future of the species hung on one’s ability to learn the essentials of
survival. After a harrowing day of eking
out a living and escaping imminent dangers, the wise (oftentimes lucky) elders
gathered around a fire and shared their stories and the rest of the tribe sat
in the shadows and intently listened to the wisdom and applied that insight to
their own lives. The human species
survived because the living learned from the tales told of the less fortunate
and were able not to repeat their errors.
History will repeat itself until we learn! In their case a failing grade in the school
of life was fatal! Our ancestors
“learned and lived” and not the opposite as we often (and wrongly) quote. They would listen to everything and glean out
the important, yet hidden messages, realizing that they were a matter of life
or death.
Epiphanies of the utterly obvious evade widespread discovery by hiding in plain sight. They also are often rejected by most because their perception is calloused by their own experience and biases (internal and external noise). When found the flash of insight is often amazing. Many have had the “eureka” moment, the epiphany of the utterly obvious.
is an epiphany of the utterly obvious?
is a simple truth that, when grasped, changes the world of the “grasper!” As we delve a bit deeper into understanding
this type of epiphany, it is not a simple restatement of a truth that everyone
knows. It is an observation of reality that everyone knew but was unable to
state in elegance or apply easily. In
other words…epiphanies of the utterly obvious are potentially life changing
quips. They are truth found and distilled
into as few words as possible to the extent that they are understood by all those
who stop long enough to savor the beauty of the combination. Wisdom is rare, but it is not yet
extinct. It is just not as easily shared
as it was in the past. It is hidden by
the noise of the 21st century.
Let’s cut through that noise and find some together.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
My How Maslow has Changed!"
A History channel moment...

In the 1930s and 40s...a psychologist named Abraham Maslow worked diligently to understand the what made people do what they do...
He discovered that there is a difference between "wants" and "needs"
His work could be represented in a simple pyramidal model that has been called Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
It was widely accepted because it fit the attitudes and values of the culture of the time...and it applied throughout most of the 20th century...
Chicken or Egg situation...
Earlier in the 20th century the American public idolized a man named Andrew Carnegie...
Few American do not know who he was...
He was once the richest man in America...
What differentiated him from most of the other rich Americans is that he spent most of the latter days of his life giving back a large portion of his riches...
While on his deathbed he was asked what advice he could give to the world...
His response...
1 - Spend the first third of your life learning as much as you can...
2 - Spend the second third of your life earning as much as you can with what you have learned...
3 - Spend the last third of your life returning what you have earned with what you have learned...making it possible for others to achieve more than what you have...
The pinnacle aspiration was charity...or "self-actualization"...the top of Maslow's hierarchy!
The public quickly grasped this concept...and many aspired (in word and deed) toward the same
A question arises...
Was this truly the aspiration of the public....and Maslow's hierarchy a representation of this aspiration?...or...
Did Maslow's hierarchy simply follow "Carnegie's axioms" and influence the public?
Psychological Puppets
I vividly recall just about every course that I sat in...where Maslow's Hierarchy was presented...
When the professor or facilitator asked "where are you?"
The participants would answer..."self-actualization"
As I sat there...I knew that many if not all of the participants where not at the pinnacle of existence...
They were here to learn...
They were not in the last third of their life...
They were still working!
Were these people deceived or simply trying to deceive those around them?
Simple human behavior...
The shape of the hierarchy itself may have influenced the answers...
As one looks at the triangular shape...our eyes move to the top...
It is deeply embedded in most aspiring people to look to the top...and then strive to obtain what is at the top...
In the minds of this type of is an admission of weakness or failure to admit to less...
Everyone has heard why continue teaching it?
Although Maslow's hierarchy has not fallen out of favor...
It has lost its edge...
It is not taught as extensively as it once was...
In a "tongue in cheek" fashion...
I wonder if it would help society to have mandatory Maslow's hierarchy of needs courses...
From preschool throughout high school...
Where the students would "swear an oath" to self-actualization...
or at minimum...try to convince their classmates that they are self-actualizing!
If repeated often enough...a majority will begin to believe it and act like it!
I could not see anything detrimental in having a society that aspires for charity and achievement of one's full potential!
...sees anything less than that as an embarrassment and degrading!
Shifting Gears!
Is Maslow falling into historical trivia because we no longer teach it...or it losing it's favor because it no longer represents society...?
This is also an interesting question to ponder...
I believe that education,,,what is taught...shapes our society...
When we accept something as important...and we teach it...that becomes a part of how we think and act...
Maslow's hierarchy simply organized and diagrammed society's belief and behavior structure of a large part of society...
The hierarchy was quite complimentary and directive! People aspired to be among the few at the Andrew Carnegie!
Now we teach it as a historical piece of information...
Seldom do I hear..."I am self-actualizing!"
Society has changed!
Could be because we now longer teach the hierarchy ass a basic concept...
Could be that society has changed and "we" no longer see it as applicable!
What is important is that society has changed!
What has changed?
Look around and few people if any truly seek self-actualization...and a totally selfless charity oriented life...
Instead a majority of our society appears to be seeking self-gratification...
Earn all on me!
It is sad!
I suggest that we pull the old hierarchy out...dust it off and begin living it!
Right after we memorize "Andrew's Axiom!"
We need to move from Selfishness to Selflessness...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
In the 1930s and 40s...a psychologist named Abraham Maslow worked diligently to understand the what made people do what they do...
He discovered that there is a difference between "wants" and "needs"
His work could be represented in a simple pyramidal model that has been called Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
It was widely accepted because it fit the attitudes and values of the culture of the time...and it applied throughout most of the 20th century...
Chicken or Egg situation...
Earlier in the 20th century the American public idolized a man named Andrew Carnegie...
Few American do not know who he was...
He was once the richest man in America...
What differentiated him from most of the other rich Americans is that he spent most of the latter days of his life giving back a large portion of his riches...
While on his deathbed he was asked what advice he could give to the world...
His response...
1 - Spend the first third of your life learning as much as you can...
2 - Spend the second third of your life earning as much as you can with what you have learned...
3 - Spend the last third of your life returning what you have earned with what you have learned...making it possible for others to achieve more than what you have...
The pinnacle aspiration was charity...or "self-actualization"...the top of Maslow's hierarchy!
The public quickly grasped this concept...and many aspired (in word and deed) toward the same
A question arises...
Was this truly the aspiration of the public....and Maslow's hierarchy a representation of this aspiration?...or...
Did Maslow's hierarchy simply follow "Carnegie's axioms" and influence the public?
Psychological Puppets
I vividly recall just about every course that I sat in...where Maslow's Hierarchy was presented...
When the professor or facilitator asked "where are you?"
The participants would answer..."self-actualization"
As I sat there...I knew that many if not all of the participants where not at the pinnacle of existence...
They were here to learn...
They were not in the last third of their life...
They were still working!
Were these people deceived or simply trying to deceive those around them?
Simple human behavior...
The shape of the hierarchy itself may have influenced the answers...
As one looks at the triangular shape...our eyes move to the top...
It is deeply embedded in most aspiring people to look to the top...and then strive to obtain what is at the top...
In the minds of this type of is an admission of weakness or failure to admit to less...
Everyone has heard why continue teaching it?
Although Maslow's hierarchy has not fallen out of favor...
It has lost its edge...
It is not taught as extensively as it once was...
In a "tongue in cheek" fashion...
I wonder if it would help society to have mandatory Maslow's hierarchy of needs courses...
From preschool throughout high school...
Where the students would "swear an oath" to self-actualization...
or at minimum...try to convince their classmates that they are self-actualizing!
If repeated often enough...a majority will begin to believe it and act like it!
I could not see anything detrimental in having a society that aspires for charity and achievement of one's full potential!
...sees anything less than that as an embarrassment and degrading!
Shifting Gears!
Is Maslow falling into historical trivia because we no longer teach it...or it losing it's favor because it no longer represents society...?
This is also an interesting question to ponder...
I believe that education,,,what is taught...shapes our society...
When we accept something as important...and we teach it...that becomes a part of how we think and act...
Maslow's hierarchy simply organized and diagrammed society's belief and behavior structure of a large part of society...
The hierarchy was quite complimentary and directive! People aspired to be among the few at the Andrew Carnegie!
Now we teach it as a historical piece of information...
Seldom do I hear..."I am self-actualizing!"
Society has changed!
Could be because we now longer teach the hierarchy ass a basic concept...
Could be that society has changed and "we" no longer see it as applicable!
What is important is that society has changed!
What has changed?
Look around and few people if any truly seek self-actualization...and a totally selfless charity oriented life...
Instead a majority of our society appears to be seeking self-gratification...
Earn all on me!
It is sad!
I suggest that we pull the old hierarchy out...dust it off and begin living it!
Right after we memorize "Andrew's Axiom!"
We need to move from Selfishness to Selflessness...
Enough Said!
Pura Vida!
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