Sunday, July 7, 2013

Finding the Information that Leads to Success

As we learn and seek to better our plot in life...we are often faced with the questions:

"What do I need to do to make a change in my life?"


Do I need to learn something else?"

...if so...

"What education should I pursue?"


"What do I need to learn next?"


"What do I need to know to move to the next level?"

Is there such thing as too much information? 

We are inundated with information on a continual basis...

Attached to much of the data that we are inundated with are claims that allures us and leads us down the path that we should be walking!

Shifting Gears...A detour...for a moment!

Let's divert for a minute!

The aforementioned "claims of data-value" I call "meta-claims"  They are "tags" that may of may not be real...

Data on its own merit has no value!  It is just data!

Data begins to have "potential value" when it is interpreted...and it turns from data to "information"

Information still lacks real value until it turns into actions or reactions...

It is what information causes one to do or not do that is of value...

Yet the form or function of  information does not change...

Information is a virtual sense is a catalyst!

A catalyst of action or inaction!

Back to the track!

Data improperly interpreted or rejected or blindly accepted can be misleading...

Did you catch that?


It can take our actions down the right path...or the wrong path...

It is important to have the correct information to ensure that you are acting properly...

There is another possibility...time is often wasted on the acquiring and processing information that we'll never use...

I call this type of information...trivia!

It is (was) important to someone...but not to us!  (TRIVIAL)

To maximize our effectiveness and impact...we can not afford to waste time chasing data that we'll never use...


Excess knowledge tends to cloud, diffuse or even block the information that we need!

All this having been is critical for us to be discerning in our learning...aligning our pursuit and acquisition of information with our mission, purpose or intent!

So the answer is "YES...there is such a things as too much information!"


Is "Information is King?"

Information is critically important...

...but it must be recognized that not all information rules our lives...

...It is only focused and useful information that reigns...

...or should rule our actions and reactions...

All other information is our enemy...


Because we lack infinite mental capacity...omniscience...DUH!

We are easily overloaded and when this happens...we risk "pushing out" information that we need and replace it with useless information...


...or worse...

..."counter productive"

It follows that we are best served by specialized knowledge that serves our purpose...

...and should be allowed to rule our actions...

So the answer is "YES...but only information that serves our purpose!"


What Information should we pursue?

Theoretically...we want everything that we know to be useful...

Better stated..."Productive"...

In truth this leads us to an insight that makes the pursuit easy!

To start...let's look at a few "guiding principals" related to information acquisition:

  • Information that does not serve our immediate needs has to be questioned...
  • The value of "stored for future use" information declines in value by the amount of time "in the future" that it will be put to use...
  • The value of information is relation the the probability that it will be used

We can conclude that the value of information is determined by its immediate application

Having sorted through that "short list"...this takes us to the next categorization...

So the answer is "We need to seek and obtain productive information!"


Productive Knowledge...

Information when properly used becomes productive knowledge!


Information has great potential (potential energy)...

It changes into "knowledge" when it is used to an end...(hopefully a "good" end)

In other words...

That which we use has value to us...

Knowledge which serves our purpose is the best kind of knowledge...

Especially when our purpose is good, true and beautiful...

It then makes sense that we have to control information flow and its use...

In order to control our information intake...we have to be able to categorize it as good (useful) or bad (counter productive)...

Being able to recognize good information from bad information is a talent...a gift...

But it can also be learned!

Given the specialized nature of useful follows that the amount of bad information far outweighs and out numbers the good information...

All we have to be able to do is put the information into one of two categories...

If it fits...into one of those two categories...

It is potentially useful or good!

The two types (categories) of valuable information...that can lead to knowledge...

There is information that makes us more efficient.  This type of information when it is converted into knowledge, provides us with more time to learn and do other things.  It adds value by providing proverbial "bandwidth."

There is information that makes us more effective.  This type of information when it is converted into knowledge, differentiates us from others that are doing the same things as us...

Does this make sense?

There is Efficiency information and Effectiveness information...

Although both serve to the same end...they are very different!

Each must be balanced so as not to create lop-sided or biased performance...


We can become focused on efficiency and not produce great results...


We can become focused on effectiveness (how well we do a job) can totally mess with getting stuff done in the required amount of time!

Did you catch it?

Real value has 2 components...

1 - Doing the right thing (effectiveness)
2 - AT and IN the right time (efficiency)


There are many variations on this theme,,,but it is the right blend that produces value!


Let's put this all together into a workable plan...

The perfect situation arises when you know...

Your purpose...


Your mission...

Then sifting through the information is easy!

Simply answering the question "Does this information make my mission more effective or does this information make it easier or faster in the achievement of my objectives?"

If the answer is yes...

Then it can become valuable (i.e. turned into knowledge)


Not all of us have a perfect "handle" on our mission and purpose!

If that is the case...

Then look at what you are doing RIGHT NOW!

If the information serves you at this moment...

It is worth acquiring,,,

If not...



As funny as this sounds...this exercise serves a greater purpose that will help clarify your pursuit!

At should do what you are doing as efficiently and effectively as possible!

Believe it or not...

Where you you are and what you are doing is probably not vary far from your purpose and much as you may not like that...

So seek the information that you need today...let it guide you and you'll find more and more clarity!

We do not need to belabor this topic any further...

Get out there and start sorting!

Make it make a difference in your life and the lives of others!

Enough Said!

Pura Vida!

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