Saturday, November 6, 2010

Life is not measured in the number of heartbeats...

Good Morning!

How did your week go?

Do you feel invigorated by last week's successes and achievements or are you simply relieved that it is over?

Here is an interesting trivia question...What do you think is the most frequent phrase on the Internet on Fridays?

If you answered TGIF or one of the many were correct!

My thought today is...

If the majority of the population (and you are among them) is relieved that the week is over...

...How can you set yourself apart from the masses?

If you felt relief...then why do you think that you are not part of the masses?

Why are you allowing yourself to be like the rest?

Why are you expecting to be differentiated and yet acting like all of the rest?

What comes first?  The attitude or the success?  The chicken or egg?

Many people say they need the success, in order to catalyze the attitude...

Other proponents say that you need the attitude to attract the success...

I say it doesn't matter!

You need both!

If you have the success...then you need to have the attitude...

If you lack the success...then you need the attitude!

Success is both!

It is much like life itself!

Life is about heartbeats!

You can't have life without a heartbeat!

Heartbeats happen without a conscious effort...

If your heart do not have more life!

It is simply dependent upon the beat!

Not the count...or the is the presence!

Success is the same!

It is not about how much...

Attitude is a conscious (perhaps sub-conscious) effort...

It is truly there...whether or not you think about it!

You simply need to recognize that it is there...

Feel the heartbeat...

Feel the Attitude!

You are successful!

Recognize that you are alive...and make the most of it!

Stop looking for relief...stop saying and writing TGIF...

Set yourself apart from the masses...

Differentiate yourself with attitude...

The TGIF people are the same people that ultimately welcome death!

I am glad this is over!

That's right!

Are you a person who will be glad to die?

or are you ready to meet life head on!

Are you happy that you woke up today?

You can not lay claim to success until you differentiate yourself from the masses!

In the BIG things and the LITTLE things...

Take stock of your life...

Not in the successes...or your heart rate...

Its entirety!

No more TGIF!

It may sound like a LITTLE thing...but it is what really matters!


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