Saturday, August 28, 2010

You can not be a Success...if all you do is "Suc-k"...

Good Morning...

Let's start with a cool song today!  Great words!

Before I go into my thoughts about the week...there is a line in it that really struck actually is the last two lines in the song (repeated)...and my guess is that you probably got bored with the song and missed them...

Well they are...

"We are all Africa..."

That is an amazing line that many of us do not think about...

WE are ALL Africa!

As far as archeological science can ascertain...WE are all Africans!

Every person's ancestry can be traced back to the few surviving humans from Africa!

I am awed by the fact that we are all the descendants of a remnant of as few as 40 child-bearing mothers that survived a world altering catastrophe! 

Think about that...

We are Africa!

Does this show in your behavior?  Are you helping the poorest continent in the world?

OK...enough of the "Do your part to Help the World" commercial!

Remember that being a leader means giving those who need it!

You can not take forever...and that is part of this week's thought...
I have had an interesting week!

How about you?

Most of mine would bore you to death...for the most part I had to buckle down and simply work!

That felt great!

I have also been given the opportunity to coach Rachel's fast-pitch team!  I jumped at that one!  It is a chance to give back what I learned across my life!

All in all...the this week's recap is one sentence, I can say that I have made progress towards my least the ones that mattered!

People often delude themselves into believing that what they are doing is important and/or significant...or at least the amplify the importance of their existence...this misrepresentation is BAD! sucks! time...from wasting their efforts and trust in someone and something that will probably never come to fruition...

There is no reason to do are what you are!  The only one who gets fooled and disillusioned in the end is you...especially when you get caught in the lie that you told yourself often enough that you even believe it!  You will be that last one to realize it!  Every one else will see you for the fraud...and will leave!

That sucks...

...the people away from you that you need most!

So...what can you honestly and accurately say about your week and the work that you do?

..."this above all thine own self be true!"...

If you start will never let anyone else down...


It starts with a commitment of honesty and accuracy with yourself!

You can't be honest and accurate with the outside world until you know yourself, thoroughly!

It also means that you have to drop the self-serving agendas...

Avoiding the long explanation...let it suffice to say, that it is self-serving behaviors that got you to that point in in your life in the first place!

That means accepting yourself for who you are and working diligently to apply what you are capable of doing without fail...being honest and accurate...

That is a lot of work, but it is also progress...and if you do may not realize it...but you are halfway to realizing your dreams!

It isn't about appearing to listen and doing your own thing despite what you should have heard...

That's one of the worst failures that anyone can step up (but it was only an appearance...a lie!) and two steps back (when reality hits)...

...that sucks...

...the life out of any effort...and any chance for success and destroys the trust that people have given you freely!

People depend on you to be a person of your word...

"I will" a promise...a is powerful...and should not be taken lightly...

"...let you "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be no"..."  it is that simple!

...fulfill your promises...that is the essence of leadership...

A leader is the person who promises to cross the finish line and does so first...

Everyone else is a loser!

It sucks...

...when you realize that everyone in the stands watched you lose...I am embarrassed...they saw me for what I am...incompetent and a poor liar!

Yes there are varying degrees of losing...but in my book...they are all still the same class!

You are not a loser if you define what winning is...and achieve what you said you would do!

Be honest and accurate...

That is the cool thing about this race!

It does not have to be by "their rules" when if properly handled, by a person who is comfortable with what and who they are and can yours!

It can be on your terms!

Say...I can if...

And when you do...

You have set yourself up to win!

Again...Can you honestly and accurately say that you made progress?

You do not have to answer...

The fact of the matter is...I actually know that you is that fact that makes me proud to be writing to you!

I don't waste my time (that which I have on this earth) with chronic losers...that is because they are deluded themselves and the people that they serve!  They have chosen the easy lie rather than work!

They are "gutless" individuals afraid to face reality and negotiate results through saying "I can if..."

They are afraid that if people see them for what they really are...they won't be liked or seen for who they really are and force to a reality that they have deluded themselves into believing!

The fact of the matter some point in every one's life you have to participate in the have to put your feet in the starting blocks and the gun is going to go off!

If you have been lying to to world and to yourself...the people watching are going to be entertained by a sprinter running a race, in clown shoes...if you are that will find yourself friendless and worse than that...unemployed!

I know more people who are stumbling towards that race in clown shoes (that they do not even know that they have on)...than the few real sprinters...

Some of those people I have tried to help...others I have left to their own demise and I wait patiently in the stands, for the starting gun to go will be entertaining...then when the race is over...I'll just go home...with my friends and family...they will leave alone...

It goes without saying...but I will say it anyway...Honesty and Accuracy with yourself first and then with the outside world is a critical (if not the most critical) characteristic of a leader...

It first shows confidence in one's perception in the value of what they have done...there is no need to amplify an event to make it seem legendary...

...if it was a legend! was a legend...

...if it wasn't a legend! wasn't a legend...

Remember that a legend without historical basis is a myth...a fantasy...What kind of people live in a constant fantasy or out of touch with reality?

Stop lying to the world...after repeating the lie over and will find yourself believing it at some point!

It also shows the pride you take, in what you can do and who you really need to make it (or you) something that it (or you) is not!  The antithesis communicates that you are embarrassed by your performance (and you) for some reason...maybe because you shirked responsibility and you cheated your is just a lie...or you are incompetent...

The bottom line is DON'T LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD...stay real!

It also shows a real understanding of oneself...

Question...What do you honestly think of someone that is living a lie and believes it?  Like the last point...What kind of people live in a continuous fantasy world?

I never read advice in books on making friends and influencing others that says..."lie to yourself and others"...have you?

Anything other than accuracy and honesty (no matter how difficult it is to face) is simply smoke!

It is ethereal...

The lightest of breezes blows it away and clears the air...and then people see clearly!

Rest assured that anything that is inaccurate or dishonest will be uncovered and blown away...

Do not waste anymore of your life...or that of others...

That reminds me!

I once knew a guy that had terrible body odor and refused to believe it about himself...

He was quite high up in the organization and his smell was often the subject of the whispered humor that pervaded the entire his odor (I couldn't help myself!)

It was always everyone else's problem when he talked about the fact that he didn't have any friends...or that no one wanted to work with him...

Yes...It was so bad that it even caused the people who worked with him to avoid him...and he was the Number #2 (pun not intended even though it was funny!) guy in the company.  It got so bad that even the Health Services and HR departments had private discussions with him...when they did...he nodded...blew them off and continued on his "stinky" way.  "I don't smell," I often heard him say as he walked past my office...and that was an indicator that someone had another talk with him...

His problem was that he refused to face reality...he was not receptive to the needs of the world around him...

All he cared about was himself and his agenda!

The world was only on his was the rest of the world that had a problem...not him!

I left the organization before he did and I do not know what happened to him...given our age difference...he is probably now retired...stinking up some retirement home!

The important lesson is not one of personal hygiene...but about real awareness of oneself, one's impact and one's capability.

Don't think that your work is brilliant...when the outside world thinks it stinks...

Don't think you are brilliant when you have to carry 2 flashlights to shine as bright as one...

Don't say...I will do it...and bring excuses to the table...or something other than what the world asked for...

If they ask for a snack...give them a snack...not a 7 course meal!  You have failed miserably and wasted everyone's time...

Listen to the advice of people who care...or are paid to care...they know a lot better than you do...

The fact of the matter is...these people desire success in their work...if you continue to be their failure...they'll give up on aren't worth their time...and they'll go on to others that will be a success...

Whatever you think is what you need to do is probably just what you think you need to do...(this is a bit confusing but it is your agenda)  Leave that behind you...

You can not claim customer sensitivity and have any of your own agenda items!

Don't think that you are legendary and do not aspire to be...until you have created a real legend!

You can not be a success if you just suck!

Stop thinking about yourself...and look inside and then to the outside...

Enough Said!


Short and sweet!

If you want to be a success...then

1 - be honest with yourself
2 - be consistently honest with the outside world
3 - be what you can be...not trying to be something you aren't
4 - be realistic about what you are willing to do to fulfill your promises and, without failing, fulfill them
5 - bring results to the table...not one cares (if you did not fulfill your promises you are either incompetent or a liar)
6 - define success on your terms, that meet your customer's needs and live up to that definition 100% of the time...

Have a great weekend...make progress...

Look at yourself may like what you see!

For most of you...I liked what I saw in you..

...for others...I was courageous and I told you...

...Are you courageous to hear?

Do not say "yes"...without taking the first step and working at it!

We are enough to help...

...y vamos para el todo!

Pura Vida!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scarred for Life

Good Morning!

I realized that I made it through the summer with the kids constantly around!

They don't hate me any more than they did at the beginning of the summer...and I...

OK...I admit it...feel a bit closer to them...

A few nights ago...a line from some kid on a reality show got me thinking about a common phase that we have all heard and many have said...She was talking about her mom and said that she had been "scarred for life..."

It was in reference to her mom's treatment of her...and some emotional damage that she was trying to blame on her...

Since I do not have the patience to listen to the whining...I left...

I do not really know if she was justified in saying that...for all I know...she was...but emotional scars are really an exception...(that is an entirely different subject)...what bothers me is that we have began using that phrase as a commonplace excuse...the truth is rare...

Not being one to leave "stupid" well enough alone...

It got me thinking about scars...

When you hear the phrase "scarred for life" What meanings and feelings does it elicit?

From my perspective "Scarred for life" automatically has a negative connotation...and negative feelings associated with it...

As I really thought through scars...i shouldn't!

From both a physical and emotional perspective...There are bad scars that interfere with activity

BUT, there are scars that are the result of actually improving one's ability...surgical scars..for example...

There are some scars that are the result of removing some detrimental and perhaps even fatal malady...providing a "new lease on life..."  Like removing a malignant tumor, or a bone chip that interfered with range of motion, or a heart transplant, or a corneal transplant (giving sight)...I do not have to go any further...

Surgical scars from a repair or a removal...

I suddenly realized that "Scarred for life" can have two meanings...but we always think of "Scarred" from a bad perspective!

There are scars that will last a lifetime...Some are good and some are bad!  All scars are a sign of life...the good ones, a new life...or at least a new lease on life...

I actually know that there were some experiences that we (my kids and I) have, that scarred us for life...BUT... in the good way!

In fact...I am going to begin seeking those opportunities for me and for the ones I love to help them see the good scars on a daily basis!  and be thankful for them!

It sounds weird and is not meant to be!  It is love!

And as I think about that...sometimes tough love...

What is "tough love?"

I have thought about that one too...tough love is when the recipient is self serving and "I" centered and cares less about the other person...than themselves.

Guess what that means...?

When both people really care about each other, more than isn't tough...and it leaves no scars or at most ones that aren't noticed!


If I were to go through life unscathed and un-scarred...I probably haven't lived life to the fullest...if I am going to be scarred...may it be ones with meaning and that have made me a better person for having them!  AND...

If I am scarred and no one notices...I know that I am loved!

Enough Said!


FACT - Beggars Can't be Choosers...

Now that is an interesting thought!

Most of the time, I have a "spin" on traditionally accepted axioms...this time...I think this time...I have to agree with it...

Let's start with the definition of what or who is a beggar...

Rather than belabor the point that can be easily made without a long logical dissertation...let's conclude...

A beggar is anyone who is not making a tangible contribution to those who support them...

It could be a microcosm as small as a couple's relationship, a family or as large as the world itself...

Moreover...If an individual expects a return larger than the contribution that they make to their world...they become a beggar!  Let me remind you that the contribution must be tangible.

Given the fact that the contribution is tangible, it falls into the realm of net value.  One can not do 3 bad (costly) things and 1 good thing of equal value and expect a return on their contribution.

Although one would like to be the judge of value...the truth is...the value judgement is external to the contributor,,,

Any compensation in return for the contribution that is of greater value than the contribution is a gift...

What they get can not be rightfully judged as inappropriate because it is can be rejected...but it can not be expected that it will be replaced...

Now we need to look at choice...

We wrongly believe that the freedom of choice is related to age!

Given the wisdom of this axiom...choice (choosing) is based upon contribution.

If an individual is not contributing...they do not have the right to choose!

In this context, self-determination is not a right...but is earned...and at any given point it is a sum zero proposition...and can be lost through irresponsible behavior or lack of activity that adds value.


A Toast...

Let's start today with a toast...

Not bread...

A public announcement of our commitment to changing ourselves for the better!

Let us...

Toast to change...

...and commitment... never again listening to those voices, whether they be from your inside or from the outside...

...telling you, "that you can't!"

From this day forward, we'll listen to the whisper of Hope...

...that quiet voice...that can easily be blocked out by the din of doubt...

A salute to those of the past that refused to listen and to those who have today committed to ignoring doubt, past failures and feelings of inadequacies...

Stand-up...grab that drink defiantly...

...face the noise that is already sounding around you...


I will not listen to excuses...

I will listen to that faint voice that says...I can...and I will...

The next time I raise drink will be to celebrate yours and my achievements...


*********************************** are the heroes

It is the work of ordinary people doing extraordinary things...

It is sad that the extraordinary things in life have become "simply doing the right things"...

Make "doing right" commonplace

You are the heroes...remember that...

Enough Said!


Your efforts can be a thing of beauty...

AND a masterpiece...

There was once a prophet whose accuracy was unmatched...

He has attracted a rather large following, so large in fact that the king was threatened by it...

The king called 2 of his magicians into his presence and told them that they must discredit this prophet...

The magicians conspired...we will go to this prophet and ask for his prophecy...

I will hold a sparrow in my hand...and ask him if the sparrow is alive...

If he says the bird is dead, I will open my hand and the live bird will fly away...and he will be wrong...

If he says the bird is alive, I will crush it and drop it dead on the floor...and he'll be wrong...

Either way...he'll be discredited and we'll have fulfilled the king's wishes...

They traveled to the prophet and when it was their turn to stand in his presence they said...

"Oh Great Seer...I hold in my hand a bird"  "In your infinite wisdom and knowledge...Is it dead or alive?"

The prophet did not even look up and answered...

"It is in your hands"

and he turned and walked away...

For you my friends...

It in your hands!

Have a great and glorious weekend and a week that surpasses that!

Pura Vida!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Your Career is an Ongoing Interview...

Good Morning!

I hope this week was challenging for you!

I like challenges...and sought them out continually...WHY?

You don't really know what you are capable of...until you stand up to a challenge...or...

Don't stand up to the problem...

I learned a lot about myself and about the challenges themselves...

Both when I won and when I lost...

As I look back over my career...I found a commonality in every challenge that I took on...

Can you remember when you were interviewing for the job you now have and when that interview was over you said to yourself..."I am glad that this is over..."?

The fact isn't over!

In a real interesting way...your career is an interview and if you treat it that will always be successful!

Yes...your entire career is an don't breath that sigh of relief too soon!

The other interesting thing about taking this view of your career is that it recognizes that the interview questions change over time...well most of them...

Here are a couple of questions that are always asked...

Can you do the job?

Can you handle multiple tasks at the same time?

Are you able to prioritize your efforts and keep my needs at the forefront of your activity?

Ask yourself...How would you answer these questions?

If you said, "...I would say..."

You got it all wrong!

Your answers (if they are to be effective) are no longer verbal...

What?  I can't talk?  I don't know sign language...and my penmanship stinks...what am I going to do?

Remember the old axiom...Actions speak louder than words?

Focus on the "Actions" and you know the answer...

I said that the interview kept going...I didn't say that it didn't change!

Your answers are found in what you do...

After the talking answer the organizations questions through your activity and behaviors...

All of your answers are now in the realm of non-verbal communication...YOUR ACTIONS ...and even more importantly...


So let's dig a bit deeper into the ongoing interview...

Where are the loudest messages sent?

Most people incorrectly assume that the biggest messages are sent with the biggest accomplishments...

In actuality it is in the "little" things...

My Mentor once showed me that he would give his people a big assignment and then he would inundate them with little but critically important things...why?

Because that is life!

His people quickly learned that they needed to step back (OFTEN) and assess what was on their plate...and hit those small tasks quickly so that they could get back to their major project...

LESSON TO BE LEARNED:  The size of the task or request does not dictate importance!

I used to watch his people file away those little things...thinking that they would address them when the BIG thing was done...and would pride themselves at trying to prove their ability to focus by saying to him...I am going to file it away...and I'll get to it later...

That's not their call...if they only knew that if he asked for help or an opinion...he needed it...

Guess what?

Some of these people after 10 years of interviewing...finally didn't make the cut...he was tolerant but not stupid...their value was over-shadowed by the cost associated with getting their output!

Let's look at this a bit more...

His ongoing question..."Can you do multiple things at one time?"

Their verbal answer..."I am an expert at multi-tasking"

Their behavioral answer..."I'll do what I think is important..."

Without belaboring this any further...

His question was posed...not in the major assignment...but in the little things that he needed help with...

They looked innocent enough to be blown off...

"Can you take a quick look at this?"

"Can you help me with this?"

They were the ones that mattered,,,

Are you able to do those seemingly minor things without interfering with your commitment to deliver?

Is, what you deliver at deadline another excuse rather than what was expected?

Is that excuse...the list of those little things?  The things that may have been more important?

Let me say it again...Do you bring excuses to the table or excuses?

Is your signature...disappointing performance or success?

Just because you got the job doesn't mean that the interview is over...

In has changed from interviewing with a small number of with the entire organization.  Think about that one...It could be thousands of people!

Everyone is always watching and assessing...

Few people are really capable of making it through that series of cuts...unscathed!  (the real interview)

The important thing is not to bleed to death!

My advice...look for the real questions...they are quiet...then shift your attention is sometimes the quiet voice who is the decision-maker...he or she has no reason to yell! Their job is to decide appropriately!  They didn't get to where they are by making the wrong

What decision about you are YOU driving them to?

That person is a stellar performer...he/she delivers just what I want...when I want it...and isn't afraid to take on any challenge!


That person has an excuse for every failure...missed deadline...and disappointment...

Challenge...I welcome challenges...but for those who take the conservative road...or the road of excuses...

Look out!

Have a great day!

So what commonality did I find in every challenge that I took on?

You tell me!

Think about that!

Pura Vida!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Urban Hero, Steven Slater

Good Morning!

There are days that I am moved to "special editions" of the update...because there are messages that need to be soon as they are heard!

Last night I read a story that is becoming is of Steven Slater...former Jet Blue Flight attendant that took matters into his own hands...and has become an instant urban hero!

In brief...a self-centered and rude passenger smacked him with his suitcase and refused to acknowledge the incident or apologize...

Steven grabbed a beer out of the crew cabin and left!

You can read a more complete reporting of the story at...

It makes me smile!

Why...because it is rare events like this that show the world what we have become as a society...

I am posting a blog on In Search of the 21st Century Philosopher that discusses our obligation to "Right."     Watch for it at

The message in that blog is that it is not our role in this society to simply be right...but to do what is right...    

I remember a statement that I made, to one of the teams that I was leading, in a vain attempt to quell their frustration with the self-centered behavior of the organization around them...

I said...(tongue in cheek)...These people have been put here for entertainment purposes not take them seriously...and PLEASE do not try this at home!

It struck a cord with a few of the team members and they put that attitude into play...

Our society has gotten significantly more ignorant...rather than more astute...

People are showing their ignorance by their behaviors...

I can't help but be entertained by that...

There are individuals that ignorantly yell at customer service if they made the error themselves...How can anyone be so stupid to think that the person on the phone or behind the help desk made that error?  Why treat them poorly?  They are getting paid to fix the problem...

I have heard people attempt to justify their behavior by saying they are just venting their frustrations...GROW UP and act like an adult...not like a three year-old who can not control their emotions...

For the past few years I actually made a game out of my customer service experiences...

As soon as I get to a service representative...I ask...

"Did you make this mistake?"

I have never heard "Yes"

Then I ask "Is your job to help me fix it?"

I always hear "Yes"

It is so funny...because I know that they are wondering why I am asking this...

I then say...then I am going to treat you like that and not be a jerk!

I always get a laugh of relief!

And we have fun fixing the issue...and a heartfelt THANK YOU! 

"It is not about being is about doing right..."

Company Service people are not the ones who messed up...they are being paid to make it right or at least help...treat them that way...

My guess is that there will a deep dive into the life of Steven...and it will be a slur campaign saying that he is not the legend that he is being portrayed...

I don't care about who he is...

The fact is...that event was legendary!

What his past is like has no bearing on that may even played into creating it!

Do not show your ignorance by getting "sucked in" to the smear...and see the event for what it is...legendary and a lesson for all of us to learn and emulate...

It was the right behavior at the right time...

Few if any people step up and do the right thing...ever in their lives...

He did!

Start showing the right thing...

There is no need to be right...intellectually...that is immature...

"I want justification!"  

So do they!

I want to be treated like a human being with respect!

So do they!

Start showing that a lesson that was taught in kindergarten was learned!

Give respect to the homeless that are begging on the intersections and street corners...

Show some common everyone...

That is what you want...

It is what they want...

Forget about being right...or made right...DO WHAT IS RIGHT!

Sit back and watch the show of those immature, ignorant, self-centered people who have no learned the message...and continue to rant and rave at the service desks...

Laugh at them out loud!  Send those people a message LOUD AND is the RIGHT behavior and the thing to do!

Remember...Those idiots have been put here for entertainment purposes only...

Do not do this at home! 

Me thinks I rant too much!  BUT...for the RIGHT reason...

Enough Said!    

I'm NOT Afraid...

Good Morning!

A midweek-special edition of the "Update!"

This update is pg14 rated...and contains some adult language...if you are offended by adult language...please go no further...

Let's start this with got to listen to the words...stop and enjoy it...

In my eclectic way...I found some really cool messages within this piece!  I hope that you did too!

One of the messages is actually hidden behind the making of the song/album itself...this was probably his last shot...after a couple of "blah" productions...and he put the screws on and did it!

Are you afraid to take a stand?

Don't answer that yet...

...I really bet that not a day goes by in your life where you are challenged to take a stand...

...Many of those chances we didn't even notice that we were called to take a stand...
...Other opportunities we blew off because it didn't seem like it mattered or it wasn't worth the fight...
...That leaves a few that we were called to take and unavoidably recognized...

...Most of the time we lacked the courage to take those stands!

But think about those took a stand and won...

It felt really good didn't it?

You felt invincible didn't you?


Because you were doing what was right...

Your heart and your head knew it...

Now ask yourself...

Why don't I feel that way all the time...

Probably because you are not taking the stands you are called to often as you should...

or worse...

You stand for nothing...which means...

You are simply lying down...and pushed around by life...

It takes knowledge to know what to stand for...wisdom to know the impact...then it takes courage to stand...

Three critical components to life...

Knowledge...Wisdom and Courage...

Most people short-cut the first component...thinking that have acquired sufficient knowledge to succeed...

As a result the second component is totally lacking...

and as a result...they have no courage...

but do not despair...

You have enough knowledge to link to some wisdom to drive your courage...

You need to be realistic...

What do you really know?

Then take it from there...

I'm not has taken years to get here...

You are not alone...TAKE MY HAND!

I'm not afraid!


Now answer that question...

If you aren' more below!  Let's see how many people click!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Good Morning!

If you were to describe your week in one sentence...what would you say?

Before you jump into that thought...step back...

That question itself is important...

It should be a habit that at some significant point in your stop and assess your efforts and for that matter your life...

I have made it a habit to do it on a daily works for me...

I ask myself..."What was today all about?" AND I write it down...

I started doing that on a weekly basis...and that was good...

But when I started doing that life changed!

Consider asking yourself that question...

It can be scary!  and it should be!

OK...enough said on this...let's go back to our thoughts...

My week has all been around focused efforts...

Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to move forward, if you have to also expend energy to your left and right?

Motion follows simple principle which was described by Newton...a long time ago!

Direction is determined by the sums and differences of the vectors of forward and opposing forces upon an object...

OK...I know...this is as clear as mud!

What this means is that an object moves in the direction in which the "net" force is pushing it...

If a force is pushing an object in a single direction (actually that is the only thing that can happen) and it has absolutely no opposition...the object will only go in that direction...

If there is an equal and direct force opposing the forward driving force, the object remains motionless...

If the opposing force is at at some angle other than directly opposing it...the object moves in a direction...equal to the exactly the opposite difference...

I know it is too early in the morning...

There are some interesting conclusions that we can draw...that can help us as leaders!

1 - Direction towards our goals...
2 - The need for community...

Let's work through at a time...

The fallacy of leadership...

I bet everyone has heard and believes that a leader's purpose is to drive an effort towards conclusion...

Sounds reasonable doesn't it?

The fact of the matter is wrong!

If an object is in will continue in that direction...unless acted upon by an outside force...

THE REAL role of a leader is to stop the outside forces from influencing the effort!

In "trekkie" terms...the leader is the force field that protects the ship...and allows it to move without getting influenced by the space trash and debris!

Some leaders (Many...OK MOST) wrongly believe that their role is to drive the effort...

The fact of the matter is...if an effort is usually not an internal issue...

It is a problem with the leader!

Newton told us that...

"An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by some outside force..."

A leader's energy is wasted by pushing something that is already moving...

Their value is found in keeping external forces from interfering with the effort...

OK...some of us do not have a team...

The exact same stuff holds true for individual efforts...

DRIVE forward and focus some of your efforts from interfering from success or diverting you...

Drop the pity parties...and the excuses...

DO NOT allow prior commitments interfere with your goals!

The answer "No" carries a different meaning for the real means...not this way...or you haven't convinced me yet...try again!

To change an have to change the components from which it is made...

To go from a cake to a must change the ingredients and the order in which they are combined...

The same is true for us...don't like the outcome?  Change what is inside...

Hmmmmmm...that is the direction isn't it...

Push yourself in a certain direction...and you'll continue to go in that direction...unless influenced by something on the outside...

Then it is a matter of...keeping "stuff" from changing your direction...because you like where you are going...


Allowing "stuff" to slightly change your direction...because it makes your direction better...

Enough Said!

Let's think about community...

The cool and simplest thought is that community can be a addition to that forward motion...

A good leader is also aware that the community can also strongly influence direction...because of the sheer mass of it!

But I want us to think about another role of community...

The role of deflection!

Let's go back in the Romans...

What made their military so strong?

Many analysts believe that it was that they marched forward!

I can not be as simple as that...

In a way it was!

The legions could march forward or stand their ground for that matter...because each soldier could depend on the soldiers on either side of them...

They did not have to worry about defecting attacks from any direction...because they could depend on their community for that protection...(deflection) and they could concentrate on their role...which was to stand their ground...or march forward!

We are soldiers in this battle...

Build a community around you and be an active part of that community...

Success is not an individual endeavor...those who think it is...are sadly deluded!

Failure is all your fault...but success is ours!

Use Newton's laws to your advantage...

And you thought Newton was just for physics!

It is also very important to know in relation to community and your success!

Enough Said!

Have a great weekend...

By the would you describe your week?

I bet you thought I forgot about that!

Pura Vida!