Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Real Secret to Success

Good Morning!

Many of you remember my 20 must read books.  Many of them are classics!

One that is a classic in its own right...yet considered a somewhat cheesy book is "The Greatest Salesman in the World"

It is quite old and probably out of print...but it sold millions in its day!

I was thinking about that book the other day and realized that "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction" is nothing more than a simplistic version of a concept written about (in fictional form) years ago!

I was captivated by the book and the concept years ago!

I made its lessons (found in short scrolls) part of how I acted...

I followed the fictional prescription to the letter and even exceeded it...

And in many it promised!

If you have never read this can not help but learn something!

The first line of one of the "scrolls" starts with the phrase..."I will greet this day with love in my heart..."

That attitude and subsequent behavior will make all of the difference in your life...

If you start your day with shows in your face and all of your actions...

It changes people's attitude and behaviors toward you...

'''GREET the day with love in your heart..."


What goes around...comes around...

Another principal found within the law of attraction...

The fact of the matter is...if you are not getting what you earned it!

It is a rare situation in which one's condition was not brought about by their actions...

It could be the result of a single act...or a series of acts...or a domino effect (that appears totally unrelated)...but the fact of the matter get what you gave!

Even act whether a kind act or one of malice is an investment in your future!  Each their own way will come back to haunt you...

If I have a choice...I choose to be haunted by good spirits!

There will sad times...will those who you made laugh in the past gather around you to cheer you up?

Is there anyone?

There will be lonely times...will you have friends that you can depend upon like they did?

Is there anyone?

There will be times that you are sick...will those who you comforted be there to comfort you?

Is there anyone there?

There will be times that you hunger and thirst...will those who you fed and sacrificed for return your favor?

Is there anyone?

As you think about what you do and who you do it to...remember that your actions are investments...

They will come back to you...many times in measures unimagined!

What goes around...comes around...


It has been an interesting week...

I can truly say that I achieved a significant and meaningful success each and every day...

Can you say the same?

Did you stop and take time to appreciate that success?

Did that success motivate you to loftier goals and personal performance?

They should...

You can do all of the hoping and dreaming in the world...

Over time the dreams will fade to a point that they match reality...

and then you can claim success...and be happy...right?

Not me!  I choose to keep my dreams vivid and strive to make them real before they fade...

Dreams, goals and aspirations change...they all ultimately fade...

They are precious gifts...treat them that way...

Nurture if they have a fatal disease...they do...

But it is our purpose in life to tend to them and give them a life!

We have the ability to give them life...or provide the mortal wound...

Which do you choose?


Small thoughts today...with potentially huge consequences...

Have a great weekend...

Pura Vida!


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