Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Glimpse of Black & White in a Grey World

Good Morning!

The "First Quarter" is ending and I know that you are reveling in your contributions!

Contribution takes on three forms that are important for us to recognize...

Individual (self-directed)
Relational (other directed)
Professional (organization directed)

The dynamics of our lives causes simultaneous waxings and wanings in each...

Something strange that I realized is that this is one of the very few binary aspect of our lives...

What I mean by that you are either contributing to one or you are draining from someone...

You are a limited resource...success in at the cost of another...

It is a black and white situation...

Think about what that is a bit confusing for some...but I know you'll grasp the concept immediately!

Although we keep score on a continuum, and claim "I contributed "X" amount to the cause..." you either did what you were capable of doing or you fell short of what you are really capable...

You were either a contributor or you were a parasite...(that is pretty strong...and I apologize)...

This should cause us to sit and reflect on our performance...but not to the extent that we sit and create justifications for our poor performance as an individual or a leader...

Excuses...are only used by fools and losers!  I can not recall a winner ever using an excuse for winning!

We should take note and push ourselves to higher levels...

And learn to make the correct decisions...
This whole thought is about "Doing your best" with what you have to offer...

...In the right areas...
It is an unalienable is more than is an obligation!  AND you should be demanding the right to do your best...

Ask yourself...what have I contributed to the betterment of my family...or myself or my career...

Was it the best that I could do (note that I didn't say...under the circumstances)

You either contributed...or you were a parasite...Don't allow that leave your mind!

It is our charge as fact as give more in return than we receive...

If you do will be recognized and you will have to pay the cost related to your drain...

It all comes back to haunt you!

There are no free assured that you will pay the price...SOMETIME...

It is that Black and White!

In a grey world...people seek sure is human nature, to do so...but the problem is...when we find those sure things...we are terrified by them...Why?...Because there is no way out!  Isn't it strange that the thing that we seek...we fear the most?  We are a strange sort!

As a result and a natural reaction...we create try to dull the edge of reality...

It may temporarily hide the sharpness of reality...but reality is reality and it will come back...

Black and White are colors that can not be washed hard as we try...

Even in their definitional context...White is all colors or and Black is no colors...It is ALL OR NOTHING...

Take count...on a daily basis and ask...

Have I contributed something of substance to my organization...or have I wasted another opportunity...?  What did I drain...that I am going to have to pay for in the future...and what will the future value (cost to me) be?

Did I do the most with what I have...or did I squander it...was I complacent...?

Take count of your actions...on a daily basis and...

...Milestones, like a quarter end...or end of a semester...will not be terrifying!

It is our obligation to make a difference in this world...not excuses!

Enough Said!

I was given a wonderful opportunity on Wednesday, by a very close friend...I was invited to sit in the VIP area and listen to an address given by the Dalai Lama.  It would have sufficed to sit in the same room...but I was just feet away!  Only one row separated me, from the stage!  It was a VERY interesting experience.  I will also write of this in my "In Search of the 21st Century Philosopher"

What I found interesting was how similar his and my philosophies are...when asked if he was a philosopher (he holds a PhD in that discipline) he replied "no...he can not differentiate philosophy from his spiritual beliefs"...yet his "philosophical/spiritual" position was sound and very much follows what you have been reading across my various blogs...I have to ponder the differences between philosophy and spiritualism much more deeply than I have in the past...I have never separated them...but I think much more "western" than he does...He believes that the spiritual and philosophical systems are independent...I believe that they are exactly the same...

I do not proport to be a Buddist...but his views and tenents closely follow what I believe are necessery to be a global citizen...PHILOSOPHICALLY

1 - A global awareness and guidence from your moral and ethical being towards that end...I was delighted to hear him talk about the fact that everything in existence has one goal..."to survive..."  Humans...are called to a special purpose...we are the sentient creatures...and therefore it is our responsibility to look out for everything!

2 - DO doesn't matter if you are successful...TRY!  If you fail and do not make a are no better off than if you didn't try...  It sounds like my...the greatest mistake that you can make is not starting!

3 - SEEK AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS...I do not have to say much on this...only that it comes from within...and NEVER from the outside...

4 - We are obligated to learn...the wonderful thing about the US is that we have the freedom to choose what we want to learn...We DO NOT have the choice as to whether to learn or not...that is a delusion...

5 - The critical aspect that we need to be concerned with is not global warming...but oxygen...

During the course of his talk...our eyes met and fixed on eachother' seemed as if he was talking to me...I felt honored!

I could go on for quite a while...but I have to say...we connected!  Philosophically...

We'll always have a religious difference...but it did not matter...

What his belief system has created within himself and what mine has created, within me...and the subsequent actions that both of us seek to do...are nearly the same!  He actually said something that I have said many times over...Our Gods have the same address!

His piece of advice...there is only one true discipline and that is the one that springs from within...and external control is wrong...Seek self control...that is the greatest gift to doesn't matter what label you give it...DO IT!

At the end of the discussion...he walked to the edge of the stage...directly in front of me...brought his hands together and bowed...I did the same...I knew it was a gesture to the entire audience...

But I had to see if he was looking at I unfolded my hands and held up just my left my forehead...

He turned ever so slightly...smiled his Dalai Lama smile and put his left hand on his forehead!

I was touched by him both figuratively and literally!

Enough Said!

My experience with the Dalai Lama gave rise to some personal introspection...

Many of the people that I admire are of "eastern philosophy"

Ghandi...being near the top of my list...

I am defintely NOT an adherent of strict eastern philosophies...but do appreciate many of the characteristics that they promoted.

...The unity of nature and human-kind...
...The sanctity of the human spirit...
...The simplistic life...

I could go on for a long time!

We have much to learn by transcending cultures...and not just from an "appreciating cultural diversity" perspective...but from an embracing and assimulating the valuable differences...stance...

We too often reject beauty and wisdom...because of a label...

This guy is a Hindu...or a Buddist...what in heavens name could they have to offer to me?

A NEW PERSPECTIVE...a new set of eyes...

Do not live in the fears that many do...

It is those fears that keep the world separated...and at odds!

When we stand next to our troubles...they are large...

...when we get out of our narrow, self-directed world and look at things from a Global perspective...our worries get VERY small!

Step back...sieze the moment from a higher level...

It is a beatutiful world!

That too is Black and White...

It is one of the few instances when distance puts things into perspective and makes them clearer!

Enough said....for this weekend!

Have a great one!

Make a difference in the life of a child this week...even if it is a smile...for someone you do not know!

It will be meaningful!

Pura Vida!


  1. Other than that the Eastern religions worship the devil I have for a long time looked at them as you do. A different perspective. I see the same thing with PTM/CWR teachings in regard to Christianity.
    Back in the 70s I was given a paperback I believe it was titled Siddhārtha Gautama or something like that. As I remember it the story line was how Buddha obtained enlighten. For the most part I thought it was a bunch of crap, but there were ideas and philosophical concepts that I viewed as sound and in line with Christian beliefs.
    I view all religions as having sprung from the one source, the creator God. Christianity is the only true stream of living water all others have been diverted to irrigate fields of weeds. The concepts we agree with in religions and philosophies other than Christian are like the blooms in these fields of weeds, very soothing and beautiful but still part of the weed.
    You may not remember or have not known that your Grandfather studied eastern religion, so for you to be drawn to these is most likely genetic. He was and we are searchers for truth.
    Can you imagine how wonderful Christianity would be if the Pat Robertsons of the world would live by the teachings of the word and the philosophy of the Dalai Lama.

  2. I like your comment! I did not know that of Grandpa! It showed in his life though! I am proud to have those genes!

    Too many people live a superficial life...digging deep is scary...but it is so valuable! I realized not to long ago that I can not live in the shallow waters...

    We have found our truth and are obligated to live my grandfather and your grandfather who also was scary deep! I think that we were destined by both sides of your family! Have you seen the letter that he wrote challenging Billy Graham and Oral Roberts? It is a classic...and so much him!

  3. For crying out loud, really struck a nerve! As we've discussed, your insight does inspire, and it often does come down to those fundamental, universal rules. I particularly agree with your stating, "It is those fears that keep the world separated...and at odds!

    When we stand next to our troubles...they are large...

    ...when we get out of our narrow, self-directed world and look at things from a Global perspective...our worries get VERY small!

    Step back...sieze the moment from a higher level...".

    So, stand back my friend...your again primed the pump of "doing" and I intend to tattoo your words on my cerebellum and frequent them whenever life weighs heavy. After all, there are no absolutes, but always a little heat in the cold, light in the dark and beats in my heart to throttle the mind and let loose the passion in productive ways.
